Page 83 - MIN JUS 9 SEPT 2015
P. 83

                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 9 September


Clerk who opposed gay marriage released from jail 

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, with Republican presidential      Two gay couples and two        bars. In lifting the contempt
                                                                heterosexual ones sued         order, Bunning asked for
candidate Mike Huckabee, left, at her side, greets the crowd    Davis. Bunning ordered         updates on the five clerks’
                                                                Davis to issue the licenses,   compliance every two
after being released from the Carter County Detention Center,   and the Supreme Court          weeks.
                                                                upheld his ruling. But she     On Tuesday, Staver, Davis’
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, in Grayson, Ky. Davis, the Kentucky     still refused, and was held    lawyer, maintained that
                                                                in contempt of court and       the licenses issued by her
county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage      hauled off to jail in hand-    deputies in her absence
                                                                cuffs, igniting protests       are invalid. But Allison Mar-
licenses to gay couples, was released Tuesday after five days   from members of the reli-      tin, a spokeswoman for
                                                                gious right. They rallied for  Kentucky’s attorney gener-
behind bars. 			                (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)    days outside her office, at    al, said the office believes
                                                                the jail, even outside the     they are valid.
ADAM BEAM                       country have obeyed the         judge’s home.                  Laura Landenwich, an
Associated Press                law.                            The timing of her release      attorney for the couples
GRAYSON, Kentucky (AP)          Her lawyer refused to say       came as something of a         whose lawsuit led to Da-
— The Kentucky county           whether she would defy          surprise. Last week, Bun-      vis’ jailing, said she has her
clerk who was jailed for        the courts again.               ning said that he might re-    doubts Davis will comply
refusing to issue marriage      “Kim cannot and will not        consider his decision to jail  with the court’s latest or-
licenses to gay couples         violate her conscience,”        her in a week.                 der.
was released Tuesday af-        said Mat Staver, founder        Five of Davis’ six deputy      “I would hope that she
ter five days behind bars,      of the Liberty Counsel, the     clerks — all except her son,   would recognize her legal
emerging to a tumultuous        Christian law firm repre-       Nathan Davis — agreed          obligations at this point,”
reception from thousands        senting Davis. As for wheth-    to issue licenses to gay       Landenwich said. “And do
of cross-waving supporters.     er she will issue licenses,     couples with Davis behind      what’s right.”q
Kim Davis, whose jailing        Staver said only: “You’ll find
helped make her a hero to       out in the near future.”
the religious right walked      But U.S. District Judge David
free after the federal judge    Bunning also warned Davis
who ordered her locked          not to interfere again.
up lifted a contempt order      As the news spread, a
against her, saying he was      crowd of dozens of sup-
satisfied that her deputies     porters who had gathered
were fulfilling their obliga-   on the jailhouse lawn for a
tion to grant licenses to       previously scheduled rally
same-sex couples in her         swelled. They broke into
absence.                        “Amazing Grace” and
“I just want to give God the    “God Bless America” and
glory. His people have ral-     waved signs, flags and
lied, and you are strong,”      large white crosses.
she told the crowd after        She emerged next to Re-
stepping outside, her arms      publican presidential can-
raised like a victorious box-   didate Mike Huckabee
er, to the blaring Rocky        and her husband, who was
theme song “Eye of the Ti-      in blue dungarees and a
ger.” She added: “Keep on       straw hat. Huckabee and
pressing.”                      fellow Republican Party
Davis was locked up on          White House candidate
Thursday for the boldest        Sen. Ted Cruz visited her in
act of resistance by a pub-     jail just after the decision
lic official yet to the  U.S.   came down.
Supreme Court ruling in         “If somebody has to go to
June that effectively legal-    jail, I’m willing to go in her
ized gay marriage across        place. I believe that,” said
the nation. Citing “God’s       Huckabee, a former Bap-
authority” and her deeply       tist minister and Arkansas
held belief that gay mar-       governor. He added: “She
riage is a sin. Davis, an       has shown more courage
Apostolic Christian, had        than any politician I know.
stopped issuing all mar-        She not only said some-
riage licenses. The vast ma-    thing, she was willing to put
jority of officials around the  her life at risk.”
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