Page 2 - aruba-today-20231220
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             Wednesday 20 december 2023

            Pentagon announces new international mission to counter attacks

            on commercial vessels in Red Sea

            Continued from Front                                                                                                The  new  maritime  security
                                                                                                                                mission will be coordinated
            “Therefore  today  I  am  an-                                                                                       by the already existing Com-
            nouncing the establishment of                                                                                       bined Task Force 153, which
            Operation Prosperity Guard-                                                                                         was set up in April 2022 to
            ian, an important new multi-                                                                                        improve maritime security in
            national security initiative.”                                                                                      the Red Sea, Bab el-Mandeb
            There  are  about  400  com-                                                                                        and the Gulf of Aden.
            mercial vessels transiting the                                                                                      While the task force has prima-
            southern Red Sea, an area                                                                                           rily provided a headquarters
            roughly the size of Washing-                                                                                        structure to date, the goal of
            ton  D.C.  to  Boston,  at  any                                                                                     the new mission is to provide
            given time, a senior military                                                                                       ships and other assets to carry
            official  told  reporters  who                                                                                      out the protection. There have
            are  traveling  with  Austin  in                                                                                    been 39 member nations in
            the region.                                                                                                         CTF  153,  but  officials  were
            Under the new mission, the                                                                                          working to determine which
            military ships will not neces-                                                                                      of them would participate in
            sarily escort a specific ves-                                                                                       this latest effort.
            sel, but will be positioned to                                                                                      Separately, the United States
            provide umbrella protection                                                                                         has also called on the United
            to as many as possible at a                                                                                         Nations Security Council to
            given time, the official said on   U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin makes a joint statement with Israel Minister of Defense Yoav   take action against the at-
            the condition of anonymity   Gallant, after their meeting about Israel's military operation in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Monday,   tacks.
                                         Dec. 18, 2023.
            to provide additional details                                                                      Associated Press   In a letter to council mem-
            not made public on how the                                                                                          bers  obtained  Monday  by
            new operation will work.     adding, “Whoever seeks to  militants  have  attacked  or  intelligence  support  in  the  The  Associated  Press,  U.S.
            Mohammed  Abdel-Salam,  expand  the  conflict  must  seized commercial ships 12  southern  Red  Sea  and  the  Ambassador Linda Thomas-
            the Houthis’ chief negotiator  bear the consequences of  times and still hold 25 mem-  Gulf of Aden.                Greenfield said Houthi attacks
            and spokesman, challenged  his actions.”                  bers of the MV Galaxy Leader  One notably absent partici-  targeting commercial vessels
            the U.S.-created coalition on  On Tuesday the shipping com-  hostage in Yemen, Austin said  pant is China, which has war-  legally transiting the interna-
            Tuesday, saying the Iranian-  pany Maersk announced that  in remarks Tuesday in a min-  ships in the region, but those  tional waterways continue to
            backed rebels would continue  for now, it had decided to re-  isterial meeting on the new  ships have not responded to  threaten “navigational rights
            targeting Israel-linked vessels  route its ships that have been  maritime mission. The U.S. is  previous calls for assistance  and freedoms, international
            off Yemen.                   paused for days outside the  still actively seeking member  by commercial vessels, even  maritime security, and inter-
            “The American-formed coali-  strait and Red Sea, and send  countries to join the mission,  though some of the ships at-  national commerce.”
            tion is to protect Israel and  them around Africa through  and increase the number of  tacked have had ties to Hong  The  15  council  members
            militarize the sea without any  the Cape of Good Hope in-  navies present and partici-  Kong, the military official said.  discussed the Houthi threat
            justification, and will not stop  stead — a much longer and  pating.                   Several other countries have  behind closed doors Monday
            Yemen from continuing its le-  less efficient passage. Maersk  The United Kingdom, Bahrain,  also agreed to be involved  but took no immediate action.
            gitimate operations in support  said it welcomed the interna-  Canada, France, Italy, Neth-  in the operation but prefer  Two U.S. warships — the USS
            of Gaza,” he wrote on social  tional security effort, but at  erlands, Norway, Seychelles  not to be publicly named, a  Carney and the USS Mason,
            media platform X, formerly  the present time, the much  and Spain have joined the  defense official said on the  Navy destroyers — are cur-
            known as Twitter.            longer route would provide  new maritime security mission,  condition  of  anonymity  to  rently moving through the Bab
            He said the Houthis’ attacks  “more predictable outcomes”  Austin  said.  Some  of  those  discuss additional details of  el-Mandeb Strait to help deter
            “are not a show of force nor  for its customers.          countries will conduct joint  the new mission that have not  and respond to attacks from
            a  challenge  to  anyone,”  In the last four weeks, Houthi  patrols while others provide  been publicly announced.  the Houthis.q
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