Page 85 - MIN JUS 9 SEPT 2015
P. 85

                                                                                                                                  Wednesday 9 September

City says it reached $6.4M settlement with Freddie Gray family

                                                              the Board of Estimates       liability on the part of the  between the citizens of
                                                              should not be interpreted    city, its police department   Baltimore and elected of-
                                                              as a judgment on the guilt   or any of the officers. The   ficials.
                                                              or innocence of the of-      settlement has nothing        “It’s a big step toward a
                                                              ficers facing trial,” Mayor  whatsoever to do with the     different type of policing,”
                                                              Stephanie Rawlings-Blake     criminal proceedings, the     Colbert said, “and a rela-
                                                              said in a news release.      press release said.           tionship with the communi-
                                                              Rawlings-Blake refused to    Douglas Colbert, a pro-       ty that deters misconduct.”
                                                              comment further on Tues-     fessor at the University      In July, New York City set-
                                                              day at an unrelated news     of Maryland Francis King      tled for $5.9 million with
                                                              conference.                  Carey Law School, said        the family of Eric Garner,
                                                              The settlement does not re-  the settlement is a step in   an unarmed black man
                                                              solve any factual disputes,  restoring the public’s faith  who died after being put
                                                              and expressly does not       in local government and       in a white police officer’s
                                                              constitute an admission of   mending the relationship      chokehold.q

Family members of Freddie Gray, sister Fredricka Gray, left,

mother Gloria Darden, center, and stepfather Richard Shipley

listen during a news conference in Baltimore. Gray’s parents

reached a tentative $6.4 million settlement with the city of

Baltimore. 			                (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

JULIET LINDERMAN              Gray’s death.
Associated Press              Gray’s spine was injured
BALTIMORE (AP) — The          April 12 in the back of a
parents of Freddie Gray       prisoner transport van af-
reached a tentative $6.4      ter he was arrested. Gray,
million settlement with the   a black man, died at the
city of Baltimore, nearly     hospital a week later. In the
five months after their       aftermath, Gray became
25-year-old son was criti-    a symbol of the conten-
cally injured in police cus-  tious relationship between
tody, sparking days of pro-   the police and the public
tests and rioting.            in Baltimore, as well as the
The deal, announced           treatment of black men by
Tuesday, appeared to be       police in America.
among the largest settle-     The settlement still needs
ments in police death         the approval of a board
cases in recent years and     that oversees city spend-
happened just days before     ing. That board will meet
a judge is set to decide      Wednesday morning.
whether to move a trial       “The proposed settlement
for six officers charged in   agreement going before

 Doctor pleads not guilty for
touching young girl on plane 

MICHAEL TARM                  as part of the airline’s un-
Associated Press              accompanied-minor pro-
CHICAGO (AP) — A Paki-        gram. The girl sent frantic
stani physician pleaded       text messages from the
not guilty Tuesday to alle-   plane to her mother, ex-
gations that he inappropri-   plaining that a man had
ately touched a girl seated   touched her genitals and
next to him on an Ameri-      that she could not escape
can Airlines flight from New  because the seat belt light
York City to Chicago.         was on, according to the
Muhammad Asif Chaudhry        federal complaint.
is accused of moving from     “I want to get away,” one
his assigned seat to a seat   text said. A few seconds
next to the Iowa girl, who    later, she added, “Mom-
was traveling alone in July   my, I’m scared.”q
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