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A28    u.s. news
                Diahuebs 23 December 2021

                         Biden and Dems scramble to salvage social, climate package

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  Biden,  “The  legislative  approach,  while  es-  “Senator Manchin and I are going to  video call said. That’s a nod to long-
            along with progressive and mod-     sential,  has  no  certainty  of  timing  get something done,” Biden said.  running efforts to adjust or end the
            erate  Democrats,  appears  deter-  or results,” she said, “and we simply                                   filibuster,  which  typically  requires  a
            mined to return to the negotiat-    cannot wait to deliver tangible relief  The president’s off-the-cuff remarks  60-vote threshold for measures to ad-
            ing table with Sen. Joe Manchin,  to people that they can feel and will  were his first public statement since  vance.
            the  holdout  Democrat  who  ef-    make  a  difference  in  their  lives  and  Manchin’s  announcement  over  the
            fectively  tanked  the  party’s  sig-  livelihoods.”                    weekend that he would not support  While  Manchin  has  said  he  cannot
            nature $2 trillion domestic policy                                      the bill, as is.                    explain  the  bill  to  constituents  in
            initiative.                         At  the  same  time,  White  House  of-                                 West  Virginia,  a  union  representing
                                                ficials  have  spoken  with  Rep.  Su-  Since  then,  Senate  Majority  Leader  coal  miners,  including  some  of  the
            In  the  days  since  the  West  Virginia  zan DelBene, D-Wash., chair of the  Chuck Schumer told Democrats on a  nearly  12,000  from  his  home  state,
            lawmaker gave a thumbs down on the  House’s centrist New Democrat Co-   90-minute video call to expect a vote  urged the lawmaker to “revisit his op-
            package,  delivering  a  stunning  blow  alition, on its plan to scale back the  in January on the package.  position” to the package.
            to months of negotiations on Biden’s  number of provisions but have them
            agenda,  Democrats  of  the  left  and  stay in effect longer. Manchin said he  Schumer told senators the party was  Cecil Roberts, president of the Unit-
            center have joined the White House  supports that approach.             “not giving up” on the proposal, ac-  ed  Mine  Workers  of  America,  out-
            in attempting to salvage the social ser-                                cording to a Democrat who was on  lined  the  ways  the  package  would
            vices and climate change bill.      But  Republicans  are  voicing  greater  the private call Tuesday and provided  benefit  union  members,  such  as
                                                confidence  now  that  they  can  beat  details on condition of anonymity.  those in West Virginia, the most coal-
            “We  have  worked  too  long  and  too  back much of what they don’t like in                                dependent state in the country.
            hard to give up now, and we have no  the package. “As we ended the year, it  But the Democrats face serious ques-
            intention of doing so,” Rep. Pramila  looks to me like they couldn’t swal-  tions over whether the initiative can  Some of those provisions would ex-
            Jayapal,  head  of  the  Congressional  low the spinach,” Sen. Mitch McCo-  be refashioned to win Manchin’s cru-  tend the current fee paid by coal com-
            Progressive  Caucus,  said  in  a  state-  nnell,  the  Senate  Republican  leader,  cial  vote  and  head  off  a  devastating  panies  to  fund  benefits  received  by
            ment Wednesday.                     said Wednesday of the Democrats.    defeat for the party.               victims of coal workers’ pneumoco-
                                                                                                                        niosis, or black lung. The bill would
            Jayapal said she and members of the  Biden spoke Tuesday about the fami-  Manchin  and  his  party  are  so  far  also provide tax incentives to encour-
            caucus  have  been  in  conversations  lies  who  would  benefit  from  the  apart, his relationships so bruised af-  age  manufacturers  to  build  facilities
            with White House officials about the  Democrats’ ambitious, if now highly  ter months of failed talks, it’s unclear  in the coalfields, potentially employ-
            prospects of achieving the plan’s goals  uncertain,  plan  to  pour  billions  of  how they even get back to the negoti-  ing miners who have lost their jobs,
            through  a  combination  of  Biden’s  dollars into child care, health care and  ating table, let alone revive the more  according to the union.
            executive powers and legislation, in-  other services.                  than 2,100-page bill.
            stead of legislation alone.                                                                                 The next steps remain highly uncer-
                                                Youtube video thumbnail             All of that is encouraging to McCon-  tain  for  the  president  and  his  party,
                                                                                    nell.                               with Congress on recess for the holi-
                                                                                                                        day break.
