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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 30 SepteMber 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Amsterdam

            Manor Beach Resort Aruba!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  consecutively visiting Aruba)
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of
            recognizing  Distinguished  Visitors  The honorees were:
            of  Aruba.  The  honorees  were  re-  Distinguished Visitors
            spectively  honored  with  a  certifi-  Mr.  William  &  Mrs.Vera  Harris  from
            cate for their years of visits, loyalty,  Burbank California, United States.
            and love for the island of Aruba.
                                                Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing
            The  honorary  certification  is  pre-  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and
            sented  on  behalf  of  the  Minister  staff members of Amsterdam Man-
            of Tourism as a token of apprecia-  or  Beach  Resort  Aruba  bestowed
            tion and to say “Masha Danki” to  the certificate upon the honorees,
            guests who have visited Aruba 10,  presented  them  with  gifts,  and
            20,  or  35  years  or  more  consecu-  thanked them for choosing Aruba
            tively.                             as  their  favorite  vacation  desti-
                                                nation,  as  their  home  away  from
            The three levels of honor are as fol-  home.
            lows:                                                                   brating birthday yearly.            On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  The  top  reasons  for  returning  to  •   Aruba’s beautiful sunsets.  Authority, we would like to express
            secutively visiting Aruba)          Aruba  provided  by  the  honorees  •       “The  locals  have  made  us  our  sincere  gratitude  and  appre-
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  were:                                  feel like family”                   ciation  to  the  honorees  for  their
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       •       Aruba’s people.             •       “Dinning is out of this world”  continued visits to the “One Happy
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  •           Aruba’s  beaches  &  Cele-                                      Island”.q

            Birds of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  —  On  May  vation.        The   foundation
            11th, 2010, the Aruba Bird-  publishes  the  most  beauti-
            life   Conservation    was  ful  pictures  of  local  birds
            founded  with  the  aim  of  on  their  social  media  that
            protecting  the  biodiversity  show  us  the  beauty  of
            in general and birds in and  Aruba’s  birds  and  nature
            around Aruba in particular.   in  general.  Aruba  Today  Park, a Great Egret flying in   in  North  America.  Shore  more value than any gem-
                                         gives you a little peek with  peace. When it is peaceful   birds  have  started  moving  stone. Aruba’s smallest and
            Among  other  things,  the  the  following  pictures  and  and  quite,  beautiful  things   southwards as early as July.  most master of flight. A top
            foundation  will  focus  on  descriptions from the foun-  start happening in nature.   This wetland beauty wants  pollinator. A hovering Blen-
            increasing   the    survival  dations Facebook page.                                   to keep its toes warm. Our  chi  inspecting  the  human
            chances of species of wild                                Canadian in the house        Canadian friends know ex-    who  just  entered  his  terri-
            birds  by  promoting  their  The Great Egret              The breeding season is over   actly where they can do so  tory.
            preservation  and  conser-   Serenity in Aruba’s National  and it’s getting pretty cold   best. A Greater Yellowlegs  English: Blue-tailed Emerald
                                                                                                   rediscovering Aruba’s Bub-   (male)  Dutch:  Blauwsta-
                                         Aruba to me                                               ali Wetlands.                artsmaragdkolibrie  (man-
                                                                                                                                Aruba’s  to  enjoy.  Aruba’s
                                                                      Newspaper,      Caribbean    In its living form of so much  to protect.q
                                         Complete  the  sentence:  Speed  Printers  and  any  of
                                         Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  its  affiliated  companies  to
                                         your  picture  with  that  text  use  said  materials,  as  well
                                         (including  your  name  and  as names, likeness, etc. for
                                         where  you  are  from)  to:  promotional purposes with-
                                 out compensation.
                                         and  we  will  publish  your
            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  vacation        memory.    Isn’t  Last  but  not  least:  check
            back  or  still  enjoying  your  that a special way to keep  out our website, Instagram
            vacation?...  we  would  like  your  best  moments  alive?  and   Facebook    page!
            to  portrait  you!  By  inviting  Please do note: By submit-  Thank  you  for  supporting
            you to send us your favorite  ting photos, text or any oth-  our  free  newspaper,  we
            vacation  picture while en-  er  materials,  you  give  per-  strive to make you a happy
            joying our Happy Island.     mission to The Aruba Today  reader every day again.q
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