Page 11 - aruba-today-20240930
P. 11
local Monday 30 SepteMber 2024
Ever heard of the cah’i orgel?
A key instrument in Aruban folklore music
(Oranjestad)—The cah’i or- and successfully debuted
gel music box is an impor- it on the streets of Barqui- As mentioned, the cah’i
tant and unique instrument simeto. Back in Curacao, orgel is a music box. made
that is used on the ABC is- he started his own cah’i from mahogany wood, it
lands in the Dutch Carib- orgel business along with contains a cylinder with a
bean. This instrument is a his brother Luis. In Aruba, it maximum of eight music
staple in our folklore music, is said that the cah’i orgel pieces. By rotating the lever
and its significance in the was introduced by Rufo on the front side of the box,
traditions of Aruba has and Wever, who later in his ca- the cah’i orgel produces
continues to bring together reer became one of the music similar to that of a pi-
the old and young. composers for the Aruban ano, and is accompanied
national anthem. often by someone else
The origin of the cah’i or- playing the “wiri”, a percus-
gel is said to have come Rufo Wever was a young sion instrument made out
from Europe around 150 musician in 1937 when he of steel and reminiscent
years ago. A cross breed established his own cah’i to the Spanish guiro. Back
between the barrel piano orgel business on the island. then, you would often also
and the organ, the most Before that he experiment- find someone playing the
popular stories said that the ed with his uncle’s cah’i or- triangle alongside the cah’i
instrument came from ei- gel, and he over the years orgel and wiri. In Aruba, the
ther England or Germany, he learned to build and re- cah’i orgel and wiri is used
but made its way to Italy pair the instrument. In fact, for traditional music genres,
down to Venezuela, where he was incredibly skilled in such as the Aruban waltz,
in 1881, Mr. Horatio Sprock this, and he was one of the tumba, mazurka and more.
(1866-1949) from Curacao few to have recognized
was first introduced to it. from the start that the cah’i Fun fact: another name for Source: “E Cilinder Magico Parabirsing-Balentina and
After that, Sprock made his orgel is an instrument that the cah’i orgel is the “tin- entre Aruba y Curaçao” by Nidia Rosaria-Wallé.
own cah’i orgel “Josefina”, needs preserving. gilingi box.”q Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé, Herta
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
(Oranjestad)—Located in That’s right, the iconic
the middle of downtown 5-story, squared tower was
Oranjestad, situated right not part of the original
next to the government structure of the fort, and
building “Cocolishi”, is one is actually called “Willem
of the oldest buildings of III Toren”. Constructed in
Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First 1867, this tower was named
constructed in 1796, this after the then-reigning king
site has been used (or left of The Netherlands, Willem
unused) in many ways and III. Willem III Toren was origi-
have survived eras of war nally a light tower, but after
and attempted disman- a request from Lieutenant
tling. Governor Jan Helenus in
1866, it also became a bell
When anyone refers to Fort tower.
Zoutman, they are actu- The fort itself was originally
ally referring to two sepa- constructed to protect
rate buildings that, over the the commerce bay of characters roaming the man had a more tumul- seum it currently is.
years, have been merged: Paardenbaai from pirates Caribbean Sea. Unlike the tuous past, including the Despite its small size, The
the fort and the tower. and other disreputable Willem III Toren, Fort Zout- on-and-off reception of Historic Museum guards a
unwanted members of the rich depository of the com-
English military several times mercial, military and social
(The Netherlands was at history of Oranjestad, offer-
constant war with England ing a glance into how the
back in the colonial era). social culture of the town
Over the years, both the came to be. If you are in-
fort and the tower had terested in history and want
functioned as different to learn more about Aruba,
government center points, then Fort Zoutman should
including a tax and stamps definitely be included into
office. For some time these your itinerary.
two buildings also housed The museum is open Mon-
a police precinct and jail, day to Friday from 9am-
and even experienced 6pm, and Saturday from
abandonment until the Cul- 10am-2pm.q
tural Center Aruba Founda-
tion (CCA) petitioned for its Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
renovation in 1964, turning by Jan Hartog.
the site into the Historic Mu-