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A26    U.S. NEWS
                      Monday 20 april 2020
            Amid virus gloom, glimpses of human decency and good works

            Continued from Page 25       meals from Brooklyn cater-   ing  supplies  has  been  a  group.  I  feel  like  I  haven't  the  world,  from  Colombia
                                         er  Israel  Frischman  for  Ho-  storyline  as  well,  from  the  slept in decades, but, hon-  and  Nepal,  to  Italy,  Ger-
            the  virtual  Corona  Com-   locaust  survivors  who  are  professional  cyclist  in  Italy   estly,  I've  never  felt  more  many, France, Spain, Brazil,
            munity Choir with members  shut  in.  The  day  after  the  who  has  gone  from  rac-  energized," he said.        Israel, Indonesia and South
            around the world, perform-   story ran, donations poured  ing  against  competitors  to  Heroes  have  emerged  in  Korea  where  Kim  Byung-
            ing on Sundays.              in  and  now  Frischman  has  racing medicine to those in  youth,  from  Nova  Knight,  rok, a shoe cobbler, donat-
            If  music  soothes  the  soul,  financial  backing  for  the  need, to Yale student Liam  a  5-year-old  firecracker  in  ed land to help raise mon-
            food  feeds  it.  There  have  needed  meals.  And  sim-  Elkind's  delivery  service.  A  Alaska  imploring  her  co-  ey for the fight against the
            been  six  stories  that  tell  of  pler fare from the "Solidarity  month  after  reporting  on  horts  to  wash  their  hands  virus. In the month of stories
            benefactors feeding health  Menu"  started  by  Emiliano  Elkind's "Invisible Hands" ef-  and  postpone  playdates,  about the goodness of oth-
            care workers, the poor, the  Moscoso,  who  employed  fort  which he started with  to  16-year-old  TJ  Kim,  who  ers, it's no surprise when we
            elderly  shut  ins,  even  vol-  his  hamburger  chain  of  a  friend,  he  reports  that  can't drive, but can fly. He  doubled back to the previ-
            unteers  feeding  hungry  restaurants  in  Colombia  to  it's ballooned. "We're mak-   uses  those  skills  to  deliver  ous  subjects  of  the  cover-
            animals  at  a  revered  Hin-  feed  poor  neighborhoods  ing  over  1,000  deliveries  a  much-needed   medical  age,  AP  journalists  found
            du  temple  in  Kathmandu,  in Bogota.                    week now, and over 10,000  supplies across rural Virgin-  the obvious: the givers' giv-
            Nepal.    There  have  been  The  delivery  of  lifesav-  volunteers have joined our  ia. The stories have circled  ing has expanded. q

