Page 83 - MIN JUS 20 JULY 2015
P. 83

More IMPROVEMENT                                                      this in motion two                          summer school provides additional
                                                                      years ago.                                  guidance to MAVO students who are
                                                                                                                  going on to HAVO.
of EDUCATION                                                          This month several
                                                                      projects in the field                       The expansion of the Multidisciplinary
                                                                      of infrastructure will                      Center (MDC) will take a long time to
                                                                      be launched. Schools                        complete. For the expansion of the MDC
                                                                                                                  observation expertise and qualified
with European money                                                   are not just going to                       personnel should be hired: behavioral
                                                                      be painted, cleaned                         scientists, psychologists, social workers
                                                                      or refurbished,                             and social workers for the observation
                                                                                                                  center to attend to two classes. One of
                                                                      but according to                            the psychologists will be appointed to
                                                                                                                  provide special support for teachers.
                                                                      the schedule some
                                                                                                                  The project called teachers care
                                                                      asphalting work will                        involves the implementation of the job
                                                                                                                  classification. Work is also underway
                                                                      take place, fence                           on the first phase of the so-called
                                                                                                                  Empowerment program for students
                                                                      projects, installing                        and teachers in secondary education.
                                                                                                                  This is, scheduled from October to late
PAINTING, refurbishing and cleaning, available. With both the approval alarm systems and urgent renovations.      March next year.
fence projects, special projects for and the released EDF money Minister These projects will continue until May
gifted students, expanding after- Winklaar is very happy. “The excellent next year as scheduled.                  The development of a master’s program
                                                                                                                  for schools will take about four months.
school care and more attention and teamwork has made its realization                                              It will start in March and be completed
support for teachers. These are some possible.” The minister was grateful to With the extra money the library in  in late June. In addition, a professional
improvements that will be executed her predecessors Marisol Lopez-Tromp, San Nicolas could also be refurbished.   development program for school
in the coming months and next year the current chairman of the parliament, However this will take some time,      leaders and teachers will be developed
with money released by the European and current Minister of Justice Arthur because this is scheduled from         and executed. That happens in August
                                        D o w e r s , February to July 2016. The expansion                        this year and January next year.
Development Fund(EDF) which is
                                        b e c a u s e of Caiquetio school, the school for                         Furthermore, the money goes to the
more than 10 million florins. The                                                                                 automation of Directorate of Education.
                                        t h e y children with learning difficulties                               This project runs from November to
Minister of Education Mrs.                                                                                        February 2016.
                                        p u t in San Nicolas, starting in February
Michelle Hooyboer-Winklaar                                                                                        There were already teaching
                                                                      should be completed in late May.            improvements made for example
informs this.                                                                                                     some 195 teachers were trained in
                                                                                                                  how to better deal with children who
The law containing                                                    Within the infrastructure project some      have social-emotional problems, the
                                                                      money will be invested for increased        pilot multi-lingual teaching and the
the EDF budget                                                        security at schools and rents money for     introduction of obligatory school
                                                                       schools that are being renovated and       attendance. That was based on the
was unanimously                                                                                                   National Education Plan with money
                                                                        have to move to temporarily relocate.     from general funds. One of the
approved by the                                                                                                   conditions of the EDF was that the
                                                                                                                  government has to invest part of the
parliament in                                                                                                     money themselves.

June.     This                                                        The second project that will                The allocation of the total amount of
                                                                                                                  the fund is otherwise not so obvious,
allowed the                                                           be implemented is called                    underlined Minister of Education
                                                                                                                  Michelle Winklaar. “Due to the positive
money that                                                            “promoting                  educational     feedback we received 100 percent.”
                                                                                                                  This evaluation took place in late
was already                                                           achievement projects”. This                 November last year by experts from
                                                                                                                  the European Commission involved
fixed in the                                                          includes the “first stage                   with EDF. The conclusion from the
                                                                                                                  evaluation was that the goals have
Central                                                               board material purchase                     been achieved including one of the
                                                                                                                  most important ones which is more
Bank of                                                               and implementation of                       accessible education. “The quality of
                                                                                                                  teaching has increased and the Aruban
Aruba to                                                              the core objectives for                     society is more aware of the value of
                                                                                                                  education,” said the Minister.
be made                                                               math. According to

                                                                      the schedule that has

                                                                      already been put in

                                                                      motion and should be

                                                                      completed by the end

                                                                      of September.

                                                                                  There will be

                                                                                  special projects

                                                                                  for gifted

                                                                      students. Whether

                                                                                  this involves the

                                                                                  development or


                                                                                  of projects

                                                                                  is unclear.

                                                                                  The summer

                                                                                  school is one

                                                                                  of the projects

                                                                                  to promote

                                                                                  learning.             It

                                                                                  starts this year

                                                                                  on August 3 at

                                                                                  Colegio San

                                                                                  Nicolas. The

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