Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
local Saturday 17 September 2022
Representatives of the government of Aruba sign condolence
register for Queen Elizabeth II
THE HAGUE – Plenipoten- abeth II was head of state dolences for the death of
tiary minister of Aruba in of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty Queen Eliza-
the Netherlands, Mr. Ady the British Commonwealth. beth II, expressing that
Thijsen signed the condo- the United Kingdom and
lence register at the British Earlier this week, prime min- many countries around the
Embassy in The Hague on ister Evelyn Wever-Croes world felt sorrow for this loss.
the occassion of the pass- together with ministers Xio- Many citizens of our coun-
ing of Her Majesty Queen mara Maduro and Endy try also grew up knowing
Elizabeth II of the United Croes, and member of Par- Elizabeth II as queen. She
Kingdom. liament, Ricky Hoek signed was a source of inspira-
the condolence register tion for people all around
In this way, the minister – in that the English consul the world as well as here in
the name of the govern- made available at the Aruba, mainly for her sense
ment of Aruba – expressed VNO, and this way, in the of commitment, her resil-
condolences to the British name of the government ience, and her great love
Royal Family and the peo- of Aruba, showed respect for her country.
ple of the United Kingdom. and expressed condolenc-
es. “Queen Elizabeth II was a
Queen Elizabeth II passed symbol of continuity and
away on the 8th of Sep- During a press confer- tranquility in a world that
tember. She was 96 years ence at the beginning of was constantly changing.
old. the week, the prime min- In the name of the gov-
During 70 years, Queen Eliz- ister expressed her con- ernment and the people
of Aruba, we express our ily, and the entire commu-
words of deep condolence nity of the United Kingdom.
to His Majesty King Charles May Queen Elizabeth II rest
III, the rest of the Royal Fam- in peace.”
Governor of Aruba visits Arubahuis
THE HAGUE – The Governor Governor Boekhoudt was The Governor was accom- The Governor of Aruba is in mentary Year in the Neth-
of Aruba, His Excellency Al- received by Plenipotentia- panied by interim director the Netherlands for a work- erlands, better known as
fonso Boekhoudt paid an ry Minister Ady Thijsen, and of the Governor’s Cabinet, ing visit. Governor Boek- Prinsjesdag.
official visit on Thursday, interim director Glenda Reinoud Pronl, and Adju- houdt, among other things,
15th of Septmber to the Hernandez, as well as the tant to the Governor, Frank will be present on Tuesday, The images are courtesy of
house of Aruba in the Neth- staff of Arubahuis. Plomp. 20th of September for the Arubahuis.
erlands, Arubahuis. inauguration of the Parlia-