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A30    world news
                Diahuebs 23 December 2021

                          Libya parliament says ‘impossible’ to hold presidential vote

                                                                      whether  another  date  had  join  the  presidential  race,  to  after  the  2011  uprising  and
                                                                      been set for the voting, or if it  return to his job so he could  split  between  rival  govern-
                                                                      had been canceled altogether.  “mobilize efforts” to and help  ments  —  one  in  the  east,
                                                                                                   “re-draw  a  roadmap”  to  re-  backed  by  military  com-
                                                                      The country’s election com-  vive the political process.  mander  Khalifa  Hifter,  and
                                                                      mission, which never named                                another U.N.-supported ad-
                                                                      a final list of candidates as it  The  vote  had  faced  many  ministration in the capital of
                                                                      was  supposed  to,  disbanded  challenges,  including  dis-  Tripoli, in the west. Each side
                                                                      the electoral committees late  putes over the laws governing  is  supported  by  a  variety  of
                                                                      Tuesday,  and  also  handed  the  elections  and  occasional  militias and foreign powers.
                                                                      over  responsibility  for  the  infighting   among   armed
                                                                      vote to parliament.          groups.  Other  obstacles  in-  In  April  2019,  Hifter  and
                                                                                                   clude  a  long-running  rift  his  forces,  backed  by  Egypt
                                                                      The commission on Wednes-    between  the  country’s  east  and  the  United  Arab  Emir-
                                                                      day  proposed  Jan.  24  as  a  and west, and the presence of  ates,  launched  an  offensive
                                                                      new date for the first round  thousands of foreign fighters  to  try  and  capture  Tripoli.
                                                                      of  the  presidential  election  and troops in the North Afri-  His campaign collapsed after
                                                                      and urged parliament to ad-  can country.                 Turkey  stepped  up  its  mili-
                                                                      dress the challenges that led                             tary  support  of  the  Tripoli
                                                                      to failure to hold the vote on  Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty In-  government  with  hundreds
                                                                      Friday.                      ternational’s  deputy  regional  of  troops  and  thousands  of
                                                                                                   director,  said  it  was  “all  but  Syrian mercenaries.
                                                                      Many lawmakers have called  impossible” to hold the vote
                                                                      on  Libyans  to  take  to  the  amid violence and intimida-  Mediated by the United Na-
            (AP)  —  A  Libyan  parlia-                               streets to protest the election  tion  by  armed  groups  and  tions, an October 2020 cease-
            mentary  committee  said  For nearly a year, the planned  delay. Around 100 candidates  militias which “not only en-  fire led to the formation of a
            Wednesday that it has be-    election was the lynchpin of  had put themselves forward,  joy rampant impunity but are  transitional government with
            come “impossible” to hold  international efforts to bring  including several high profile  integrated  into  state  institu-  elections scheduled for Dec.
            the  long-awaited  presi-    peace  to  Libya,  and  many  individuals who were subse-  tions  without  any  vetting  to  24. The fate of that govern-
            dential  election  in  two  have warned that either sce-  quently banned from the race  remove those responsible for  ment is now unclear; the par-
            days as scheduled, a major  nario  —  holding  the  vote  —  including  Seif  al-Islam  crimes  under  international  liamentary  committee  said
            blow  to  international  ef-  on time or postponing  it —  Gadhafi,  the  son  of  Libya’s  law.”                   the  government’s  mandate
            forts  to  end  a  decade  of  could  be  a  destabilizing  set-  late dictator Moammar Gad-                        ends on Friday.
            chaos in the oil-rich coun-  back.                        hafi,  who  was  ousted  and  She  urged  the  interim  gov-
            try.                                                      killed  in  a  NATO-backed  ernment  in  Tripoli  and  the  Later  Wednesday,  the  east-
                                         In  a  letter  to  Parliament  uprising in 2011.          self-styled Arab Armed Forc-  based  parliament’s  presi-
            The  announcement  was  the  Speaker  Aguila  Saleh,  law-                             es  to  “immediately  instruct  dency  tasked  a  10-lawmaker
            first  official  statement  that  maker  al-Hadi  al-Sagheir,  Al-Sagheir,  the  lawmaker,  all armed groups and militias  committee to propose within
            the balloting would not hap-  head of the committee tasked  said  his  committee  reached  under their command to end  a week a new roadmap after
            pen  on  Friday,  although  it  to  follow  the  electoral  pro-  its  conclusion  after  “review-  their harassment and intimi-  failing  to  hold  the  vote  as
            had  been  widely  expected  cess,  said  the  group  found  ing  technical,  security  and  dation  of  electoral  officials,  planned.  It  said  lawmakers
            amid  mounting  challenges  “it is impossible to hold the  judicial  reports.”  He  urged  judges and security staff.”  would  discuss  the  proposal
            and  calls  for  a  delay  of  the  election  as  scheduled  on  Saleh, the parliament speaker                      in  the  next  general  session,
            vote.                        Dec. 24.” He did not specify  who suspended his duties to  Libya  plunged  into  turmoil  without giving a date.

