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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 20 december 2023

            Biden administration moves to protect old-growth forests as

            climate change brings fires, pests

            By MATTHEW BROWN             Old-growth forests, such as   such as the 2001 “roadless
            Associated Press             the  storied  giant  sequoia   rule” adopted under former
            BILLINGS,  Mont.  (AP)  —  stands  of  northern  Califor-  President Bill Clinton that ef-
            The  Biden  administration  nia, have layer upon layer    fectively  blocked  logging
            moved on Tuesday to con-     of  undisturbed  trees  and   on about one quarter of all
            serve groves of old-growth  vegetation.  There’s  wide    federal forests.
            trees  on  national  forests  consensus  on  the  impor-  Chris  Wood,  president  of
            across  the  U.S.  and  limit  tance  of  preserving  them   Trout  Unlimited  and  a  for-
            logging as climate change  —  both  symbolically  as      mer  Forest  Service  policy
            amplifies  the  threats  they  marvels  of  nature,  and   chief  who  worked  on  the
            face  from  wildfires,  insects  more  practically  because   roadless rule, said the Biden
            and disease.                 their  trunks  and  branches   administration   proposal
            Agriculture  Secretary  Tom  store large amounts of car-  was a “step in the right di-
            Vilsack  said  the  agency  bon  that  can  be  released   rection”  to  protect  the  re-
            was adopting an “ecolog-     when  forests  burn,  adding   maining old growth.        Old-growth Douglas fir trees stand along the Salmon River Trail,
            ically-driven”  approach  to  to climate change.          “This is the first time the For-  June 25, 2004, in Mt. Hood National Forest outside Zigzag, Ore.
            older  forests  —  an  arena  Underlining the urgency of   est Service has said its na-                                         Associated Press
            where  timber  industry  in-  the  issue  are  wildfires  that   tional policy will be to pro-  protect older forests, which  by  thinning  stands  of  trees
            terests   have   historically  killed  thousands  of  giant   tect old growth,” he said.  the Democrat launched in  where  decades  of  wildfire
            predominated. That will in-  sequoias  in  recent  years.   Timber   companies   and  2021 on Earth Day. They’ve  suppression allowed under-
            clude  the  first  nationwide  The  towering  giants  are   some  members  of  Con-    urged  the  administration  growth  to  flourish,  which
            amendment  to  U.S.  For-    concentrated  in  about  70   gress  have  been  skeptical  to instead concentrate on  can be a recipe for disaster
            est  Service  management  groves scattered along the      about Biden’s ambitions to  lessening  wildfire  dangers  when fires ignite.q
            plans in the agency’s 118-   western  side  of  the  Sierra
            year history, he said.       Nevada range.
            The  proposal  follows  long-  Many  old-growth  forests
            standing calls from environ-  fell during the second half
            mentalists to preserve older  of  the  20th  century  during
            forests  that  offer  crucial  aggressive  logging  on  na-
            wildlife  habitat  and  other  tional  forests.  Others  were
            environmental     benefits.  cut  earlier  as  the  U.S.  de-
            Timber  companies  have  veloped.
            fought  against  logging  re-  Logging  volumes  dropped
            strictions  on  government-  sharply  over  the  past  sev-
            owned lands.                 eral  decades,  but  the  de-
            President  Joseph  Biden’s  mise  of  older  trees  due  to
            administration    appears  fire, insects and disease ac-
            to  be  aiming  for  a  middle  celerated. More than 5,100
            ground:  It  would  sharply  square miles (13,300 square
            limit  commercial  timber  kilometers)  of  old-growth
            harvests  in  old-growth  for-  and mature forests burned
            ests while allowing logging  since 2000.
            to  continue  in  “mature  About  350  square  miles
            forests”  that  have  not  yet  (900  square  kilometers)  of
            reached old-growth stage.    older  forests  were  logged
            “This  creates  a  commit-   on  federal  lands  during
            ment to resiliency, a com-   that  time,  according  to  a
            mitment  to  restore  and  recent  government  analy-
            protect  the  existing  old  sis.
            growth that we have from  There’s  no  simple  formula
            the  threats  that  we  see,”  to  determine  what’s  old.
            Vilsack said in an interview.  Growth rates among differ-
            Timber industry representa-  ent tree types vary greatly
            tives said Tuesday’s propos-  — and even within species,
            al would give its opponents  depending on their access
            new  leverage  to  file  legal  to water and sunlight, and
            challenges against logging  soil  conditions.  Groves  of
            projects that are intended  aspen  can  mature  within
            to  reduce  wildfire  risks  for  a  half-century.  Douglas  fir
            communities  near  forests.  stands can take 100 years.
            But  environmental  groups  Wildfire   frequency   also
            called  for  logging  restric-  factors  in:  Ponderosa  pine
            tions to be extended even  forests  are  adapted  to
            further and include mature  withstand  blazes  as  often
            forests,  which  cover  more  as  once  a  decade,  com-
            than  100,000  square  miles  pared  to  lodgepole  pine
            (275,000  square  miles)  of  stands that might burn ev-
            forest  service  land,  about  ery few hundred years.
            three times the area of old  Past  protections  for  older
            growth.                      trees have come indirectly,
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