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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 2 OctOber 2021

                                 Biden at Capitol as Democrats scale back $3.5T plan

            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                   Press-NORC Center.
            Biden  traveled  to  Capi-   Holdout  Democratic  Sen.
            tol  Hill  Friday  to  meet  Joe Manchin of West Virginia  The  president  and  his  party
            with  lawmakers  on  their  had  sunk  hopes  for  a  swift  are  facing  a  potentially  em-
            home  ground  as  Demo-      compromise,  despite  hours  barrassing  setback  —  and
            crats  strained  to  rescue  a  of  shuttle  diplomacy  late  perhaps  a  politically  devas-
            scaled-back version of his  Thursday with White House  tating  collapse  of  the  whole
            $3.5  trillion  government  aides  on  Capitol  Hill,  when  enterprise  —  if  they  cannot
            overhaul and salvage a re-   he  refused  to  budge  on  his  resolve the standoff.
            lated public works bill af-  demands for a smaller over-
            ter days of frantic negotia-  all package, around $1.5 tril-  Biden’s  bigger  proposal  is  a
            tions resulted in no deal.   lion.  That’s  too  meager  for  years-in-the-making  collec-
                                         progressive  lawmakers  who  tion of Democratic priorities,
            Biden  was  greeted  by  party  are  refusing  to  vote  on  the  a sweeping rewrite of the na-
            leaders  and  headed  straight  public  works  measure  with-  tion’s tax and spending poli-
            into  a  private  meeting  with  out a commitment to Biden’s  cies  that  would  essentially
            House     Democrats.   The  broader  framework  on  the  raise  taxes  on  corporations
            White  House  said  he  also  bigger bill.                and the wealthy and plow that  crats  watched  the  promised  new  deadline  to  act  on  the
            would be visiting other cities                            money back into government  vote slip on the first piece of  stalled  $1  trillion  infrastruc-
            next  week  to  make  his  case  Talks swirled over a compro-  health  care,  education  and  Biden’s  proposal,  the  slim-  ture bill.
            that  his  historic  measures  mise in the $2 trillion range.  other programs, touching the  mer $1 trillion public works
            would  help  the  American  But with Manchin dug in, a  lives of countless Americans.  bill,   a   roads-and-bridges  The White House and Dem-
            people.                      quick  deal  seemed  increas-                             package,   as   progressives  ocratic  leaders  are  intently
                                         ingly  out  of  reach  for  the  Biden says the ultimate price  flexed their leverage.  focused  on  Manchin  and  to
            “We’ve made some progress,”  present.  Still,  Biden’s  visit  tag  is  zero,  because  the  tax                    some  extent  Sen.  Kyrsten
            said press secretary Jen Psaki.  was welcomed by Democrats  revenue  would  cover  the  During  a  private  caucus  Sinema of Arizona, two cen-
            “Compromise  requires  ev-   who have complained about  spending  costs  —  higher  meeting earlier Friday, Pelosi  trist  Democrats  who  helped
            erybody giving a little. That’s  not hearing enough from the  rates  on  businesses  earn-  asked  lawmakers  to  stand  if  steer the public works bill to
            the stage we’re in.”         president  about  a  path  for-  ing  more  than  $5  million  a  they  supported  the  infra-  Senate passage but have con-
                                         ward.                        year, and individuals earning  structure  package,  and  most  cerns that Biden’s overall bill
            However, action had ground                                more than $400,000 a year, or  did,  according  to  those  in  is too big. The two senators
            to a halt in Congress despite  “It’s  his  time  to  stand  up,”  $450,000 for couples.  the room. But Pelosi has few  have  infuriated  colleagues
            Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s insis-  said  Rep.  Dean  Phillips  of                          votes  to  spare  and  appeared  with  their  close-to-the  vest
            tence there would be a “vote  Minnesota.                  “We  understand  that  we’re  inclined not to risk failure.  negotiations  that  could  tank
            today” on a $1 trillion infra-                            going  to  have  to  get  every-                          Biden’s  effort  —  and  their
            structure  bill  that  is  popu-  Because  of  the  ongoing  ne-  body  on  board  in  order  to  Instead, the House and Sen-  own campaign promises.
            lar  but  has  become  snared  gotiations,  Biden  opted  to  be  able  to  close  this  deal,”  ate were poised to swiftly ap-
            in  the  debate  over  Biden’s  remain  in  Washington  on  said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-  prove  a  30-day  extension  of  “I’m willing to sit down and
            broader  measure.  Voting  on  Friday  instead  of  traveling  Wash., the leader of the Con-  surface  transportation  pro-  work on the $1.5,” Manchin
            Friday  appeared  increasingly  to his Delaware home as he  gressional  Progressive  Cau-  grams that are expiring with  told  reporters  Thursday,  as
            unlikely, throwing the presi-  often does on weekends. His  cus. “We’re waiting for that.”  the  fiscal  yearend,  halting  protesters  seeking  a  bigger
            dent’s  big  domestic  agenda  public  approval  rating  has                           furloughing  of  more  than  package  and  Biden’s  priori-
            into  doubt  as  negotiations  dropped, according to a new  Frustrated  and  with  their  3,500  federal  transportation  ties chanted behind him out-
            dragged.                     poll  from  The  Associated  trust  frayed,  centrist  Demo-  workers.  That  also  creates  a  side the Capitol.

                       Hochul could face rising Democrats in New York governor race

            (AP) — After being vault-    right next year.             cohort of fellow Democrats is  crats  could  set  up  the  2022  ing all of you as the attorney
            ed into office two months                                 making moves to potentially  race  with  a  historically  di-  general.”
            ago, New York Gov. Kathy  But as she works to sculpt her  challenge her in the primary.  verse field of top contenders,
            Hochul  is  preparing  to  reputation in the wake of An-                               including  Attorney  General  At a dinner Thursday night,
            run for the job in her own  drew Cuomo’s resignation, a  At least half a dozen Demo-   Letitia James, the state’s first  James told another group of
                                                                                                   Black attorney general.      Democrats, “Stay tuned.”

                                                                                                   James, who oversaw the sex-  “I love serving as the attorney
                                                                                                   ual  harassment  investigation  general  of  the  great  state  of
                                                                                                   that prompted Cuomo’s res-   New York,” she said, accord-
                                                                                                   ignation, has not said wheth-  ing to a recording of her re-
                                                                                                   er she’ll run, but she sounded  marks obtained by the New
                                                                                                   like a candidate Wednesday as  York Post. “But the question,
                                                                                                   she  addressed  an  influential  again,  is:  Can  I  make  more
                                                                                                   civic group in New York City.  change?”

                                                                                                   In  a  campaign-style  speech,  New  York  City  Public  Ad-
                                                                                                   she  rebuked  Cuomo,  called  vocate  Jumaane  Williams
                                                                                                   for  reforms  to  a  state  ethics  announced  this  week  he’s
                                                                                                   commission and issued a call  formed  a  committee  to  ex-
                                                                                                   to begin a new era in govern-  plore a run for governor, an
                                                                                                   ment  and  “to  make  history,  office he could become only
                                                                                                   to  break  ground,  to  shatter  the  second  Black  man  to
                                                                                                   society’s  self-imposed  glass  hold.
                                                                                                                                And  New  York  City  Mayor
                                                                                                   She dodged a question about  Bill  de  Blasio,  who  is  term
                                                                                                   whether she’s running: “I am  limited, hinted this week that
                                                                                                   focusing  on  my  work,  put-  he  is  also  considering  a  gu-
                                                                                                   ting my head down and serv-  bernatorial campaign.
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