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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 11 april 2017
              Loyal Island Guest Honored at Manchebo Beach Resort

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  Virginia and her family are
            the Aruba Tourism Author-    regular  guests  at  Man-
            ity had the great pleasure  chebo  Beach  Resort  and
            of  honoring  a  very  loyal  they love Aruba very much
            island  guest  as  a  Distin-  because  of  the  friendly
            guished Visitor at Manche-   people,  the  climate,  the
            bo Beach Resort.             beaches,  the  restaurants,
             The symbolic honorary title  and the relaxation.
            is  presented  in  the  name   They say being on Aruba
            of  the  Minister  of  Tourism  and staying at Manchebo
            as a token of appreciation  Beach  Resort  is  like  being
            to  guests  who  visit  Aruba  at their ‘home-away-from-
            for  10-to-19  consecutive  home.’
            years.                         The  certificate  was  pre-
            The  honoree  was  Ms.  Vir-  sented  by  Ms.  Marouska
            ginia  Wolfram  from  Penn-  Heyliger  representing  the
            sylvania,  celebrating  her  Aruba    Tourism   Author-
            10th  consecutive  annual  ity  at  Manchebo  Beach
            visit to Aruba!              Resort.q
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