Page 84 - MIN JUS 9 SEPT 2015
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U.S. NEWSWednesday 9 September
Jury recommends death for man who killed 3 at Jewish sites
MARIA SUDEKUM tion. Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. gives his closing arguments during the penalty phase of his murder trial,
Associated Press “I believe the criminal jus- Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, at the Johnson County Courthouse in Olathe, Kan. A jury recommended
OLATHE, Kansas (AP) — A tice system worked effec- the death penalty Tuesday for Miller, less than two hours after the man told jurors he didn’t care
jury recommended the tively, that the people from what sentence was handed down.
death penalty Tuesday for the state of Kansas have
a white supremacist who spoken loud and clear,” (Allison Long/The Kansas City Star via AP, Pool)
fatally shot three people at William LaManno — whose
Jewish sites in Kansas last wife, Terri, was among
year, less than two hours those killed — said after the
after the man told jurors he verdict was read.
didn’t care what sentence Johnson County District
was handed down. Attorney Steve Howe had
Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., 74, urged the jury to recom-
was convicted of capital mend a death sentence
murder by the same jury earlier Tuesday during clos-
last week for the April 2014 ing arguments in the trial’s
shootings in suburban Kan- penalty phase. He showed
sas City. The judge oversee- jurors one of the shotguns
ing the trial will now decide used in the shootings, say-
whether to follow the jury’s ing Miller — who repeat-
sentencing recommenda- edly admitted to the kill-
ings — pointed the gun at defendant’s actions are Village Shalom retirement
53-year-old Terri LaManno, clearly the type of case the center.
but the weapon didn’t fire. death penalty was made In a rambling, hour-long
Howe then grabbed an- for.” closing argument earlier
other of Miller’s guns to Miller also killed 69-year-old Tuesday, Miller touched on
show the jury, saying La- William Corporon, and Cor- the media, white suprema-
Manno “begged for her poron’s 14-year-old grand- cism and his health before
life” before Miller shot her. son, Reat Griffin Under- telling jurors he didn’t care
“There’s no doubt she was wood, at the Jewish Com- what sentence they hand-
terrified. She froze. ... And munity Center in Overland ed down.
his response was to brutally Park. He shot LaManno lat- “Frankly my dears, I don’t
kill her,” Howe said. “The er that day at the nearby give a damn,” he said. q
Jury picks begin in priest sex tourism case
JOE MANDAK es involving two other boys two key issues before testi-
Associated Press and that the Pennsylvania mony begins Wednesday.
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Jury se- priest illegally sent $8,000 to Federal prosecutors want
lection began Tuesday for a charity to help facilitate to use an expert witness to
a suspended U.S. Catholic the trips which ended in describe the effects of sex-
priest charged with travel- 2009. ual abuse on children, so
ing to Honduras to have The 70-year-old priest has prosecutors can argue that
sex with poor street chil- denied the allegations and Maurizio’s victims were sim-
dren during missionary trips. has continued to be sup- ilarly affected. The judge
The Rev. Joseph Maurizio ported by some members also has ruled that pros-
Jr., has been jailed since of Our Lady Queen of An- ecutors can call a witness,
last fall when federal pros- gels, the church he pas- now an adult, who also
ecutors in Johnstown ac- tored before being placed claims he was molested by
cused him of molesting one on leave because of the Maurizio while just a boy,
boy and possessing child charges. even though he’s not one
pornography. A new indict- U.S. District Judge Kim Gib- of the three alleged victims
ment in April added charg- son is expected to rule on in the case.q