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a30 people & arts/feature
Monday 20 april 2020
Broadway star Nick Cordero has leg amputation due to virus
By MARK KENNEDY dars-Sinai Medical Center originated the menacing
AP Entertainment Writer in Los Angeles on March 31 role of husband Earl op-
NEW YORK (AP) — Tony and has been on a ventila- posite his estranged wife,
Award-nominated actor tor and unconscious after played by Jessie Mueller,
Nick Cordero has had his contracting COVID-19. in "Waitress" on Broadway,
his right leg amputated af- His wife has been sending as well as the role of Son-
ter suffering complications him daily videos of her and ny in Chazz Palminteri's "A
from the coronavirus, his their 10-month-old son, El- Bronx Tale." On the small
wife says. vis, so he could see them screen, Cordero appeared
Amanda Kloots on Insta- when he woke up, and in several episodes of "Blue
gram wrote late Saturday urging friends and fans to Bloods" and "Law & Order:
that Cordero "made it join a daily sing-a-long. A Special Victims Unit" as well
out of surgery alive and is GoFundMe fundraiser has as "Lilyhammer" and he
headed to his room to rest raised over $200,000. had a role in the film "Go-
and recover." Cordero played a mob sol- ing in Style."
Cordero had been treated dier with a flair for the dra- The virus has sickened other
with blood thinners to help In this April 10, 2014 file photo, actor Nick Cordero attends the matic in 2014 in Broadway's Broadway veterans, includ-
with clotting in his leg, but after party for the opening night of "Bullets Over Broadway" in Woody Allen 1994 film ad- ing the actors Danny Burst-
his doctors had to stop the New York. aptation of "Bullets Over ein, Brian Stokes Mitchell,
Associated Press.
Broadway," for which he Gavin Creel, Aaron Tveit
treatment because it was in the right leg, so the right received a Tony nomina- and Laura Bell Bundy as well
causing internal bleeding. leg will be amputated to- tion for best featured actor as composer David Bryan.
"We took him off blood thin- day," she said earlier Satur- in a musical. He moved to It has also claimed the life
ners but that again was go- day. Cordero entered the Los Angeles to star in "Rock of Tony-winning playwright
ing to cause some clotting intensive care unit at Ce- of Ages." The lanky Cordero Terrence McNally.q
Ventilator from old car parts? Afghan girls pursue prototype
is undaunted. "We are the
new generation," she said
in a phone interview. "We
fight and work for people.
Girl and boy, it does not
matter anymore."
Afghanistan faces the
pandemic nearly empty-
handed. It has only 400
ventilators for a popula-
tion of more than 36.6 mil-
So far, it has reported just
over 900 coronavirus cas-
es, including 30 deaths,
but the actual number
is suspected to be much
higher since test kits are in
short supply.
Herat province in western
Afghanistan is one of the
nation's hot spots because
of its proximity to Iran, the
region's epicenter of the
In this Wednesday, April 8, 2020, photo, a group of young girls are developing two types of outbreak.
inexpensive ventilator devices using Toyota car spare parts to help hospitals care for patients This has spurred Farooqi
infected with the coronavirus in Herat province west of Kabul, Afghanistan. and her team members,
Associated Press. ages 14 to 17, to help
By TAMEEM AKHGAR pandemic. The members conservative Afghanistan. come up with a solution.
Associated Press of Afghanistan's prize-win- Only a generation ago, On a typical morning, Fa-
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — ning girls' robotics team during the rule of the Is- rooqi's father collects the
On most mornings, Soma- say they're on a life-saving lamic fundamentalist Tal- girls from their homes and
ya Farooqi and four other mission — to build a ven- iban in the late 1990s, girls drives them to the team's
teen-age girls pile into her tilator from used car parts weren't allowed to go to office in Herat, zigzagging
dad's car and head to and help their war-stricken school. Farooqi's mother through side streets to skirt
a mechanic's workshop. country battle the virus. was pulled from school in checkpoints.
They use back roads to "If we even save one life third grade. In Herat, residents are only
skirt police checkpoints with our device, we will be After the U.S. invasion of permitted to leave their
set up to enforce a lock- proud," said Farooqi, 17. Afghanistan in 2001, girls homes for urgent needs.
down in their city of Herat, Their pursuit of a low-cost returned to schools, but The robotics team has a
one of Afghanistan's hot breathing machine is par- gaining equal rights re- limited number of special
spots of the coronavirus ticularly remarkable in mains a struggle. Farooqi permits for cars. q