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U.S. NEWS Monday 20 april 2020
Global health crisis pits economic against health concerns
Continued from Front Hogan said on CNN’s “Sta- sed 2.3 million, according until at least May 11 and to where we should be on
te of the Union.” to a tally by Johns Hopkins Prime Minister Edouard Phi- testing,” he said.
“To have an American Shutdowns that began in University of national he- lippe said people could be Trump pushed back in a
president to encourage China in late January and alth reports. The European required to wear masks on tweet before his scheduled
people to violate the law, spread globally have dis- Center for Disease Control public transportation, and Sunday evening briefing at
I can’t remember any time rupted economic, social, said the continent now has suggested no one plan fa- the White House. “I am right
during my time in America cultural and religious life more than 1 million con- raway summer vacations on testing. Governors must
where we have seen such and plunged the world into firmed cases and almost even after that. be able to step up and get
a thing,” Inslee told ABC’s a deep economic slump 100,000 deaths from the Trump is pushing to begin the job done. We will be
“This Week.’’ He said it was unseen since the Great coronavirus. easing the U.S. lockdown with you ALL THE WAY!” he
“dangerous because it can Depression. Tens of millions The actual extent of the in some states even before wrote.
inspire people to ignore of workers have lost their pandemic is likely to be his own May 1 deadline, Economic concerns that
things that actually can jobs and millions more fear significantly higher due a plan that health experts have increasingly collided
save their lives.” they’ll be next. to mild infections that are and governors from both with measures to protect
Trump supporters in several With the arc of infection dif- missed, limited testing, pro- parties say will require a public health are now pop-
states ignored social distan- ferent in every nation and blems counting the dead dramatic increase in tes- ping up throughout the U.S.
cing and stay-at-home or- across U.S. states, proposals and some nations’ desires ting capacity nationwide. Business leaders in Louisia-
ders, gathering to demand have differed for coping to underplay the extent of But Pence insisted in televi- na have slammed New Or-
that governors lift controls with the virus that has killed their outbreaks. sion interviews Sunday that leans Mayor LaToya Can-
on public activity. The lar- more than 163,000. The International Monetary the country has “sufficient trell for imposing restrictions
gest protest drew thou- Restrictions have begun to Fund expects the global testing today” for states to that they say have unfairly
sands to Lansing, Mich., on ease in some places, in- economy to contract 3% begin reopening their eco- shuttered economic acti-
Wednesday, and others cluding Germany, which is this year. That’s a far bigger nomies as part of the initial vity outside the city. A full-
have featured hundreds still enforcing social distan- loss than 2009’s 0.1% after phases of guidelines that page ad in Baton Rouge’s
each in several states. The cing rules but on Monday the global financial crisis. the White House released “The Advocate” newspa-
president has invoked their intended to begin allowing Still, many governments are last week. per on Sunday urged an
rallying cry, calling on se- some small stores, like those resisting pressures to ab- The Trump administration easing of lockdowns, even
veral states with Democra- selling furniture and baby ruptly relax lockdowns. has repeatedly blamed as the New Orleans Times-
tic governors to “LIBERATE.” goods, to reopen. “We must not let down our state leaders for delays, but Picayune featured nearly
Vice President Mike Pence Authorities in Spain, which guard until the last confir- governors from both parties nine pages of obituaries in
sidestepped questions had some of Europe’s stric- med patient is recovered,” have been begging the fe- a city hard-hit by the virus.
Sunday about why Trump test restrictions and a virus South Korea’s President deral government for help States including Texas and
seemed to be encoura- death toll only exceeded Moon Jae-in said Sunday. securing in-demand tes- Indiana have announced
ging efforts to undermine by the U.S. and Italy, said In Britain, which reported ting supplies such as swabs plans to allow some retail
preventive measures his children will be allowed 596 more coronavirus-re- and chemicals known as and other activity to re-
own government has pro- to leave their homes be- lated hospital deaths on reagents. Republican Gov. sume and some restrictions
moted. Inslee nonetheless ginning April 27. Albania Sunday, officials also said Mike DeWine of Ohio made were either lifted or set to
likened Trump’s response planned to let its mining they’re not ready to ease a direct appeal to Wa- be on beaches in Florida
to “schizophrenia.” Larry and oil industries reopen efforts to curb the virus’s shington: “We really need and South Carolina. But in
Hogan, the Republican Monday, along with hund- spread. U.K. minister Mi- help ... to take our capa- New York, where the daily
governor of Maryland, said reds of businesses including chael Gove told the BBC city up,” he said on NBC’s coronavirus death toll hit its
it “just doesn’t make any small retailers, food and that pubs and restaurants “Meet the Press.” lowest point in more than
sense.” fish factories, farmers and “will be among the last” to Gov. Gavin Newsom, D- two weeks on Sunday, of-
“We’re sending completely fishing boats. leave the lockdown, which Calif., said his state can’t ficials warn that New York
conflicting messages out to The death toll in the U.S. is now in place until May 7. begin lifting restrictions City and the rest of the
the governors and to the climbed toward 40,000 with France’s health agency until it is able to test more hard-hit state aren’t rea-
people, as if we should ig- more than 740,000 confir- urged the public to stick to people daily. “Right now, dy to ease shutdowns of
nore federal policy and fe- med infections, while the social distancing measures we’re not even close as a schools, businesses and ga-
deral recommendations,” global case count has pas- that have been extended nation, let alone as a state, therings. q
Amid virus gloom, glimpses of human decency and good works
By SALLY STAPLETON made to benefit others messages on a sidewalk
Associated Press that normally wouldn't thanking healthcare work-
NEW YORK (AP) — The idea make a story, but maybe ers at a New Orleans hos-
formed on a day when all always deserved one. pital for their efforts.
the news headlines were Since March 17, when a Music has been a cen-
dire. The coronavirus was Norwegian mom tried to tral theme. The series has
surging worldwide; Nash- soften the blow of birth- included stories about a
ville had lost lives in a days under quarantine Rio firefighter sharing his
devastating tornado and for her two teens by ask- love of music from a hy-
children had their lives up- ing via social media that draulic ladder 150 feet up
ended as they separated people reach out to them, as he played the trumpet
from beloved classmates there have been 35 stories for cooped-up apartment
to shelter at home. about the ways that ev- dwellers; a virtual rendition
But only bad news is nev- eryday people have tried of "Bolero" from the Na-
er the whole story. Days to make a positive differ- tional Orchestra of France,
later, The Associated Press ence in the lives of others. with each musician play- Firefighter Elielson Silva plays his trumpet from the top of a
ladder for residents cooped up at home, during a lockdown
started its daily series "One The gestures have been ing alone at home; to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de
Good Thing" to reflect grand and small, some Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020.
the unheralded sacrifices as simple as chalk-written Continued on Page 26 Associated Press.