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a8    local
                         Friday 26 May 2023

            Soul Beach Music Festival Hosted by Aruba; Good Vibes Only!

            Live Music by The Roots and Anthony Hamilton featuring local

            sensation WATRA

            Oranjestad  -  Set  your  sights  on  be seen!
            higher ground and indulge in har-
            monious  vibrations  at  the  Soul  “We are thrilled to kick off our 21st
            Beach  Music  Festival  Hosted  by  edition  of  the  Soul  Beach  Music
            Aruba.  Memorial  Day  Weekend,  Festival Hosted by Aruba with such
            May 24 – 29, 2023, the stars appear  a star-studded line up, Mark Adkins,
            center stage for nightly shows dis-  CEO & Executive Producer of Soul
            playing  high-volume  performanc-   Beach  Festival  Productions.  “Festi-
            es by chart-topping talent, includ-  valgoers  have  been  buzzing  with
            ing The Roots, Jill Scott, Lucky Daye,  excitement  on  social  and  have
            Anthony Hamilton, Deon Cole & Tif-  started  arriving  early  this  year  on
            fany Haddish.                       the  beautiful  island  of  Aruba.  We
                                                give thanks to all our partners but a
            Soul  Beach  Music  Festival  Hosted  special salute to the Aruba Tourism
            by  Aruba  brings  a  tour  de  force  Authority for all these years of com-
            line-up of unwavering excellence,  mitment which has grown the festi-
            singers/musicians/comedians/en-     val to attract over 7000 tourists for
            tertainers, sure to quench the soul  this Memorial Day Weekend.  Get
            of festival attendees from all over  ready to ride the wave and enjoy
            the world in Aruba’s paradise.      a week while creating a lifetime of
            May 27th Saturday Music Concert:
            The Roots and Anthony Hamilton      The Roots
            May  28th  Sunday  Music  Concert:  Since their debut in 1993, The Roots
            Jill Scott and Lucky Daye           have been one of the most prolific
                                                rap groups and progressive acts in
            “The  Soul  Beach  Music  Festival  is  contemporary music. For the past
            a one-of-a-kind entertainment ex-   30 years, The Roots have achieved
            perience  that  electrifies  our  One  massive  success  with  successive
            happy  island.  We  are  honored  to  studio  releases  reaching  platinum
            be hosting the 21st anniversary of  and  gold  status  as  well  as  three
            the largest music festival in the Ca-  Grammy  wins.  They  continue  to
            ribbean” said Ronella Croes, CEO  challenge the restrictions of music
            of  Aruba  Tourism  Authority.  “The  and genre, partnering as the band
            festival  continues  to  bring  top  in-  for  The  Tonight  Show  with  Jimmy
            ternational  artists  and  performers  Fallon.
            to the island, and we can’t wait for
            locals and travelers to experience  Anthony Hamilton
            the magic of Soul Beach.”           Anthony Hamilton is a platinum sell-
                                                ing,  Grammy  award-winning  sing-
            Dive  into  destination  dreams  in  er-songwriter. For the past 20 years,
            Aruba’s oasis and explore the most  Hamilton has delivered a multitude
            welcoming adventure replete with  of beloved hits, including Can’t Let
            outdoor attractions primed for the  Go,  The  Point  of  It  all,  Cool,  and
            ultimate encounter with nature. A  Charlene.    His  latest  album,  Love
            true  cosmopolitan  getaway  inter-  Is The New Black, was released in
            twined in authentic Caribbean cul-  2021  and  signified  the  launch  of
            ture; Aruba offers an array of idyllic  Hamilton’s label, My Music Box.
            beachside  restaurants  with  seat-
            ing at the water’s edge to serene  WATRA
            coffee  shops  serving  up  boastful  WATRA is a multilingual songwriter
            brews, but there is so much more  and musician. Born in Amsterdam,
            to  explore  beyond  the  shorelines.  being raised on Aruba and having
            Travelers are beckoned to experi-   Surinamese-Haitian  roots  WATRA
            ence  an  epicurean  affair  of  culi-  has  always  been  surrounded  by
            nary  indulgences  along  with  pris-  culturally rich environments. In her
            tine  art  displays,  a  national  park,  musical journey she has composed,
            and  expansive  accommodations  recorded music and performed at
            showcasing hotels and villas remi-  various  festivals.  WATRA  performs
            niscent  of  intimate  secluded  re-  along with four creative musicians
            treats. A premium shopping district  that inspire her such as pianist Kyle
            transports fashion lovers into infinite  Winklaar, guitarist Serghio Janssen,
            odyssey surrounded by cool yacht  drummer  Jeremy  Bonarriba  and
            sensations. Get ready to give free  bassplayer  Reno  Steba.  What  this
            rein  to  the  extraordinary  at  Soul  band have in common is that they
            Beach  Music  Festival  Hosted  by  are all educators, composers, and
            Aruba.  This  Memorial  Day  week-  passionate  about  sharing  this  uni-
            end, Aruba is the place to see and  versal language we call music.q
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