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A26    u.s. news
                     Diabierna 25 Juni 2021

                         CDC extends eviction moratorium a month, says it's last time

                                                                      released  an  open  letter  to  This week, dozens of mem-
                                                                      state courts around the coun-  bers  of  Congress  wrote  to  There are at least six promi-
                                                                      try encouraging them to pur-  President  Joe  Biden  and  nent lawsuits challenging the
                                                                      sue a number of alternatives  Walensky,  calling  for  the  authority of the CDC ban. So
                                                                      that would protect both ten-  moratorium  to  be  not  only  far,  three  judges  have  sided
                                                                      ants and landlords.          extended  but  also  strength-  with the ban and three have
                                                                                                   ened in some ways.           ruled  against,  with  all  cases
                                                                      Gupta’s  letter  states  that                             currently  going  through  ap-
                                                                      “eviction filings are expected  The  letter,  spearheaded  by  peals.  One  judge  in  Mem-
                                                                      to  overwhelm  courts  across  Democratic  Reps.  Ayanna  phis declared the CDC order
                                                                      the  country,”  unless  addi-  Pressley  of  Massachusetts,  unenforceable  in  the  entire
                                                                      tional steps are taken.      Jimmy  Gomez  of  California  Western  District  of  Tennes-
                                                                                                   and  Cori  Bush  of  Missouri,  see,  and  the  U.S.  District
                                                                      The  White  House  had  ac-  called for an unspecified ex-  Court  in  Washington  struck
                                                                      knowledged  Wednesday  that  tension  to  allow  the  emer-  down  the  moratorium  in
                                                                      the  emergency  pandemic  gency  rental  assistance  in-  May.
                                                                      protection,  which  had  been  cluded in the American Res-
                                                                      extended before, would have  cue Plan to get into the hands  The  judge  in  the  District
                                                                      to  end  at  some  point.  The  of tenants.               Court in Washington agreed
                                                                      trick is devising the right sort                          to stay the case after the Jus-
                                                                      of off-ramp to make the tran-  Ending  the  assistance  too  tice  Department  filed  an
                                                                      sition  without  major  social  abruptly,  they  said,  would  emergency appeal. The land-
            (AP)  —  The  Biden  ad-     demic. She couldn’t get fed-  upheaval.                   disproportionately hurt some  lords  in  the  case  have  filed
            ministration  on  Thurs-     eral  rental  assistance  to  pay                         of  the  minority  communi-  a  request  to  vacate  the  stay
            day  extended  the  nation-  upwards  of  $14,000  in  back  Gupta’s letter to state courts  ties that were hit so hard by  with the Supreme Court.
            wide ban on evictions for  rent because her landlord re-  encourages  them  to  do  ev-  the  virus,  which  has  killed
            a  month  to  help  millions  fused to take it.           erything  possible  to  prevent  more  than  600,000  people  Others welcomed the mora-
            of tenants unable to make                                 or delay evictions.          in  the  United  States.  They  torium extension but said the
            rent payments during the  “Ah, great. I’m just asking for                              also  echoed  many  housing  Biden  administration  needs
            coronavirus     pandemic,  a  little  bit  more  time.  I  just  “Losing one’s home can have  advocates  by  calling  for  the  to  think  about  more  long-
            but  said  this  is  the  last  need the time to move out of  catastrophic  economic  and  moratorium’s  protections  to  term  solutions,  including
            time it plans to do so.      here in a dignified way,” said  psychological  effects,”  she  be made automatic, requiring  expanding  the  federal  gov-
                                         Livingston, who said her big-  states. “The entire legal com-  no special steps from the ten-  ernment’s  housing  voucher
            Dr. Rochelle Walensky, direc-  gest fear was that she would  munity,  including  the  De-  ant to gain its protections.  program  for  low-income
