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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 23 December 2021

                              EU takes aim at Poland amid fears for bloc’s legal order

            (AP)  —  The  European  Paolo Gentiloni said that the
            Union     on    Wednesday  rulings “are in breach of the  Earlier  this  year,  the  com-
            launched     legal   action  general  principles  of  auton-  mission sought fines to force
            against  Poland  over  re-   omy,  primacy,  effectiveness  Warsaw  to  improve  the  way
            cent  decisions  by  one  of  and  uniform  application  of  the  Supreme  Court  works
            the  country’s  top  courts  Union  law  and  the  binding  and  suspend  new  laws  said
            which  have  raised  trou-   effect of rulings of the Court  to  endanger  judicial  inde-
            bling questions about the  of  Justice  of  the  European  pendence.  The  ECJ  ordered
            27-nation  bloc’s  legal  or-  Union.”                    Poland to pay $1.2 million a
            der.                                                      day  to  prevent  “serious  and
                                         Gentiloni  said  the  commis-  irreparable harm” to EU legal
            In  October,  Poland’s  con-  sion,  which  proposes  EU  order and values.
            stitutional  court  ruled  that  laws  and  supervises  the  way
            Polish  laws  have  supremacy  they  are  applied,  considers  Polish  Prime  Minister  Ma-
            over those of the EU in areas  that the Polish court “no lon-  teusz  Morawiecki  rejected
            where  they  conflict.  When  ger  meets  the  requirements  the commission’s objections,
            countries join the EU, as Po-  of  an  independent  and  im-  and  notably  that  Brussels  cies,” Mueller said.    a loss of voting rights.
            land  did  in  2004,  they  must  partial tribunal established by  would question the constitu-
            bring their laws into line with  law as required by the (EU)  tional court’s independence.  Sebastian  Kaleta,  a  deputy  John Morijn, a law professor
            the  bloc’s  regulations.  The  treaty.”                                               justice  minister,  went  fur-  at the University of Gronin-
            European  Court  of  Justice                              Morawiecki  said  the  court  ther, branding the move “an  gen in the Netherlands who
            is  supreme  arbiter  of  those  “The  European  Union  is  a  “not  only  fulfils  all  inde-  attack on the Polish constitu-  has  been  closely  following
            rules.                       community of values and of  pendence criteria, but it is a  tion and the country’s sover-  the EU-Poland conflict, wel-
                                         law and the rights of Europe-  Constitutional  Tribunal  that  eignty.”                comed  the  commission  ac-
            In launching its legal action,  ans under the treaties must be  stands guard of the constitu-                       tion.
            the  EU’s  executive  branch,  protected,  no  matter  where  tion  and  ensures  that  it  re-  The first step of the legal ac-
            the  European  Commission,  they  live  in  the  union,”  he  mains the highest law of the  tion involves the commission  He told The Associated Press
            said that it sees two constitu-  told reporters.          Republic of Poland,” accord-  sending  a  “letter  of  formal  that  it  clarifies  that  Poland’s
            tional tribunal decisions this                            ing  to  Polish  news  agency  notice”  requesting  a  reac-  constitutional  court,  which
            year  as  “expressly  challeng-  The  legal  action  is  just  the  PAP.               tion  and  information  from  has become now a “political
            ing the primacy of EU law.”  latest in a series of confron-                            Poland.  Warsaw  is  required  body,”  threatens  some  ba-
            The  commission  also  raised  tations between Brussels and  Government  spokesman  Pi-  to reply in detail within two  sic EU principles. He said it
            doubts  about  the  court’s  le-  the  right-wing  government  otr Mueller told PAP that the  months.               means the tribunal should no
            gitimacy.                    in  Warsaw  over  the  state  of  commission had overstepped                           longer  be  considered  a  real
                                         the country’s justice system,  its authority. “EU bodies can-  Countries that fail to comply  court and that Polish citizens’
            Announcing     the   move,  rule of law standards and me-  not  operate  outside  of  their  with  EU  court  rulings  can  right to a fair trial is “under
            Economy      Commissioner  dia freedoms.                  literally expressed competen-  face hefty fines and possibly  threat.”