              Sports leagues seek return to play but with no guarantees

              By EDDIE PELLS                                                                                                   held  in  compliance  with
              AP National Writer                                                                                               health  regulations,  then
              With  no  games  being                                                                                           "we will not do anything."
              played,   recent    sports                                                                                       That's also where the NBA
              headlines  have  centered                                                                                        appears  to  be  for  now.
              around hopes and dreams                                                                                          The  league  that  got  in
              —  namely,  the  uncharted                                                                                       front  of  the  coronavirus
              path  leagues  and  teams                                                                                        pandemic  first,  calling  off
              must navigate to return to                                                                                       games  on  March  11,  is  in
              competition in the wake of                                                                                       a holding pattern. Most of
              the pandemic.                                                                                                    the league's conversations
              Virtually  all  leagues  talk                                                                                    center  on  how  to  resume
              publicly about their desire                                                                                      the  season,  not  whether
              to  return  before  summer.                                                                                      to  cancel  it.  In  Australia,
              But  behind  closed  doors,                                                                                      ambitious plans to resume
              they  are  hatching  differ-                                                                                     play  in the National Rugby
              ent  potential  plans:  all  30                                                                                  League by the end of May
              baseball  teams  playing  in                                                                                     got  shot  down  by  Prime
              Arizona;  home  run  con-                                                                                        Minister  Scott  Morrison.
              tests to decide tie games;   In this March 26, 2020, file photo, Daniel Clemens looks into the empty ballpark at Progressive   England's  Premier  League
              the  Stanley  Cup  being    Field in Cleveland.                                                                  also  says  it  wants  to  finish
              hoisted  in  an  empty  are-                                                                   Associated Press.  its season but would do so
              na that neither team calls                                                                                       only  "with  the  full  support
              home; end-of-season soc-    and  uncertain  for  the  rest  this,  then  what?'"  said  Tim  dents to return to school or  of  the  government"  and
              cer   standings   decided  of this year and into 2021.  Hinchey,  the  CEO  of  USA  attend  games,  then  ath-  when  "medical  guidance
              by  vote;  college  football  "It's  not  about  22  players  Swimming, the sport's gov-  letes shouldn't be asked to  allows."   Meanwhile,   in
              games in spring.            walking  onto  a  pitch  and  erning  body  in  the  United  return  either.  Without  the  Scotland,  a  wild  round  of
              Over  the  past  week,  The  throwing  a  ball  out,"  said  States.                 millions of dollars from foot-  voting  has  already  taken
              Associated  Press  spoke  to  FIFA  Vice  President  Victor  Virtually  all  the  big-time  ball,  all  college  sports  are  place  to  decide  whether
              more than two dozen poli-   Montagliani,  whose  con-   team  sports  are  coming  in peril. NASCAR, which has  to  lock  in  standings  for
              cymakers,  coaches  and  cerns about restarting soc-    up  with  scenarios  to  play  been holding virtual races,  leagues  there  and  get
              players  across  the  globe  cer mirror those of all sports  games with no fans in the  has  given  teams  a  tenta-  ready for next season.
              to  get  their  candid  as-  worldwide.                 stands.  The  Washington  tive schedule under which  Major  League  Baseball
              sessments  of  plans  to  re-  The organizers of the Olym-  Post  reported  that  while  the  season  would  resume  in the U.S. is talking about
              turn  from  the  stoppages  pics  were  among  the  last  the NFL is publicly commit-  May 24 without fans.      bringing  all  30  teams  to
              caused  by  the  new  coro-  to  postpone  their  event,  ted to its usual kickoff date  The  NHL  has  drawn  up  Maricopa  County,  Arizo-
              navirus.  The  conclusion:  then among the first to set  in  September,  it  is  looking  plans  that  include  resum-  na, for a regular season at
              While it's critical to put op-  a  new  date    –  exactly  52  into contingencies that in-  ing  the  season  this  sum-  spring training sites.
              timistic  restart  scenarios  in  weeks  after  the  original  clude  shortening  the  sea-  mer,  going  directly  to  the  Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  the  in-
              place, there is no certainty  July  24  cauldron  lighting  son  or  playing  in  front  of  playoffs  and/or  playing  fectious  disease  expert
              any of these plans will work  had been scheduled. The  half-full or empty stadiums.  games in empty arenas in  who  has  been  calling  for
              without  buy-in  from  politi-  decision to reschedule for  College  athletic  directors  neutral-site cities.   restraint  in  resuming  any
              cians and an OK from play-  a  date  15  months  down  have come up with a half-     The  PGA  Tour  announced  normal  activities,  offered
              ers  and  medical  experts.  the road came just before  dozen or more scenarios for  a  mid-June  restart  and  a  glimmer  of  hope  when
              Underpinning  it  all  would  an  unexpected  spike  in  football season, including,  meshed  its  schedule  with  he suggested sports could
              have to be a drastic ramp-  virus cases hit Japan.  The  according  to  Oklahoma's  the already reworked ma-     conceivably  return.  He
              up in testing, a vaccine or  worry  that  followed  un-  Joe  Castiglione,  a  sce-  jors  calendar.  In  a  nod  to  suggested  no  fans  in  are-
              treatment  breakthrough,  derscored the many open  nario  in  which  part  of  the  the precariousness of it all,  nas  and  constant  testing
              or some other solution.     questions about the arc of  season  would  be  played  Andy  Pazder,  the  tour's  for the players, who would
              In  short,  the  return  of  any  the  outbreak.  "I  think  ev-  in spring. One theme gain-  chief  officer  of  tourna-  likely  need  to  be  quaran-
              sports, no matter how inno-  eryone's probably working  ing  wide  acceptance:  If  ments  and  competition,  tined in hotels for weeks or
              vative the plan, will be risky  on  multiple  options.  It's  'If  it's not safe enough for stu-  said  if  events  cannot  be  months.q
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