            tor of the Centers for Disease  be evicted without notice be-  partment  of  Justice,  the  bar,                    tenants. Even before the pan-
            Control and Prevention, ex-  fore finding a new job.      and the judiciary, has an obli-  “The  impact  of  the  federal  demic, there were 24 million
            tended the evictions morato-                              gation to do what it can to en-  moratorium  cannot  be  un-  people who would have ben-
            rium from June 30 until July  “It’s  been  a  devastating  ex-  sure that each and every in-  derstated,  and  the  need  to  efited from the program but
            31. The CDC said “this is in-  perience,”  she  said.  “I  have  dividual has meaningful and  strengthen  and  extend  it  is  couldn’t get help — many of
            tended to be the final exten-  never  been  in  this  situation.  equal access to justice before  an  urgent  matter  of  health,  those people of color.
            sion of the moratorium.”     It’s  killing  me  because  I’m  facing such consequences.”  racial, and economic justice,”
                                         afraid  anytime  somebody  is                             the letter said.             “For now. extending the evic-
            A Biden administration offi-  going to come and get me out  That includes giving tenants                            tion moratorium will protect
            cial said the last month would  of here. I don’t have a place  as much time as possible, and  Diane  Yentel,  president  of  the millions of people behind
            be used for an “all hands on  to go.”                     making sure both tenants and  the  National  Low  Income  on  rent,  but  many  of  these
            deck” multiagency campaign                                landlords  are  aware  of  any  Housing Coalition, called an  renters faced a similar dead-
            to  prevent  a  wave  of  evic-  Ronald  Leonard,  a  68-year-  emergency  relief  funds  that  extension of the eviction ban  line  only  months  ago  and
            tions. One of the reasons the  old  retired  heavy  equip-  may be available.          “the right thing to do — mor-  they  will  face  this  deadline
            moratorium was put in place  ment operator from Daytona                                ally,  fiscally,  politically,  and  again  next  month,”  Alicia
            was to prevent further spread  Beach,  was  facing  eviction  She references steps made by  as a continued public health  Mazzara,  a  senior  research
            of COVID-19 by people put  from his one-bedroom apart-    state courts in Texas, Michi-  measure.”                  analyst  with  the  Center  on
            out  on  the  streets  and  into  ment.  His  landlord  also  is  gan and Pennsylvania and di-                      Budget and Policy Priorities,
            shelters.                    refusing to take federal assis-  rects state courts to an online  But landlords, who have op-  told reporters. “They need a
                                         tance to cover $5,000 in back  assessment  tool  designed  by  posed  the  moratorium  and  long-term  solution,  not  an-
            By the end of March, 6.4 mil-  rent.                      the National Center for State  challenged  it  in  court,  were  other Band-Aid. Policy mak-
            lion  American  households                                Courts  to  help  jurisdictions  against  any  extension.  They  ers should seize this moment
            were  behind  on  their  rent,  “I don’t have to worry about  determine  the  most  appro-  have argued the focus should  to enact a more enduring so-
            according  to  the  Depart-  July no more. I feel a lot bet-  priate model.            be on speeding up the distri-  lution.”
            ment of Housing and Urban  ter,”  said  Leonard,  who  still                           bution of rental assistance.
            Development.  As  of  June  7,  fears being forced to live on
            roughly 3.2 million people in  the streets once the moratori-
            the U.S. said they faced evic-  um expires. ”It’s heartbreak-
            tion in the next two months,  ing. It’s not going to be good
            according to the U.S. Census  all. I’m not healthy anymore.
            Bureau’s  Household  Pulse  There is no way I’m going to
            Survey.                      live on the street.”

            The news brought a sense of  The  extension  announce-
            relief to tenants on the verge  ment  Thursday  was  accom-
            of  being  evicted  and  whose  panied by a flurry of admin-
            only  lifeline  was  the  CDC  istration  activity.  The  Trea-
            moratorium.                  sury Department issued new
                                         guidance  encouraging  states
            Among  them  was  Cristina  and  local  governments  to
            Livingston,  a  55-year-old  streamline distribution of the
            mother  of  two  from  Bay  nearly $47 billion in available
            Harbor Islands, Florida, who  emergency  rental  assistance
            lost her job as an administra-  funding.  And  Associate  At-
            tive assistant during the pan-  torney General Vanita Gupta
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