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A28    u.s. news
                Diahuebs 1 september 2022

                          Florida sues FDA over 'delay' of low-cost drug importations

                                                                      and has been able to success-  Medicare.  The  savings  will  pharmaceutical companies."
                                                                      fully  lobby  against  propos-  only  apply  to  a  handful  of
                                                                      als to import drugs at lower  drugs starting in 2026, but it  "Given  the  near-universal
                                                                      costs.  Critics  have  argued  represents a breakthrough in  support  for  programs  like
                                                                      importing  drugs  could  lead  efforts  to  bring  down  drug  Florida's, it seems the FDA's
                                                                      to risks of counterfeit or in-  prices.  That  and  other  cost-  reluctance  to  approve  Flor-
                                                                      effective  medications  that  saving  measures  in  the  law  ida's  SIP  Proposal  is  a  nod
                                                                      would be difficult for Ameri-  could  reduce  demand  for  to  the  large  pharmaceuti-
                                                                      can governments to regulate.  less  expensive  imports  from  cal  companies  that  oppose
                                                                                                   Canada.                      these  importation  programs
                                                                      Democratic  President  Joe                                because  they  yield  increased
                                                                      Biden  has  backed  such  im-  Florida's   Republican-con-  competition  and  lower  pre-
                                                                      portation programs as a way  trolled  Legislature  approved  scription  drug  prices,"  the
                                                                      to  lower  prices,  signing  an  the  state's  importation  pro-  lawsuit reads.
                                                                      executive order in 2021 that  gram in 2019, but it requires
                                                                      directed  the  FDA  to  work  approval from federal health  The  federal  lawsuit,  filed  in
            TALLAHASSEE,           Fla.  "Florida  has  been  ready  to  with  states  on  developing  officials before it can take ef-  Tampa, asks the court to rule
            (AP) — Florida sued fed-     deliver  cheaper  prescrip-  proposals to ship drugs to the  fect. The state estimates tax-  that the FDA and HHS have
            eral  health  officials  on  tion drugs to those that need  U.S. under federal law.    payers could save up to $150  delayed  Florida's  proposal
            Wednesday,        accusing  them  for  nearly  two  years,"                            million  annually  under  the  and  to  force  the  agencies  to
            them of stalling the state's  DeSantis  said.  "The  lack  of  A  spokesman  from  the  De-  program,  with  supporters  make a determination on the
            plan to import lower-cost  transparency  by  the  Biden  partment of Health and Hu-    saying  the  drugs  would  still  plan.
            prescription  drugs  from  administration  during  the  man  Services  declined  to  need to meet FDA standards
            Canada.                      approval process, and failure  comment, citing pending liti-  and that 80% of drug ingre-  The  drug  industry  lobby,
                                         to  provide  records  on  the  gation.                    dients  used  in  the  U.S.  are  Pharmaceutical Research and
            Republican  Gov.  Ron  De-   importation proposal, is cost-                            foreign-made now.            Manufacturers  of  America,
            Santis announced the lawsuit  ing Floridians who are facing  Under President Joe Biden's                            which had opposed Florida's
            against the U.S. Department  rising prices across the board  landmark  Inflation  Reduc-  In  its  lawsuit,  Florida  wrote  importation  plan  as  unsafe,
            of  Health  and  Human  Ser-  due to inflation."          tion Act signed into law ear-  that  the  FDA  has  asked  for  did  not  immediately  re-
            vices and Food and Drug Ad-                               lier  this  month,  the  federal  several  minor  clarifications  turn an emailed request and
            ministration  at  a  news  con-  The  U.S.  pharmaceutical  government is set to gain the  to the state's proposal and al-  voicemail  seeking  comment
            ference.                     industry  for  years  has  faced  power  to  negotiate  lower  leged the agency is "dragging  Wednesday.
                                         complaints  over  high  prices  drug  prices  for  seniors  in  its  feet  and  protecting  big

