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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 2 OctOber 2021

                            Pacquiao files bid for presidency as Philippine race heats

            (AP)  —  Newly  retired  ister. The area was declared a  and their camps fought over
            boxing  star  Manny  Pac-    no-fly and no-fishing zone.  control  of  the  ruling  party
            quiao  filed  his  certificate                            and  Duterte  threatened  to
            of candidacy for the Phil-   Aspirants  can  bring  only  up  campaign against Pacquiao if
            ippine  presidency  Friday  to  three  companions,  who  the boxing legend could not
            as registration opened for  were  required  to  undergo  prove  his  remarks  that  cor-
            candidates seeking to lead  COVID-19 swab tests, when  ruption has worsened under
            a  Southeast  Asian  nation  registering  their  candida-  the current administration.
            that has been hit hard by  cies  to  prevent  past  chaotic
            the  pandemic  and  deep  scenes of candidates showing  “Those  who  take  advantage
            political conflicts.         up  with  movie  stars,  musi-  of  the  nation,  stealing,  rob-
                                         cal bands and rowdy mobs of  bing the Filipino nation, your
            Elections  officials  placed  followers.                  happy  days  of  taking  advan-
            heavy restrictions to prevent                             tage  in  the  government  are
            the Oct. 1-8 registration pe-  “We really went to great ex-  already  numbered  because
            riod  from  drawing  huge  tent  to  make  sure  that  the  if  the  Lord  places  me  there,
            crowds  of  political  support-  filing would be sober,” Com-  I  promise  not  only  to  the
            ers and becoming hotbeds for  mission on Elections spokes-  Filipino people, but also my
            coronavirus infections. Aside  man James Jimenez said.    promise to God, that they all
            from the presidency and vice                              will  be  put  in  prison,”  Pac-
            presidency, more than 18,000  Still,  hundreds  of  fans  and  quiao told reporters after reg-
            national,  local  and  congres-  supporters in face masks and  istering his candidacy.
            sional posts will be contested  holding  Pacquiao’s  portrait
            in  the  elections  on  May  9,  and  small  Philippine  flags  The  42-year-old  senator  an-  preme  Court  since  a  suc-  with his handling of the coro-
            2022.                        lined  the  street  leading  to  nounced his retirement from  cessful  vice-presidential  run  navirus pandemic, which led
                                         the heavily secured elections  boxing Wednesday after win-  would  put  him  within  one  to one of the worst economic
            Considered an Asian bastion  registration center by Manila  ning  fans  with  his  rags-to-  step of the office again.  recessions  and  widespread
            of democracy, the Philippines  Bay to cheer his convoy.   riches  life  story  and  legend-                         unemployment  and  hunger,
            has  also  seen  electoral  may-                          ary career.                  Western governments led by  are expected to be key issues
            hem  and  violence.  In  2009,  Many expect the race to suc-                           the  United  States  and  hu-  in the elections.
            gunmen  deployed  by  the  ceed  controversial  Presi-    Duterte, 76, has accepted the  man  rights  activists  have
            family of Maguindanao prov-  dent  Rodrigo  Duterte  to  be  ruling party’s nomination for  long  raised  the  alarm  over  Activists have long compared
            ince’s  then-governor  mas-  crowded and politically hos-  him to run as vice president  Duterte’s   police-enforced  Duterte  to  the  late  dicta-
            sacred  58  people,  including  tile. Pacquiao, former nation-  in  a  move  that  whipped  up  crackdown  against  illegal  tor  Ferdinand  Marcos,  who
            journalists, in an attack on an  al  police  chief  Panfilo  Lac-  a  constitutional  debate  and  drugs that has left more than  was  ousted  in  a  1986  army-
            election convoy that shocked  son  and  Manila  Mayor  Isko  shocked opponents who have  6,000 mostly petty drug sus-  backed  “people  power”  re-
            the world.                   Moreno  have  declared  they  long  condemned  him  as  a  pects dead since he took of-  volt that became a harbinger
                                         will seek the presidency and  human rights calamity.      fice  in  mid-2016.  The  kill-  of change in authoritarian re-
            About  3,000  police  officers,  others are expected.                                  ings are being investigated by  gimes worldwide. A son and
            including some patrolling in                              Philippine  presidents  are  the  International  Criminal  namesake of Marcos, former
            armored  police  vans,  were  Pacquiao  and  Duterte  were  constitutionally  limited  to  a  Court.                senator  Ferdinand  “Bong-
            deployed around the seaside  staunch allies until they had  single,  six-year  term,  and  a                        bong” Marcos Jr., is expected
            convention  complex  in  Ma-  a  well-publicized  falling  out  constitutional expert has said  Although  Duterte  remains  to contest the presidency and
            nila  where  presidential  can-  this  year  as  the  elections  he would question Duterte’s  popular  based  on  opinion  has received good support in
            didates were expected to reg-  season  loomed.  The  two  candidacy  before  the  Su-  polls, the drug killings, along  independent opinion polls.