                            Landslide in Myanmar mining area leaves dozens missing

            (AP) — A landslide at a re-  said.                        has  broken  out  between  the  miles)  north  of  Myanmar’s  On July 3, 2020, at least 162
            mote jade mine in north-                                  Myanmar  army  and  ethnic  biggest city, Yangon. A cease-  people died in a landslide in
            ern  Myanmar’s  Kachin  Reports were scant from the  guerrilla forces.                 fire  in  the  region  has  been  the  same  area,  while  a  No-
            state  killed  one  person  area  in  Hpakant,  which  is                              disrupted since a Feb. 1 coup  vember  2015  accident  left
            and left at least 70 missing  the center of the world’s big-  Gayunar  Rescue  Team  of-  ousted Aung San Suu Kyi and  113  dead.  In  that  case,  the
            Wednesday  and  a  search  gest  and  most  lucrative  jade  ficial  Nyo  Chaw,  who  was  her elected government.  victims died when a 60-meter
            and  rescue  operation  was  mining  industry.  It’s  a  re-  coordinating  the  effort,  said                      (200-foot) -high mountain of
            underway, rescue officials  gion where sporadic fighting  more  than  70  miners  who  It has some of world’s rich-  earth and waste discarded by
                                                                      were  digging  for  jade  were  est jade deposits, making the  several mines collapsed in the
                                                                      swept into a lake a couple of  industry a hotbed for corrup-  middle  of  the  night,  cover-
                                                                      hours before dawn when the  tion.                         ing more than 70 huts where
                                                                      landslide hit. Earth and waste                            miners were sleeping.
                                                                      from  several  mines  around  The military has said it shut
                                                                      Lonekhin village slid 60 me-  down jade mining in Hpak-   Those  killed  in  such  acci-
                                                                      ters (about 200 feet) down a  ant,  but  some  companies  dents  are  usually  freelance
                                                                      cliff  and  struck  the  miners,  have been operating illegally.  miners who settle near giant
                                                                      he said.                     The  mines  are  also  a  main  mounds  of  discarded  earth
                                                                                                   source  of  revenue  for  the  that  has  been  excavated  by
                                                                      At  least  five  young  women  Kachin ethnic armed group-  heavy  machinery.  The  free-
                                                                      and  three  small  shops  were  Kachin  Independence  Army  lancers who scavenge for bits
                                                                      also  buried  in  Wednesday’s  based in Kachin state.     of jade usually work and live
                                                                      landslide. The body of a jade                             in abandoned mining pits at
                                                                      worker  was  unearthed  from  According to an official of a  the  base  of  the  mounds  of
                                                                      heavy  mud  by  midday,  Nyo  civil society group in Hpak-  earth,  which  become  par-
                                                                      Chaw said.                   ant,  who  asked  not  to  be  ticularly unstable during the
                                                                                                   named  fearing  his  safety,  rainy season.
                                                                      “About  150  rescue  workers  between  20  and  50  mining
                                                                      and  firefighters  are  search-  companies have been operat-  Most scavengers are unregis-
                                                                      ing for the area and we have  ing illegal mines.          tered migrants from other ar-
                                                                      found  the  body  of  a  jade                             eas, making it hard to deter-
                                                                      miner so far and keep finding  Safety  has  long  been  a  con-  mine exactly how many peo-
                                                                      others,” Nyo Chaw told the  cern,  and  the  suspension  of  ple are actually missing after
                                                                      Associated Press.            licensing in recent years has  such  accidents  and  in  many
                                                                                                   sparred  a  rush  of  artisanal  cases leaving the relatives of
                                                                      Hpakant  is  a  mountainous  mining  under  even  worse  the  dead  in  their  home  vil-
                                                                      and  remote  area  in  Kachin  conditions.                lages unaware of their fate.
                                                                      state,  950  kilometers  (600
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