Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Saturday 17 September 2022
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors at Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club
Eagle Beach - Recently, Dennis and MRs. Vickie
Aruba Tourism Authority Marshall from Pennsylva-
representative Kimberley nia, USA who were honored
Richardson had the great as Goodwill Ambassadors.
pleasure in honoring many
loyal Aruba visitors with This symbolic honorary title
their distinctive certificates. is presented on behalf of
These certificates are a the Minister of Tourism as
way to say “Masha Danki” a token of appreciation to
for continuously choosing the guests who visit Aruba
Aruba as a favorite vaca- between the 10-20-35 and
tion destination. The titles more consecutive year
are as following: 10+ years mark.
“Distinguished Visitor”, 20+
years “Goodwill Ambassa- “These wonderful people and friendly people whom with the representatives of ents and also thanked
dor” and 36+ years “Emer- stated that they love visiting have become like family to the Marriott’s Aruba Surf them for choosing Aruba
ald Ambassador”. the island very much, espe- them,” said Kimberley. Club presented the cer- as their favorite vacation
cially for its year-round sun- tificates to the honorees, destination and as their
The honorees were Mr. Jim ny weather, its white sandy Ms. Richardson together handed over some pres- home-away-from-home.q
and Mrs. Stephanie Lewis beaches and turquoise
from Kentucky, USA who waters, its picturesque sun-
were honored as Distin- sets, its safety, its variety of
guished Visitors and MR. foods, and Aruba’s warm
Aruba to me With deep sympathy we announce the passing of:
ORANJESTAD — You are Please do note: By submit- Alex Edward Toppenberg
back or still enjoying your ting photos, text or any oth-
vacation?... we would like er materials, you give per- “Etty”
to portrait you! By inviting mission to The Aruba Today
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vacation picture while en- Speed Printers and any of
joying our Happy Island. its affiliated companies to
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Complete the sentence: as names, likeness, etc. for
Aruba to me is ……. Send promotional purposes with- 19-08-1943 13-09-2022
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cation memory. Isn’t that a Thank you for supporting
special way to keep your our free newspaper, we Life-long friend of John Chemaly Sr. and family
best moments alive? strive to make you a happy We extend our most sincere condolences to his wife
reader every day again.q and his family
Etty Rest in Peace