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                                                                                                  Business Thursday 30 July 2020
            4 Big Tech CEOs take congressional heat on competition

            By MARCY GORDON              a  Washington  Democrat.  panies  are  censoring  con-    mand  corporations  with     wake  of  the  coronavirus
            AP Business Writer           "But  I  can't  guarantee  to  servative voices and ques-  gold-plated  brands,  mil-  pandemic,  "these  giants
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  you  that  that  policy  hasn't  tioned their business activi-  lions or even billions of cus-  stand  to  profit"  and  be-
            Fending  off  accusations  been violated."                ties in China. "Big Tech is out  tomers,  and  a  combined   come  even  more  power-
            of stifling competition, four  Pichai's  opening  remarks  to  get  conservatives,"  said  value  greater  than  the   ful  as  millions  shift  more  of
            Big  Tech  CEOs  —  Face-                                                                                           their  work  and  commerce
            book's  Mark  Zuckerberg,                                                                                           online.
            Amazon's  Jeff  Bezos,  Sun-                                                                                        The  companies  face  le-
            dar  Pichai  of  Google  and                                                                                        gal and political offensives
            Tim  Cook  of  Apple  —  are                                                                                        on  multiplying  fronts,  from
            answering  for  their  com-                                                                                         Congress,  the  Trump  ad-
            panies'  practices  before                                                                                          ministration,  federal  and
            Congress as a House panel                                                                                           state  regulators  and  Eu-
            caps its yearlong investiga-                                                                                        ropean  watchdogs.  The
            tion  of  market  dominance                                                                                         Justice  Department  and
            in the industry.                                                                                                    the Federal Trade Commis-
            The  powerful  CEOs  sought                                                                                         sion have been investigat-
            to defend their companies                                                                                           ing  the  four  companies'
            amid intense grilling by law-                                                                                       practices.q
            makers on Wednesday.
            The  executives  provided
            bursts of data showing how
            competitive  their  markets
            are, and the value of their
            innovation  and  essential
            services  to  consumers.  But
            they  sometimes  struggled
            to  answer  pointed  ques-
            tions  about  their  business
            practices.  They  also  con-  This  combination  of  2019-2020  photos  shows  Amazon  CEO  Jeff  Bezos,  Apple  CEO  Tim  Cook,
            fronted  a  range  of  other   Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
            concerns  about  alleged                                                                           Associated Press
            political bias, their effect on
            U.S.  democracy  and  their
            role in China.               touted  Google's  value  to  Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.     entire  German  economy.
            The four CEOs were testify-  mom-and-pop  businesses  In  a  tweet  before  the  One  of  them,  Bezos,  is  the
            ing remotely to lawmakers,  in Bristol, Rhode Island and  hearing,  President  Donald  world's  richest  individual;
            most of whom were sitting,  Pewaukee,  Wisconsin,  in  Trump  challenged  Con-         Zuckerberg  is  the  fourth-
            in masks, inside the hearing  the  home  districts  of  the  gress  to  crack  down  on  ranked billionaire.
            room in Washington.          antitrust panel's Democrat-  the  companies,  which  he  Critics  have  questioned
            Among the toughest ques-     ic  chairman,  Rhode  Island  has  accused,  without  evi-  whether  the  companies
            tions for Google and Ama-    Rep. David Cicilline, and its  dence, of bias against him  stifle competition and inno-
            zon  involved  accusations  ranking  Republican,  Rep.  and  conservatives  in  gen-   vation, raise prices for con-
            that  they  used  their  domi-  James  Sensenbrenner  of  eral.  "If  Congress  doesn't  sumers and pose a danger
            nant platforms to scoop up  Wisconsin.                    bring  fairness  to  Big  Tech,  to society.
            data about competitors in  But  the  Google  executive  which  they  should  have  In  its  bipartisan  investiga-
            a way that gave them an  struggled  as  Cicilline  ac-    done years ago, I will do it  tion, the Judiciary subcom-
            unfair advantage.            cused  the  company  of  myself  with  Executive  Or-     mittee collected testimony
            Bezos  said  in  his  first  testi-  leveraging  its  dominant  ders," Trump tweeted.  from  mid-level  executives
            mony  to  Congress  that  he  search  engine  to  steal  Executive  orders  are  more  of  the  four  firms,  competi-
            couldn't  guarantee  that  ideas and information from  limited     in   scope   than  tors and legal experts, and
            the company had not ac-      other  websites  and  ma-    laws  passed  by  Congress,  pored  over  more  than  a
            cessed seller data to make  nipulating its results to drive  though  they  too  have  the  million  internal  documents
            competing products, an al-   people  to  its  own  digital  force of law. But presidents  from the companies. A key
            legation that the company  services to boost its profits.  can't  use  executive  orders  question:  whether  existing
            and  its  executives  have  Pichai  repeatedly  deflect-  to  alter  federal  statutes.  competition  policies  and
            previously denied.           ed Cicilline's attacks by as-  That  takes  congressional  century-old  antitrust  laws
            Regulators  in  the  U.S.  and  serting that Google tries to  action.                  are  adequate  for  over-
            Europe  have  scrutinized  provide  the  most  helpful  Trump's     Justice   Depart-  seeing  the  tech  giants,  or
            Amazon's  relationship  with  and relevant information to  ment  has  urged  Congress  if  new  legislation  and  en-
            the  businesses  that  sell  on  the  hundreds  of  millions  of  to roll back long-held legal  forcement   funding   are
            its  site  and  whether  the  people  who  use  its  search  protections  for  online  plat-  needed.
            online  shopping  giant  has  engine each day in an ef-   forms  such  as  Facebook,  Cicilline has called the four
            been  using  data  from  the  fort  to  keep  them  coming  Google  and  Twitter.  The  companies    monopolies,
            sellers to create its own pri-  back  instead  of  defecting  proposed  changes  would  although he says breaking
            vate-label products.         to  a  rival  service,  such  as  strip  some  of  the  bedrock  them up should be a last re-
            "We have a policy against  Microsoft's Bing.              protections that have gen-   sort. While forced breakups
            using seller specific data to  As  Democrats  largely  fo-  erally shielded the compa-  may  appear  unlikely,  the
            aid  our  private  label  busi-  cused  on  market  compe-  nies from legal responsibility  wide  scrutiny  of  Big  Tech
            ness,"  Bezos  said  in  a  re-  tition,  several  Republicans  for  what  people  post  on  points toward possible new
            sponse  to  a  question  from  aired  longstanding  griev-  their platforms.           restrictions on its power.
            U.S  Rep.  Pramila  Jayapal,  ances  that  the  tech  com-  The  four  tech  CEOs  com-  Cicilline also said that in the
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