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A30    world news
                     Diabierna 25 Juni 2021

                                             64 dead in Ethiopian airstrike on Tigray

                                         available.”                  ing at regional hospitals with  Togoga  that  left  children,  ing  party  a  terrorist  group,
                                                                      shrapnel  and  blunt  trauma  including  a  1-year-old  baby.  concerns  have  been  wide-
                                         Most  of  the  patients  taken  wounds  two  days  after  the  screaming in pain.      spread among Tigrayans, aid
                                         to regional hospitals weren’t  airstrike, said a doctor in the                         workers and others that any-
                                         critical, he said: “The critical  regional capital, Mekele. The  A  “reprehensible  act,”  the  one seen as linked to Tigray
                                         patients  were  already  dead.”  International   Committee  U.S.  State  Department  said.  fighters,  including  civilians,
                                         Like others, he spoke on con-  of  the  Red  Cross  called  the  “Denying  victims  urgently  could be targeted.
                                         dition of anonymity for fear  transport of seriously injured  needed  medical  care  is  hei-
                                         of retaliation.              to  Mekele  “a  matter  of  life  nous  and  absolutely  unac-  Tigrayans  were  appalled  by
                                                                      and death.”                  ceptable. We urge the Ethio-  Ethiopia’s  assertion  that  the
                                         A  military  spokesman,  Col.                             pian  authorities  to  ensure  airstrike  was  aimed  only  at
                                         Getnet  Adane,  told  journal-  Even  on  Thursday,  United  full and unhindered medical  combatants.
                                         ists  that  fighters  supporting  Nations  spokesman  Stepha-  access to the victims immedi-
                                         the  Tigray  region’s  former  ne  Dujarric  told  reporters  ately. We also call for an ur-  “It’s  an  insult  to  the  peo-
                                         leaders had assembled to cel-  that the U.N. still hasn’t been  gent and independent inves-  ple  and  adding  salt  to  the
            (AP)  —  Ethiopia’s  mili-   ebrate  Martyrs’  Day  when  able to reach the scene. “Be-  tigation.“                 wounds,  you  know?”  said
            tary  on  Thursday  said  the airstrike occurred.         tween  the  fighting  and  dif-                           Hailu  Kebede,  a  former
            it  was  responsible  for  a                              ferent groups on the ground  The  U.S.  also  called  for  an  Togoga  resident  and  official
            deadly airstrike on a busy  “The Ethiopian air force uses  we need clearance to go and  immediate  cease-fire  in  Ti-  with  the  Salsay  Woyane  Ti-
            marketplace  in  the  coun-  the  latest  technology,  so  it  we’ve  just  not  been  able  to  gray, where thousands of ci-  gray opposition party. He de-
            try’s Tigray region. Health  conducted  a  precision  strike  get it,” he said.        vilians  have  been  killed  and  scribed how his brother, who
            workers  said  the  attack  that was successful,” he said.                             350,000 people are now fac-  has a shop in the market, ran
            killed  at  least  64  people,                            The  airstrike,  one  of  the  ing one of the world’s worst  for  his  life  while  his  nearby
            including  children,  but  But the doctor who reached  worst  massacres  of  the  war,  famines in years.           home was destroyed.
            the  military  insisted  only  the  scene  said  “most  of  the  came amid some of the fierc-
            combatants were targeted.    patients  we  found  were  est  fighting  in  Tigray  since  “At  least  33,000  children  in  “We know the area. I grew up
                                         mothers,  children  and  el-  the  conflict  began  in  No-  inaccessible  parts  of  Tigray  there.  There  were  no  com-
            A  doctor  who  managed  to  derly fathers. There were few  vember  as  Ethiopian  forces,  are  severely  malnourished  batants,”  Hailu  said.  “The
            reach  the  market  in  Togoga  young men.”               supported  by  neighboring  and  face  imminent  death  destroyed homes are those of
            village  after  Ethiopian  sol-                           Eritrea,  pursue  Tigray’s  for-  without  immediate  help,”  my friends and my family.”
            diers  blocked  medical  teams  The airstrike wounded more  mer leaders.               the latest U.N. humanitarian
            from responding to Tuesday’s  than 100 people, half of them                            update said Thursday.        One of his friends lost a child
            attack described a “horrible”  seriously,  a  regional  health  The   Ethiopian   military                          in the airstrike while another
            scene of badly wounded peo-  official  said.  Health  workers  spokesman  denied  Tigray  Ethiopia claims that aid is be-  child had her hand amputat-
            ple lying on the ground, cry-  said Ethiopian forces blocked  fighters’  claims  of  gains  in  ing delivered to most of Ti-  ed, he said.
            ing in pain with no medical  medical teams from respond-  recent days, saying Ethiopian  gray’s  6  million  people,  but
            care.                        ing and shot at a Red Cross  forces had been deployed to  aid  workers  have  said  they  The real death toll from the
                                         ambulance  trying  to  reach  other locations for Monday’s  have been repeatedly denied  airstrike could be even higher
            “It  was  very  traumatizing,”  the scene.                national election.           access to several parts of the  because  some  people  likely
            he told The Associated Press.                                                          region by soldiers.          took the dead home to their
            “I think most of the patients,  Bodies were still being pulled  The  United  States  and  the                       nearby  villages  and  buried
            they  died  because  we  were  from  the  rubble  and  dozens  European  Union  have  con-  With  Ethiopia  recently  de-  them without telling regional
            late there, because care wasn’t  of  survivors  were  still  arriv-  demned  the  airstrike  in  claring  Tigray’s  former  rul-  officials, Hailu said.