                           Australia to lift 18-month COVID-19 travel ban next month

            (AP)  —  Australia  has  outlined                                       “We’ll be working towards complete  citizens and permanent residents al-
            plans  to  lift  a  pandemic  ban  on  Hundreds of thousands have failed to  quarantine-free  travel  for  certain  lowed  to  return  each  week  has  left
            its  vaccinated  citizens  traveling  reach  relatives’  death  beads,  missed  countries,  such  as  New  Zealand,  45,000 people stranded overseas. It’s
            overseas from November. But no  funerals or weddings and have yet to  when it is safe to do so,” he said.   aimed at reducing pressure on hotel
            date has yet been set for welcom-   be  introduced  to  grandchildren  be-                                  quarantine,  which  the  more  conta-
            ing international tourists back.    cause of restrictions aimed at keeping  Australia  has  its  closest  relationship  gious  delta  variant  had  made  more
                                                COVID-19 out of Australia.          with  New  Zealand,  whose  citizens  difficult to manage.
            Travel  restrictions  that  have  trapped                               are considered Australian permanent
            most  Australians  and  permanent  New  South  Wales  would  likely  be-  residents.  The  neighbors  allowed  The cap would only apply to the un-
            residents  at  home  over  the  past  18  come the first state to reach the 80%  quarantine-free travel across the Tas-  vaccinated  under  the  new  regime.
            months  would  be  removed  when  vaccination benchmark and Sydney’s  man Sea before the delta variant out-  Fully  vaccinated  Australians  would
            80%  of  the  population  aged  16  and  airport  the  first  to  open  to  interna-  break began in Sydney in June.  be  able  to  quarantine  at  home  and
            older  were  fully  vaccinated,  Prime  tional travel, Morrison said.                                       for only a week instead of the current
            Minister Scott Morrison said on Fri-                                    The  Australian  Tourism  Export  two weeks in a hotel.
            day.                                “We’ve saved lives. We’ve saved live-  Council,  which  represents  a  sector
                                                lihoods, but we must work together  that made 45 billion Australian dol-  Australia  on  Friday  added  China’s
            Australia  introduced  some  of  the  to ensure that Australians can reclaim  lars ($33 billion) a year from interna-  Sinovac and Indian-made AstraZene-
            toughest travel restrictions of any de-  the  lives  that  they  once  had  in  this  tional  tourists  before  the  pandemic,  ca shots known as Covishield to a list
            mocracy in the world on people en-  country,” Morrison said.            said the end of the travel ban paved  of vaccines that Australians can take
            tering  and  leaving  the  island  nation                               the way for visitors from around the  and be recognized as fully vaccinated.
            on March 20 last year.              Sydney-based  Qantas  Airways  an-  world returning by March.
                                                nounced  international  flights  would                                  Travel restrictions would not be lifted
            Most  Australians  have  had  to  argue  resume from Nov. 14 to London and  “It  marks  a  shift  in  thinking  within  for Australians who chose not to be
            for  rare  exemptions  from  the  travel  Los Angeles.                  both  the  government  and  commu-  vaccinated.  People  who  could  not
            ban to leave the country. There are a                                   nity sentiment to reengaging with the  be  vaccinated  for  medical  reasons
            few exceptions from the ban includ-  Morrison  offered  no  clue  to  when  world,” the council’s managing direc-  or children too young to get the jab
            ing  government  employees  and  es-  other nationalities would be welcome  tor Peter Shelley said in a statement.  would  have  the  same  privileges  as
            sential workers. Tourism is never ac-  to visit Australia.                                                  those inoculated.
            cepted as a reason to cross the border.                                 A  cap  on  the  number  of  Australian
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