Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18
LOCAL Friday 26 May 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Playa Linda Beach Resort
The Aruba Tourism Author- William Peters residents of
ity recently recognized Dis- Florida, United States (have
tinguished Ambassadors been visiting Aruba for 18
of Aruba. Presenting the years consecutively).
Ambassadors with the Dis-
tinguished certificate as a Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep-
token of appreciation. resenting the Aruba Tourism
Authority, and members of
The honoring certification Playa Linda Beach Resort
program is granted to am- bestowed the certifica-
bassadors, to recognize, tion of the Ambassadors of
the loyalty, friendships, and Aruba. The honorees were
visits to Aruba. For con- presented with the official
secutively choosing Aruba certificate, and with mem-
as their preferred vaca- orable gifts.
tion destination each year.
The Honoring certification On behalf of the Govern- Sun Friends
program has three levels, ment of Aruba, we would Sand Jell-O Shotsq
which are divided accord- like to express our gratitude William’s reasons: Sea
ing to the number of con- and appreciation to all
secutive years visiting the the Ambassadors for mak-
island of Aruba. ing Aruba their preferred
vacation destination for
Honoring Levels: so many years. We are so
Distinguished Ambassa- thankful to have had such
dors: 10> years wonderful Ambassadors as
Goodwill Ambassadors: our visitors after all these
20> years years! Aruba is unquestion-
Emerald Ambassadors: 35> ably their home away from
years home!
Honoree were: According to Honorees
Distinguished Ambassadors these are the top reasons
10> years: for returning to Aruba:
Kenneth King & Dorothy Mc Dorothy & Kenneth’s rea-
Killop residents of New York, sons:
United States (have been Sun
visiting Aruba for 16 years Friends
consecutively). Food