                           Obstruction now a major focus in Trump documents probe

            (AP)  —  The  FBI  investigation  back  and  were  assured,  falsely,  that  classified  documents  found  not  in  of national defense information and
            into  top-secret  government  in-   everything  had  been  accounted  for  boxes  but  in  office  desks,  according  other  documents,  it  is  also  looking
            formation  discovered  at  Mar-a-   after a “diligent search.”          to  the  Justice  Department.  In  some  into whether anyone committed ob-
            Lago  is  zeroing  in  on  the  ques-                                   instances,  the  agents  and  attorneys  struction. It is not clear from the fil-
            tion of whether former President  The Justice Department issued a sub-  conducting  the  review  of  seized  ing how much of that inquiry might
            Donald Trump’s team criminally  poena in May for the records, and of-   documents required additional clear-  center on Trump, who has repeatedly
            obstructed the probe. A new doc-    ficials visited Mar-a-Lago on June 3  ances since the material was so highly  insisted  that  his  team  was  coopera-
            ument  alleges  that  government  to collect them. When they got there,  classified.                        tive with the FBI, versus any of his
            records  had  been  concealed  and  Tuesday’s  department  document                                         lawyers  or  representatives  involved
            removed  and  that  law  enforce-   says,  they  were  handed  by  a  Trump  “That the FBI, in a matter of hours,  in making the representations to the
            ment officials were misled about  lawyer  a  “single  Redweld  envelope,  recovered twice as many documents  department.
            what was still there.               double-wrapped  in  tape”  containing  with  classification  markings  as  the
                                                documents.                          ‘diligent search’ that the former pres-  Obstruction matters because it’s one
            The  allegation  does  not  necessarily                                 ident’s counsel and other representa-  of the factors investigators look for in
            mean that Trump or anyone else will  A custodian for the records presented  tives had weeks to perform calls into  weighing  whether  to  bring  charges.
            ultimately face charges. But it could  a  sworn  certification  to  the  officials  serious  question  the  representations  For  instance,  in  his  July  2016  an-
            pose  the  most  direct  legal  threat  to  saying  that  “any  and  all  responsive  made in the June 3 certification and  nouncement that the FBI would not
            Trump and those in his orbit, in part  documents”  to  the  subpoena  had  casts  doubt  on  the  extent  of  coop-  be  recommending  criminal  charges
            because  the  Justice  Department  has  been  located.  A  Trump  lawyer  said  eration in this matter,” the document  against  Hillary  Clinton  in  an  inves-
            historically  regarded  obstruction  as  that all records that had come from  states.                       tigation  involving  handling  of  her
            an aggravating factor that tilts in favor  the  White  House  had  been  held  in                           emails,  FBI  Director  James  Comey
            of bringing criminal charges involv-  one location — a storage room — and  The Justice Department has stated in  cited  the  absence  of  obstruction  as
            ing the mishandling of classified in-  there were none in any private space  court filings that, besides investigat-  one of the reasons.
            formation.                          or other spot at the house.         ing crimes related to the mishandling

            “It goes to the heart of trying to sub-  But the FBI came to doubt the truth
            orn the very integrity of our criminal  of  those  statements  and  obtained  a
            justice system,” said David Laufman,  search warrant to return on Aug. 8.
            who  once  oversaw  the  same  Justice
            Department counterintelligence sec-  Officials  had  “developed  evidence
            tion now responsible for the Mar-a-  that government records were likely
            Lago investigation.                 concealed  and  removed  from  the
                                                Storage Room and that efforts were
            The latest Justice Department motion  likely  taken  to  obstruct  the  govern-
            in the case is focused less on the re-  ment’s investigation,” the new Justice
            moval last year of classified informa-  Department filing says.
            tion from the White House to Mar-a-
            Lago and more on the events of this  In their August search, agents found
            past spring and summer. That’s when  classified documents not only in the
            law enforcement officials tried — un-  storage room but also in the former
            successfully — to get all documents  president’s office — including three
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