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Diahuebs, 14 October 2021 15
Sra. Marta Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; i
(Lucia) Tromp shall not want. He maketh
me to lie down in green
Croes pastures: he leadeth me
*18-06-1954- beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he
†10-10-2021 leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness for his
Na nomber di su: name’s sake. Yea, though
Esposo: Benito Tromp I walk through the valley of the shadow of
Yiu: Victor y Jessy Tromp-Larmonie death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou
Mayornan: †Paulus y †Chinda Croes- preparest a table before me in the presence
of mine enemies: thou anointest my head
Rumanan:† Nadi y † Maria Croes- with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely good-
Loefstop;†Everaldo Croes†Felipe ness and mercy shall follow me all the days
Croes Laga tur locual cu ta spera mi
Valentin y Margo Croes-VrolijkMaria ta bunita Laga tur locual cu mi of my life: and I will dwell in the house of
the Lord forever.
y †CobitoVrolijk-Croes†Fabia encontra na caminda ta bunita
CroesGilberto Croes †Augustin y Laga tur locual cu ta rondonami
Swinda Croes-ErasmusThelma ta bunita Y laga esakinan termina With immense sorrow and pain in our
CroesLourdes y Harold Tromp-Croes heart. We announce the passing of our
Acto di despedida lo tuma lugar den tur bunitesa beloved mother, grandmother, great
diahuebs 14 di october 2021 di grandmother, mother in-law, sister and
9’or pa 11’or di mainta na Aurora aunt
Funeral Home.
Adres pa Condolencia: Aurora Valentina Wolff Mrs. Carmen Emelie Peterson-
Funeral Home, diaranson 13 di Cariñosamente yama “Tina” of Wathey
october 2021 di 7’or pa 9’or di Tanta Tina” wife of late † William Tell Peterson
anochi. Sunrise: October 02, 1938
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di Na nomber di su yiunan stima: Sunset: October 12, 2021
Entiero nos no lo por ricibi bishita Jolanda Croes Left to mourn:
di Condolencia na cas. Ronny y Sira Croes-Tromp Children:
Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den Mario y Lourdes Croes-Kelly Jessey Peterson
nos tristeza nos lo por a lubida un Su rumannan: Val & Tida Peterson
Robby & Anabela Peterson
of otro famia. Adelberta Christiaans-Wolff Shirly & Roberto Dirksz
Ta desea pa bisti alegre na entiero † Leonora Heyden-Tromp Arnold & Josi Peterson
† Ricardo Tromp Emelie Peterson & Lee-Anselmo Blackman
† Anselmo Tromp Kenneth & Zaïra Peterson
Like a son: Herbert (Ebby) Peterson
† Brigita Tromp-Wolff Grandchildren: Gino, Chanine, Brian, Natasha,
Serca Dios so mi alma Su subrina y subrinonan stima: Jason, Afshantï, Roanne, Joshua, Clayvan,
Jovienne, Anaisa, Ray-Patrick, Isaiah, Chantal,
ta na pas,Ta di djE mi † Paula Carrasquero-Heyden y famia, Pablo Dayenne, Clifferd, Annabelle
salbashon ta bini.E so ta Heyden y famia, Paulita Chaljub-Heyden y famia, Great grandchildren: Ginayli, Shurandy, Q’yon,
Vera Heyden y famia, Salamon Heyden y famia,
mi baranka I salbashon,Mi Frans Heyden y famia, Mariano Heyden y famia, Jahmailey, Savannah, Alexia, Lua-Jade
forti nunca lo mi tambalia Tommy Heyden y famia, Nick Heyden, Marietje Sisters:
Salmo 62 Croes-Heyden y famia Jeanne Marseline Wathey
† Linda Heyden, Filomena Tromp y famia, † † Agatha Koc-Wathey
Casilda (Bernadine) Wathey
Rita Gomes Ambrosio Tromp, † Alberta Wolff-Tromp y famia, † Ivonne Maria Schenker-Wathey
*21-7-1943 †10-10-2021 Demetrio Tromp, Andres Tromp y famia, Mariana Fidelia Menceda Wathey
Louise Theresita Mans-Wathey
Tromp y famia, Martina Chiquito-Tromp y famia,
Fransisca Bernabela-Tromp y famia, Dominico Families: Wathey, Peterson, Schenker,
Na nomber di su yuinan: Tromp, Groeneveldt, Lejuez, Williams, Arrindell, Connor,
Dirksz, Didder, Hodge, De Sousa, Cham, Van Stroe,
Dino y esposa Shirley Lobo-Brown Jacintho Christiaans y famia, Daniëla Eduwardo- Mans, Koc, Lacle, Maduro, De Cuba, Brookson,
Mario y esposa Natalie Lobo- Christiaans y famia, Ronald Christiaans, Reemnet, Doncker, Vlaun, Vorst, Hoek, Hustetler,
close friends and neighbors, Staff, Nurses and
Mathilda Ta invita tur famia, bisiña y conocirnan pa personnel of Huize Maris Stella.
Nieto y nietanan: asisti na acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar:
Vickiana y Egbert Croes y yuinan Diasabra, 16 di oktober 2021 pa 4’or di Our Sincere apologies if during our time of
Shirlène y Jaybert Jeweling Martis atardi saliendo for di misa Santa Anna pa grief, we accidentally forgot to mention
friends or family’s names
y Rashir Navas y yui RaylanNathan, santana catolico na Noord. E resto mortal
Mirielle y Ariella Lobo lo ta reposa for di 2’or di atardi den misa Funeral will take place on Saturday October
16 , 2021 at the Pray Funeral Home.
Rumannan:Sr. viuda Ursie Fong Tin Santa Anna. Funeral service of Mrs. Carmen will be held at
Joen – Gomes yfamiaSra. Linda Fraser Na luga di flor of krans un donacion pa Pray Funeral Home from 9:00 - 11:00.
– Gomes y Mark Fraser y famiaSra. Edmond Harms Foundation lo ta altamente Her body will be put to rest in the central
Jeanette Gomes Sra. viuda Norma aprecia. Lo tin un box disponibel pa e cemetery in Sabana Basora.
Djojosoetirto – Gomes y famia†Jerry bunita gesto aki. Address for condolences: Pray Funeral Home,
Gomes y famia Ta corda un y tur pa aplica e protocol di van Renselaerstraat 5, San Nicolas: Friday
Sobrina y sobrinonan, primo y primanan, DVG pa e Covid-19 door di bisti tapaboca, October 15 , 2021 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
A Special Thanks to the Staff, Nurses,
ihanan y demas famia y conocirnan ta Personnel and Doctors of Huize Maris Stella for
invita pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma luga mantene distancia social y haci uso di
handsanitizer na entrada y salida y corda taking care of our mother Carmen during the
evita aglomeracion. last 17 years.
diabierna 15 di Oktober 2021, for Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos Please be advised that those who attend
di 2or pa 4or di atardi na Aurora no por ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas. must at all-time keep COVID-19 protocols
from the Health Department (DVG) in
Funeral Home y despues pa Santana consideration.
Central na Sabana Basora. We regret that after burial will not receive
condolences at home.