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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 30 July 2020
            4 Hong Kong youths arrested under new security law

            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong                                                                                               tion  that  would  have  al-
            Kong  police  have  made                                                                                            lowed  criminal  suspects  to
            their  first  major  arrests  un-                                                                                   be  extradited  to  face  trial
            der a new national security                                                                                         in mainland China.
            law,  detaining  four  young                                                                                        Opponents called that a vi-
            people Wednesday on sus-                                                                                            olation of the independent
            picion of inciting secession.                                                                                       legal  system  that  Hong
            Three  males  and  one  fe-                                                                                         Kong  was  guaranteed  af-
            male, aged 16 to 21, were                                                                                           ter  being  handed  over
            arrested at three locations,                                                                                        to  Chinese  rule.  Although
            a police official said at an                                                                                        the legislation was eventu-
            11  p.m.  news  conference.                                                                                         ally shelved, the protesters'
            All  are  believed  to  be  stu-                                                                                    demands  expanded  to  in-
            dents. Police said the group                                                                                        clude  calls  for  democratic
            had  made  comments  on                                                                                             changes  and  an  investi-
            social media since the law                                                                                          gation  into  alleged  police
            took  effect  that  urged  in-                                                                                      abuses,  growing  increas-
            dependence      for   Hong                                                                                          ingly  violent  over  the  sec-
            Kong,  a  semi-autonomous                                                                                           ond half of the year.
            Chinese territory.                                                                                                  That  prompted  Beijing  to
            "They say they want to es-                                                                                          pass  the  security  law,  say-
            tablish a Hong Kong repub-                                                                                          ing  opposition  to  the  leg-
            lic, and that they will unre-                                                                                       islation  made  its  passage
            servedly fight for it," said Li                                                                                     impossible  at  the  local
            Kwai-wah,  senior  superin-                                                                                         level  in  Hong  Kong.  Critics
            tendent of a newly formed    Occupy Central leader Benny Tai stands in front of a vintage double-deck bus used as a polling   have  decried  the  law  as
            unit to enforce the security   center for an unofficial "primary" for pro-democracy candidates ahead of legislative elections in   part of a major crackdown
                                         Hong Kong Saturday, July 11, 2020.
            law.  "They  also  said  they                                                                      Associated Press  on  political  activity,  free
            want  to  unite  all  pro-inde-                                                                                     speech  and  academic  in-
            pendence  groups  in  Hong  rity and as such fall under its  after  a  leading  figure  in  In a posting Wednesday on  dependence. Some books
            Kong for this purpose."      purview.                     Hong  Kong's  political  op-  his  Facebook  account,  Tai  have  been  removed  from
            The law, which took effect  Police  did  not  identify  the  position  was  fired  from  his  said he intended to contin-  libraries over concerns they
            late  on  June  30,  was  im-  suspects  or  their  organiza-  university job.         ue writing and lecturing on  violated the legislation's re-
            posed  on  Hong  Kong  by  tion but a group called Stu-   Hong    Kong    University's  legal  issues  and  asked  for  strictions on calls for greater
            the  central  government  in  dentlocalism  said  on  Twit-  council voted to oust Ben-  public support.            autonomy for the city of 7.5
            Beijing and has raised fears  ter  and  Facebook  that  its  ny  Tai  from  his  position  as  "If we continue in our persis-  million.
            that  the  city's  autonomy  former leader, Tony Chung,  an associate law professor  tence, we will definitely see  In a statement issued after
            and  freedoms  are  being  had been arrested at 8:50  in an 18-2 vote on Tuesday,  the revival of the rule of law  the vote to remove Tai, the
            taken away.                  p.m.  for  allegedly  inciting  local media reported.     in Hong Kong one day," Tai  Chinese  central  govern-
            Hong  Kong  was  promised  secession.                     Tai  has  been  out  on  bail  wrote.                     ment's liaison office in Hong
            its  own  governing  and  le-  The  group  announced  it  since  being  sentenced  to  While  the  2014  movement  Kong said it was "a punish-
            gal system until 2047, or 50  was disbanding before the  16 months in prison in April  failed  in  its  bid  to  expand  ment for evil doing."
            years  after  the  former  Brit-  law  took  effect,  but  has  2019 as one of nine leaders  democracy  in  the  semi-  Tai's  removal  "upholds  the
            ish colony was returned to  maintained an online pres-    put on trial for their part in  autonomous  Chinese  city,  overall  interests  of  Hong
            China  in  1997.  China  says  ence  through  what  it  calls  a 2014 drive for greater de-  protests  returned  last  year  Kong, meets public expec-
            that issues such as separat-  a U.S. division.            mocracy known as the Um-     following the local govern-  tations and safeguards so-
            ism concern national secu-   The  arrests  came  one  day  brella Movement.            ment's  proposal  of  legisla-  cial justice," it said.q

            U.S. slaps sanctions on Syrian president’s eldest son

            BEIRUT (AP) — The U.S. State  onym  of  a  Syrian  police-  tions, but the penalties also
            Department  on  Wednes-      man  who  turned  over  target  non-Syrians  who  do
            day  imposed  sanctions  on  photographs  of  thousands  business with them.
            President  Bashar  Assad's  of victims of torture by the  The  law  punishes  any  indi-
            eldest  son,  Hafez,  keeping  Assad government.          vidual  or  business  that  en-
            up  pressure  on  the  Syrian  The  U.S.  began  imple-   ters  into  business  with  the
            leader and his inner circle.   menting the legislation last  Syrian government.
            Separately, the U.S. Treasury  month  with  a  raft  of  eco-  It  was  the  first  time  that
            Department  announced  it  nomic and travel sanctions  the sanctions name any of
            had imposed sanctions on  for  human  rights  abuses  Bashar  Assad's  three  chil-
            prominent  Syrian  business-  and  blocking  a  settlement  dren.  Hafez  Assad,  born  in
            man Wassim al-Qattan and  of  the  country's  bloody  2001, is his eldest.
            nine  entities  for  "enriching  nine-year  conflict.  Sanc-  In its designation, the Trea-
            the  Syrian  regime  through  tions  imposed  last  month  sury  described  Al-Qattan
            construction  of  luxury  real  included  Assad  and  his  as a prominent Syrian busi-  This  photo  provided  by  the  official  Facebook  page  of  the
            estate."                     wife,  Asmaa,  members  of  nessman who holds several     Syrian Presidency, shows Syrian President Bashar Assad, right,
            The    Treasury   sanctions  the extended Assad family,  contracts  with  the  Syrian   and  Russia's  special  presidential  envoy  to  Syria  Alexander
            are  the  result  of  legislation  senior  military  leaders  and  government  to  develop   Lavrentiev, left, both wearing masks to help prevent the spread
            known as the Caesar Syria  business  executives.  Many  government-owned  shop-        of  the  coronavirus,  in  Damascus,  Syria,  Wednesday,  July  29,
            Civilian   Protection   Act,  of those on the list were al-  ping malls and hotel prop-  2020.
            named  after  the  pseud-    ready subject to U.S. sanc-  erties in Damascus.q                                                 Associated Press
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