Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20211002
P. 30

A30    world news
                  Diasabra 2 OctOber 2021

                       Migrants on new route to Europe get trapped between borders

                                                                                                            “The fact that these are Lukashenko’s political ac-
                                                                                                            tions directed against Poland and directed against
                                                                                                            the European Union is obvious to us,” said Mari-
                                                                                                            anna Wartecka with the refugee rights group Fun-
                                                                                                            dacja Ocalenie. “But this does not justify the ac-
                                                                                                            tions of the Polish state.”

                                                                                                            Archbishop Wojciech Polak, the head of Poland’s
                                                                                                            Roman Catholic Church, also weighed in, giving
                                                                                                            his support to medics seeking access to the border
                                                                                                            to help. “We should not allow our brethren to suf-
                                                                                                            fer and die on our borders,” he said.

                                                                                                            Lukashenko  denies  that  his  forces  are  pushing
                                                                                                            people into Poland, but his state media have seized
                                                                                                            on Poland’s response to depict the EU as a place
                                                                                                            where human rights are not respected.
                                                                                                            After  traveling  from  Syria  to  Lebanon,  al-Moal-
                                                                                                            lem, who was an English teacher in Syria, flew to
                                                                                                            Minsk, and from there took a taxi with her sisters
                                                                                                            and  a  brother-in-law  to  the  border.  Belarusian
                                                                                                            forces then guided the group to a spot to cross into

                                                                                                            Crying as she told her story in English, Al-Moal-
                                                                                                            lem said that Belarusian forces told them: “It’s a
                                                                                                            really easy way to get to Poland. It’s a swamp. Just
                                                                                                            go through the swamp and up the hill, and you will
            (AP)  —  After  enduring  a  decade  of  war  in  keep migrants away.                           be in Poland.”
            Syria, Boshra al-Moallem and her two sisters
            seized their chance to flee. Her brother, who  The far less protected path into the EU through  “And when we were trying to get up the hill, Polish
            escaped  years  earlier  to  Belgium,  had  saved  the forests and swamps of Eastern Europe emerged  border guards pushed us back. Families, women,
            enough  money  for  their  trip,  and  word  was  as a route only after the EU imposed sanctions on  men, children. The children were screaming and
            spreading online that a new migration route  the regime of the authoritarian Belarusian Presi-  crying,” she recalled. “I was asking Polish border
            into Europe had opened through Belarus.         dent  Alexander  Lukashenko,  following  a  flawed  guards, ‘Please just a drop of water. I’m so thirsty.
                                                            election and a harsh crackdown on protesters.   I’ve been here without a drop of water.’”
            But the journey proved terrifying and nearly dead-
            ly.  Al-Moallem  became  trapped  at  the  border  of  Suddenly  people  from  Iraq,  Syria  and  elsewhere  But all they would do is snap back: “Go to Belarus.
            Belarus  and  Poland  for  20  days  and  was  pushed  were  flying  to  Minsk,  the  capital  of  Belarus,  on  We are not responsible for you.”
            back and forth between armed guards from each  tourist visas and then traveling by car — many ap-
            side in an area of swamps. She endured cold nights,  parently aided by smugglers — to the border.  That  happened  repeatedly,  with  the  Belarusian
            mosquitoes, hunger and terrible thirst. Only after                                              forces  taking  them  back,  sometimes  giving  them
            she collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration did  The three EU countries that border Belarus — Po-  nothing more than some bread, and then returning
            Polish guards finally take her to a hospital.   land, Lithuanian and Latvia — accuse Lukashenko  them the next night.
                                                            of acting to destabilize their societies.
            “I didn’t expect this to happen to us. They told us                                             During her ordeal, she took videos of the desper-
            it’s really easy to go to Europe, to find your life, to  If that is indeed the aim, it is working. Poland de-  ate migrants with her phone and posted some to
            run (from) war,” the 48-year-old said as she recov-  nied entry to thousands of migrants and refused to  Facebook. Her videos and her account to the AP
            ered this week in a refugee center in eastern Po-  let them apply for asylum, violating international  provide rare eyewitness evidence of the crisis at the
            land. “I didn’t imagine I would live another war  human  rights  conventions.  The  country  has  had  border.
            between the borders.”                           its behavior criticized by human rights groups at
                                                            home and abroad.                                Such scenes unfold largely out of public view be-
            Al-Moallem  is  one  of  thousands  of  people  who                                             cause Poland, following Lithuania and Latvia, de-
            traveled to Belarus in recent weeks and were then  Stanislaw  Zaryn,  a  spokesman  for  Poland’s  spe-  clared a state of emergency along the border, which
            pushed  across  the  border  by  Belarusian  guards.  cial services, told The Associated Press that Polish  prevents  journalists  and  human  rights  workers
            The European Union has condemned the Belaru-    forces always provide help to migrants if their lives  from going there.
            sian actions as a form of “hybrid war” against the  are endangered. In other cases, while it might pain
            bloc.                                           them not to help, Zaryn insisted that Poland must  The Polish government’s measures, which also in-
                                                            hold its ground and defend its border because it is  volve bolstering border defenses with soldiers, are
            Originally from Homs, Al-Moallem was displaced  being targeted in a high-stakes standoff with Belar-  popular with many Poles. The conservative ruling
            to Damascus by the war. She said Belarusian offi-  us, which is backed by Russian President Vladimir  party, which won power in 2015 on a strong anti-
            cials tricked her into believing the journey into the  Putin.                                   migrant platform, has seen its popularity strength-
            EU would be easy and then used her as a “weapon”                                                en in opinion polls amid the new crisis.
            in a political fight against Poland. But she also says  “Poland is of the opinion that only by thoroughly
            the  Polish  border  guards  were  excessively  harsh,  securing  our  border  with  Belarus  are  we  able  to  Despite  Poland’s  efforts,  there  are  reports  that
            denying her water and using dogs to frighten her  stop this migration route, which is a route artifi-  some asylum-seekers have managed to cross into
            and other migrants as the guards pushed them back  cially created by Lukashenko with Putin’s support.  the EU undetected and headed farther west, often
            across to Belarus, over and over again.         It was artificially created in order to take revenge  to reunite with relatives in Germany.
                                                            on the entire European Union,” Zaryn said.
            For years, people fleeing war in the Middle East                                                Al-Moallem says she and her relatives plan to leave
            have made dangerous journeys across the Mediter-  With  six  migrants  found  dead  along  the  border  the center where they are staying now and travel
            ranean and Aegean seas, seeking safety in Western  so far and small children returned to Belarus this  across the EU’s open borders to their brother in
            Europe. But after the arrival of more than a mil-  week,  human  rights  workers  are  appalled.  They  Belgium. They plan to seek asylum there. All she
            lion people in 2015, European Union nations put  insist Poland must respect its obligations under in-  wants, she said, is for her family to be reunited after
            up concrete and razor-wire walls, installed drone  ternational law to allow the migrants to apply for  years of trauma and “to feel safe.”
            surveillance and cut deals with Turkey and Libya to  asylum, and not push them back across the border.
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