                                                                                    “Now,  I  know  Schumer  said  last
                                                                                    night on a call he’s not giving up,” the  The  White  House  appeared  to  take
                                                                                    Kentucky Republican told the Hugh  interest in Manchin’s and the centrist
                                                                                    Hewitt Show. “I don’t expect him to  coalition’s  preference  for  a  reimag-
                                                                                    do, but the worst of BBB, it appears  ined  bill  that  would  do  far  less  but
                                                                                    to me, is dead.” He used the short-  for longer than the bill passed by the
                                                                                    hand for the Build Back Better plan.  House.
                                                                                    Biden  spoke  forcefully  of  the  eco-  But  it  will  be  extraordinarily  diffi-
                                                                                    nomic  pressures  that  strip  away  the  cult for Democrats to rebuild trust in
                                                                                    “dignity  of  a  parent”  trying  to  pay  their ranks for a fresh round of ne-
                                                                                    the bills, and the assistance millions  gotiations,  having  devoted  much  of
                                                                                    could  receive  from  the  federal  gov-  Biden’s first year in office to what is
                                                                                    ernment with the legislation. He also  now essentially a collapsed effort.
                                                                                    said his package would help ease in-
                                                                                    flationary  pressures  and  pointed  to  The package was among the biggest
                                                                                    analyses  suggesting  it  would  boost  of  its  kind  ever  considered  in  Con-
                                                                                    the economy.                        gress,  unleashing  billions  of  dollars
                                                                                                                        to help American families nationwide
                                                                                    “I  want  to  get  things  done,”  Biden  — nearly all paid for with higher tax-
                                                                                    said. “I still think there’s a possibility  es on corporations and the wealthy.
                                                                                    of getting Build Back Better done.”
                                                                                                                        For families with children, it would
                                                                                    The setback has thrown Biden’s top  provide free pre-school and child care
                                                                                    legislative  effort  into  deep  doubt  at  aid. There are subsidies for health in-
                                                                                    a  critical  time,  closing  out  the  end  surance  premiums,  lower  prescrip-
                                                                                    of  the  president’s  first  year  and  be-  tion drug costs and expanded Med-
                                                                                    fore congressional midterm elections  icaid access in states that do not yet
                                                                                    when  the  Democrats’  slim  hold  on  provide it. The bill would start a new
                                                                                    Congress is at risk.                hearing aid program for seniors. And
                                                                                                                        it has more than $500 billion to curb
                                                                                    Coupled  with  solid  Republican  op-  carbon emissions, a figure considered
                                                                                    position,  Manchin’s  vote  is  vital  on  the largest federal expenditure ever to
                                                                                    this  and  other  initiatives,  including  combat climate change.
                                                                                    the Democrats’ priority voting rights
                                                                                    legislation  that  Schumer  also  said  A  potential  new  deadline  for  Biden
                                                                                    would come to an early vote.        and his party comes with the expira-
                                                                                                                        tion of an expanded child tax credit
                                                                                    Schumer has said that if Republicans  that  has  been  sending  up  to  $300
                                                                                    continued to block voting rights leg-  monthly directly to millions of fami-
                                                                                    islation in January, the Senate would  lies’ bank accounts. If Congress fails
                                                                                    bring forward proposals for changing  to  act,  the  money  won’t  arrive  in
                                                                                    the Senate rules, a Democrat on the  January.a
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