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world news Diabierna 25 Juni 2021
Over 600 bodies found at Indigenous school in Canada
(AP) — Leaders of Indig- we tell our story that we’re Moe said the entire province
enous groups in Canada not trying to make numbers mourns the discovery of the
said Thursday investiga- sound bigger than they are,” unmarked graves.
tors have found more than Delorme said. “I like to say
600 unmarked graves at over 600, just to be assured.” Florence Sparvier, 80, said
the site of a former resi- she attended the Marieval In-
dential school for Indig- He said the search continues dian Residential School.
enous children — a dis- and the radar hits will be as-
covery that follows last sessed by a technical team “The nuns were very mean
month’s report of 215 and the numbers will be veri- to us,” she said. “We had
bodies found at another fied in coming weeks. to learn how to be Roman
school. Catholic. We couldn’t say our
Delorme said that the graves own little blessings.”
The bodies were discovered were marked at one time,
at the Marieval Indian Resi- but that the Roman Catho- Nuns at the school were
dential School, which operat- lic Church that operated “condemning about our
ed from 1899 to 1997 where the school had removed the people” and the pain inflicted Pope Francis expressed his Nations in Saskatchewan. He
the Cowessess First Nation is markers. continues generations later, pain over the discovery and said he expects more graves
now located, about 85 miles Sparvier said. pressed religious and political will be found on residential
(135 kilometers) east of Re- On Twitter, Canadian Prime authorities to shed light on school grounds across Can-
gina, the capital of Saskatch- Minister Justin Trudeau said “We learned how to not like “this sad affair.” But he didn’t ada.
ewan. he was “terribly saddened” to who we were,” she said. offer the apology sought by
learn of the latest discovery. “That has gone on and it’s First Nations and by the Ca- “We will not stop until we
A search with ground-pene- still going on.″ nadian government. find all the bodies,” he said.
trating radar resulted in 751 “My heart breaks for the From the 19th century until
’’hits,″ indicating that at least Cowessess First Nation fol- Last month the remains of “An apology is one stage in the 1970s, more than 150,000
600 bodies were buried in lowing the discovery of In- 215 children, some as young the way of a healing journey,” Indigenous children were
the area, said Chief Cadmus digenous children buried at as 3 years old, were found Delorme said. forced to attend state-funded
Delorme of the Cowessess. the former Marieval Resi- buried on the site of what was Christian schools, the major-
The radar operators have dential School,” he said, add- once Canada’s largest Indig- “This was a crime against ity of them run by Roman
said their results could have a ing that ’’we will tell the truth enous residential school near humanity, an assault on First Catholic missionary congre-
margin of error of 10%. about these injustices.” Kamloops, British Columbia. Nations,” said Chief Bobby gations, in a campaign to as-
Cameron of the Federation similate them into Canadian
“We want to make sure when Saskatchewan Premier Scott Following that discovery, of Sovereign Indigenous First society.
Russia border countries in Europe cool on Putin talks plan
(AP) — Countries border- trading bloc and the NATO Conflict simmers in eastern lems with Russia on a case- Moscow. Kremlin spokes-
ing Russia expressed deep military alliance are strug- Ukraine with Russia-backed by-case basis, by continually man Dmitry Peskov said Pu-
concern Thursday about gling to bring Russia to the separatists. imposing sanctions or other tin supports the idea to re-
a Franco-German plan to table. U.S. President Joe measures. store “the mechanism of di-
resume official meetings Biden’s meeting with Putin “Right now, if it pans out rect contacts between Brus-
with Russian President this month was a rare excep- the way it’s proposed, Rus- “We cannot continue without sels and Moscow.”
Vladimir Putin, likening tion. sia annexes Crimea, Russia dialogue. We have to talk, in-
the move to an attempt to wages war in Donbass, and cluding about our disagree- “Putin has spoken about it
talk a bear out of trying to “We have to deal with Russia, Europe shrugs its shoulders ments. It’s the only way to many times,” Peskov said.
steal honey. but being very cautious about and continues to try to speak resolve them,” Macron said. “Both Brussels and Moscow
the real intentions of Putin’s a dialogue. The Kremlin does “It’s a dialogue that’s neces- really need this dialogue.”
The European Union is regime,” Lithuanian Presi- not understand this kind of sary for the stability of the
deeply divided in its ap- dent Gitanas Nauseda told politics,” said Latvian Prime European continent, but de- Ukraine, in contrast, was not
proach to Moscow. Russia is reporters at an EU summit Minister Krisjanis Karins. manding because we will not so keen about the EU out-
the EU’s biggest natural gas in Brussels, where the issue give up our interests and val- reach.
supplier, and plays a key role will be discussed. “So far, we “The Kremlin understands ues.”
in a series of international don’t see any radical change power politics. The Krem- “Initiatives to resume EU
conflicts and issues linked to in the pattern of behavior of lin does not understand In Berlin, German Chancel- summits with Russia without
Europe’s strategic interests, Russia.” free concessions as a sign of lor Angela Merkel told law- seeing any progress from the
including the Iran nuclear strength,” Karins said. makers that “the events of Russian side will be a dan-
deal, and conflicts in Syria “If, without any positive recent months — not just gerous deviation from EU
and Libya. changes in the behavior of His Estonian counterpart, in Germany — have clearly sanctions policy,” Ukraine
Russia, we start to engage, Kaja Kallas, said she’s keen shown that it’s not enough if Foreign Minister Dmytro
European heavyweight Ger- it will send very uncertain to hear what France and Ger- we react to the multitude of Kuleba said in Brussels.
many has strong economic and bad signals, for example many think has improved to Russian provocations in an
interests there, notably the to eastern partnership coun- permit such a change of pol- uncoordinated way.” Dutch Prime Minister Mark
NordStream 2 undersea tries,” Nauseda said. “It icy. “We should be very clear. Rutte said he had no trouble
pipeline project, and a num- seems to me like we try to What is our goal in relation- “Instead, we have to create with top EU officials meeting
ber of countries, includ- engage a bear to keep a pot of ship with Russia, and what mechanisms to respond in a with Putin, but that “I will
ing France, are reluctant to honey safe.” has changed, why this is on common and unified way to not participate in a meeting
continue waging a sanctions the table now?” provocations” to what she with Vladimir Putin myself.”
battle with Russia, including The other two Baltic states, described as “hybrid attacks
over the poisoning of opposi- Estonia and Latvia, are also “What our intelligence tells by Russia.” That includes Asked why, he said: “MH17,”
tion leader Alexei Navalny. deeply concerned about us is that sanctions work and outreach to countries such — a reference to Malaysia
reaching out to Russia when the European Union has to as Ukraine, Belarus and the Airlines Flight 17, which
The EU is concerned that the Minsk agreements meant be more patient,” she added. western Balkans, but also en- was shot down over eastern
Putin is turning increasingly to bring peace to Ukraine, gaging Russia and Putin di- Ukraine by pro-Russia sepa-
authoritarian and wants to whose Crimean Peninsula But French President Em- rectly. ratists nearly seven years ago,
distance himself from the Russia annexed in 2014, are manuel Macron said Europe killing 298 people, many of
West. Both the 27-nation still not being respected. cannot simply tackle its prob- The plan was welcomed in them Dutch.