Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200730
P. 26
Thursday 30 July 2020
U.S. energy use hit 30-year low during pandemic shutdowns
By MATTHEW BROWN tinued to be weak, declin-
Associated Press ing in June for the seventh
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — U.S. month in a row to 11 million
energy consumption plum- barrels daily as stockpiles of
meted to its lowest level oil and petroleum products
in more than 30 years this remained near record lev-
spring as the nation's econ- els.
omy largely shut down be- "While we are not out of the
cause of the coronavirus, woods yet, we do appear
federal officials reported to be headed in the right
Wednesday. direction," said Dean Fore-
The drop was driven by less man, the industry group's
demand for coal that is chief economist.
burned for electricity and Coal companies are ex-
oil that's refined into gaso- pected to have a tougher
line and jet fuel, the U.S. time than petroleum pro-
Energy Information Admin- ducers recovering from the
istration said. pandemic, which hit as the
The declines were in line coal sector remained on
with lower energy usage a fairly steady downward
around the globe as the spiral since 2007 despite
pandemic seized up econ- President Donald Trump's
omies. This April 26, 2020, file photo shows empty lanes of the 110 Arroyo Seco Parkway that leads to attempts to prop it up.
downtown Los Angeles during the coronavirus outbreak in Los Angeles, Calif.
Those trends are expected Associated Press Coal consumption fell 27
to turn around as commer- percent in April compared
cial activity resumes, but level since 1989 and the natural gas usage bucked already has rebounded to the same period in 2019,
an annual decline in U.S. largest decrease ever re- the trend among fossil fuels some after stay-at-home to 27 million tons.
and global greenhouse corded in data that's been and increased 15 percent orders expired and large Most coal produced in the
gas emissions is expected collected since 1973. during the April lockdown sectors of the economy U.S. is used to generate
and some energy compa- The largest drop previously as residential consumption started moving again. electricity but many utilities
nies already have fallen seen was in December increased with most of the Led by people returning have switched to cheaper
into bankruptcy. 2001, after the Sept. 11 at- nation under stay-at-home to their old driving habits, natural gas and renewable
Overall U.S. energy con- tacks shocked the econ- orders. petroleum consumption in sources like wind and solar.
sumption dropped 14 omy and a mild winter fur- Petroleum consumption fell June was back up to 17.6 The energy administration
percent during April com- ther depressed electricity to 14.7 million barrels a day million barrels a day, ac- projects overall consump-
pared to a year earlier, the demand. in April, down almost a third cording to the American tion will increase for the rest
energy administration said. During this spring's energy compared to the same Petroleum Institute. of 2020 but remain below
That's the lowest monthly consumption downturn, period in 2019. Demand But new drilling activity con- 2019 levels.q
Kanye West’s N.J. ballot petition falls short, complaint says
to appear on the ballot, The status of the rapper Those documents were
but Salmon said in an in- and fashion designer's not filed, according to
terview that he counted presidential campaign Salmon's complaint.
more than 600 that were and whether he is truly Sometimes similar hand-
in some way defective. seeking the White House writing in some of the fields
"Mr. West's petitions do not remains a question. Kim can be explained be-
contain the valid signa- Kardashian West last week cause the so-called circu-
tures of 800 qualified vot- asked for empathy for her lator filled out the paper-
ers and should have been husband and said he is work after the petition was
rejected by the Division," bipolar. Earlier this month signed, especially in cases
Salmon wrote in the com- in South Carolina, Kanye where someone could be
plaint. West delivered an uncon- short on time, for instance,
The petition shows that ventional campaign in- according to Salmon.
a number of signatures troduction speech during In five years as a New Jer-
appear nearly identical, which he proposed a $1 sey election law attorney
Kanye West makes his first presidential campaign appearance, including lower-case i's million payout to mothers there hasn't been an ap-
Sunday, July 19, 2020 in North Charleston, S.C. dotted with a small cir- and decried Harriet Tub- plication with as many
Associated Press
cle. Some signatures lack man for her work on the issues as West's, Salmon
By MIKE CATALINI formal complaint filed with complete addresses. Underground Railroad. said. Salmon said he did
Associated Press the state Wednesday. West's spokesperson di- New Jersey law also allows not file the letter on behalf
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Election law attorney Scott rected questions to what for someone other than of any Democratic organi-
Kanye West's petition to Salmon, a registered Dem- appeared to be a cam- the candidate herself or zation and filed the com-
appear on New Jersey's ocrat, filed the objection paign email address. A himself to gather signa- plaint on his own behalf.
ballot as a presidential with the state Division of message seeking com- tures. Those people are News of the complaint was
candidate fails to pass le- Elections after reviewing ment was sent to that ad- required to submit paper- first reported by Politico.
gal muster because signa- the more than 1,300 sig- dress. work avowing they're who New Jersey is a reliably
tures are incomplete, and natures the rapper had The Division of Elections they say they are and the Democratic state in presi-
in some cases appear writ- submitted. New Jersey re- did not respond to an people whose signatures dential elections, siding
ten with very similar hand- quires presidential candi- emailed message seeking were collected are also with the Democrat since
writing, according to a dates to get 800 signatures a response. who they say they are. 1988.q