                        China defends science exchange program following US arrest

            (AP) — China on Wednes-      ments, and failing to file re-  him with millions of dollars  research and amounts to ra-  compromises  the  nation’s
            day  defended  its  interna-  ports  for  a  foreign  bank  ac-  in research funding, prosecu-  cial  profiling  of  Chinese  re-  competitiveness  in  research
            tional  scientific  exchange  count in China.             tors said.                   searchers.                   and  technology  and  has  had
            programs  in  the  wake  of                                                                                         a chilling effect on recruiting
            the  conviction  of  a  Har-  Lieber’s  defense  attorney,  Lieber also concealed his in-  Hundreds  of  faculty  mem-  foreign  scholars.  The  letters
            vard  University  professor  Marc  Mukasey,  had  argued  come from the Chinese pro-   bers at Stanford, Yale, Berke-  also  complain  the  investiga-
            charged  with  hiding  his  that prosecutors lacked proof  gram,  including  $50,000  a  ley,  Princeton,  Temple  and  tions  have  disproportionally
            ties  to  a  Chinese-run  re-  of  the  charges,  maintaining  month from the Wuhan Uni-  other  prominent  colleges  targeted  researchers  of  Chi-
            cruitment program.           that investigators kept no re-  versity  of  Technology,  up  to  have  signed  letters  to  U.S.  nese origin.
                                         cords of their interviews with  $158,000  in  living  expenses  Attorney  General  Merrick
            Foreign  Ministry  spokesper-  Lieber prior to his arrest.  and  more  than  $1.5  million  Garland  calling  on  him  to  Lieber has been on paid ad-
            son  Zhao  Lijian  said  China                            in grants, according to pros-  end the initiative.        ministrative leave from Har-
            manages  such  exchanges  Prosecutors  argued  that  Li-  ecutors.                                                  vard  since  being  arrested  in
            along  the  same  lines  as  the  eber,  who  was  arrested  in                        The academics say the effort  January 2020.
            U.S. and other countries.    January,  knowingly  hid  his  In exchange, they said, Lieber
                                         involvement    in   China’s  agreed to publish articles, or-
            U.S.  agencies  and  officials  Thousand  Talents  Plan  to  ganize  international  confer-
            should    not   “stigmatize”  protect his career and reputa-  ences  and  apply  for  patents
            such  programs  and  “instead  tion.  The  Chinese  program  on behalf of the Chinese uni-
            do  something  conducive  to  is designed to recruit people  versity.
            China-U.S.  scientific  and  with  knowledge  of  foreign
            people-to-people  exchanges  technology  and  intellectual  The case is among the high-
            and cooperation,” Zhao said.  property who could pass se-  est profile to come from the
                                         crets on to China.           U.S. Department of Justice’s
            Charles  Lieber,  62,  the  for-                          “China Initiative.”
            mer  chair  of  Harvard’s  de-  Lieber  denied  his  involve-
            partment  of  chemistry  and  ment  during  inquiries  from  The effort, launched in 2018
            chemical  biology,  pleaded  U.S.  authorities,  including  to  curb  economic  espionage
            not  guilty  to  filing  false  tax  the  National  Institutes  of  from  China,  has  faced  criti-
            returns,  making  false  state-  Health,  which  had  provided  cism  that  it  harms  academic
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