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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 27 November 2020

            COVID: Collecting Our Voices in the Caribbean and its Diaspora

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Museums  Association  of  – Painting
            the Caribbean (MAC) invites all artists to submit  – Drawing
            work(s) for consideration in a virtual exhibition  – Sculpture
            that will exist on the MAC website and will be  – Photography
            projected at various sites throughout the Carib-  – Digital artwork
            bean.                                           We  will  also  accept  written  works  (poetry/es-
                                                            says), video works and sound pieces/files.
            The COVID pandemic has created an unprec-
            edented moment within our time; its impact has  GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION
            been  felt  throughout  the  world.  Knowing  that  •   All entries must be submitted electronically.
            artwork  can  sometimes  convey  what  words  •     Work  should  either  relate  to  the  topic  (i.e.
            cannot, this project aims to illuminate how peo-    older works dealing with themes of sickness,
            ple in the Caribbean and its Diaspora are living    health, crisis, wellness) or have been made
            and moving through this crisis through creative     during the current pandemic.
            expression.                                     •   Artist should provide name, a short biogra-
            •      What  artistic  ways  have  you  found  to   phy, website or email.
            “speak out” or express solidarity and compas-   •   Artist  should  provide  a  short  description  of
            sion?                                               their artwork(s) (maximum 500 words).
            •      How  have  these  difficult  times  inspired  •   Artists may submit up to 3 pieces of original
            you to look within and towards the community?       artwork per submission.
            •      What global points of connections, past  •   Multiple  submissions  are  allowed,  however
            and present, are being amplified?                   each  submission  has  a  processing  fee  of
            The  final  exhibition  will  represent  60  artists:  10   $15.
            from the Anglophone Caribbean; 10 from the  •       There is no age limit for applicants.
            Francophone; 10 from the Spanish-speaking; 10  •    Submitted  artwork  images  should  be  high
            from  the  Dutch;  10  from  the  African  diaspora   definition (jpeg,tiff or gif, 300 DPI or greater
            and 10 spaces are held for media that do not fit    and 3.5+ inches in size) and photographed   •   Maximum file size for any individual image
            the usual categories (see below)                    against  a  plain  (preferably  white)  back-   is 2 MB.
            Submission Deadline: November 30TH, 2020.           ground.                                     •   Video and sound files must be less than 20
            Artists  will  be  notified  of  jury  decisions  by  •   Please give proper dimensions and media   MB and under 3 minutes in length.
            end  January  2021  and  the  exhibition  will  be   in labels.
            launched in March 2021.                         •   Text  submissions  are  also  accepted  (doc,   For  more  information  go  to  www.  caribbean-
            MAC will accept images of the following:            docx, pdf, text).                 
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