                             Gibraltar votes on whether to ease its strict abortion law

            (AP)  —  Gibraltar  was  is a “substantial risk that the  Party  and  the  Liberal  Party,  used.                   health care system.
            holding  a  referendum  fetus is suffering from a fatal  have joined with the Together                              “Women have the right to …
            Thursday  on  whether  to  fetal abnormality.”            Gibraltar party in urging vot-  “We  are  aware  that  some  of  privacy and they also have the
            introduce  exceptions  to                                 ers  to  back  the  change.  The  the  laws  regarding  abortion  right to not be subject to in-
            the British territory’s ban  Gibraltar is a speck of British  leader of the main opposition  has  to  change,  like  life  in  humane and degrading treat-
            on abortion.                 land on Spain’s southern tip.  Social  Democrats  is  against  prison  and  things  like  that,  ment when they are forced to
                                         Many  locals  live  and  work  the proposed alterations.  but this law it’s too wide and  continue a pregnancy against
            Abortion is illegal in Gibral-  across  the  border.  In  Spain,                       too extreme,” said voter Katy  their will,” said Nicole Vanda,
            tar, unless it is needed to save  abortion is allowed upon re-  The  question  on  voting  Hall.                    who  supports  the  “Gibraltar
            the mother’s life. Abortion is  quest up to the 14th week of  cards at 15 polling stations is,                      for Yes” movement.
            legally classified as “child de-  pregnancy.              “Should the Crimes (Amend-   Campaigners  for  the  “Gi-
            struction”  and  is  punishable                           ment) Act 2019, that defines  braltar  for  Yes”  group  say  The  referendum  was  post-
            by  up  to  life  in  prison.  It  is  Gibraltar Chief Minister Fa-  the  circumstances  which  women should have the right  poned  from  March  last  year
            one of Europe’s most restric-  bian Picardo, who heads the  would allow abortion in Gi-  to  decide  about  terminating  due  to  the  COVID-19  pan-
            tive laws on pregnancy termi-  government,  said  it  was  an  braltar, come into force?”  their pregnancy in the public  demic.
            nation.                      “important  ...  seminal  refer-
                                         endum  on  women’s  repro-   Results  were  expected  after
            Gibraltar’s  just  over  23,000  ductive rights.”         midnight.
            registered  voters  are  being
            asked  whether  they  agree  “I very much look forward to  About  80%  of  Gibraltarians
            with a 2019 decision by par-  this day being a day that goes  are Catholic, and the Bishop
            liament to allow exemptions  down in history, whatever the  of  Gibraltar  has  spoken  out
            on  health  grounds  to  the  result,”  Picardo,  who  heads  against  the  proposed  chang-
            abortion law.                the  Socialist  Labour  Party,  es.  The  Gibraltar  Pro-Life
                                         told reporters.              Movement  has  run  a  “Save
            If enacted, the changes would                             Babies,  Vote  No”  campaign.
            allow  pregnancies  to  be  ter-  Most  political  parties  have  It argues that in practice the
            minated up to the 12th week  united  behind  a  ‘yes’  vote.  legal  change  amounts  to  in-
            if doctors deem the pregnant  The leaders of the two parties  troducing  abortion  on  de-
            woman’s  physical  or  mental  in  Gibraltar’s  governing  co-  mand,  because  the  mental
            health to be at risk or if there  alition,  the  Socialist  Labour  health  proviso  can  be  mis-
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