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u.s. news Diamars 23 maart 2021
Miami Beach curfew aims to shut down Spring Break partying
(AP) — A party-ending curfew melee, its “chairs were used as weap-
imposed after fights, gunfire, ons,” and broken glass covered the
property destruction and danger- floor. The iconic Clevelander South
ous stampedes broke out among Beach bar next door had to suspend
huge crowds of people could ex- all food and beverage operations.
tend through the end of Spring Gunshots were fired, and a young
Break in Miami Beach. woman was hospitalized with a badly
cut leg, police said.
Miami Beach commissioners voted
unanimously Sunday to empower the “How many more things are we go-
city manager to extend the curfew in ing to allow to occur before we step
the South Beach entertainment dis- in?” Clements said during Sunday's
trict until at least April 12, effectively meeting, defending the city’s curfew,
shutting down a spring break hot spot which also closes three causeways
in one of the few states fully open leading to South Beach in an effort
during the pandemic. to keep all but residents and employ-
ees from driving onto the island from
SWAT teams and law enforcement 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Thursday through
officers from at least four other agen- Sunday. “I think this was the right de- ning through the streets panicked, year's spring break and forcing beach
cies sought to contain the raucous cision,” the chief said. you realize that’s not something that a closures across the Sunshine State.
crowds, but confrontations contin- police force can control,” he said dur-
ued for days before Miami Beach The crowd was defiant but mostly ing the commission meeting Sunday. Miami Beach, meanwhile, banned al-
officials enacted the curfew, which nonviolent on Saturday night, refus- cohol from the beach, along with all
forces Ocean Drive restaurants to ing to submit to the curfew that had Very few people in the crowds were alcohol sales after 10 p.m., and even
stop outdoor seating entirely. only been enacted four hours earlier, covering their faces with masks, as is sent text messages to tourists warn-
when officers in bulletproof vests re- required by a Miami Beach ordinance ing, “Vacation Responsibly or Be Ar-
City Manager Raul Aguila said many leased pepper spray balls to break up imposed in hopes of containing the rested.”
people from other states were com- the party. spread of the coronavirus, which has
ing in “to engage in lawlessness and killed more than 33,000 people in Several commissioners said South
an ‘anything goes’ party attitude." He The situation ignited racial tensions. Florida so far. Beach needs a new marketing cam-
said most weren't patronizing the Some white residents referred to the paign to rebrand its party-city im-
businesses that badly need tourism crowd of predominantly Black tour- Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has age. They pointed to the handful of
dollars, and instead merely congre- ists as “animals” or “thugs” on social insisted that Florida have no state- arrests in Fort Lauderdale, which has
gating by the thousands in the street. media. wide mask rules, limits on capac- raised its hotel rates and promoted a
ity or other public health restric- “family friendly” spring break.
Miami Beach Police Chief Richard “We have to realize that we are defi- tions, which he credits for keeping
Clements said the trouble began on nitely fighting an undertone of rac- the tourism economy going. “If you None of it sits well with people who
Monday, when an unusually large ism," DeAnne Connolly Graham, a look at South Florida right now, this were hoping to finally let loose in the
crowd blocked Ocean Drive “and ba- member of Miami Beach’s Black Af- place is booming,” DeSantis said last pandemic.
sically had an impromptu street par- fairs Advisory Committee, told the month. “Los Angeles isn’t booming.
ty.” By Thursday, fights were break- Miami Herald. New York City isn’t booming.” “I just feel like it’s really not fair,”
ing out, setting off dangerous stam- tourist Heather Price told NBC 6.
pedes of people fleeing for safety. But Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber Miami's tourism arm just spent $5 “People paid a lot of money to come
rejected the claim that anyone was million on its biggest national adver- all the way out here, just to not be
The partying was out of control by targeted for their race. tising campaign in 20 years, seeking a able to do the activities they wanted
Friday night, he said — one restau- rebound after billions of dollars were to”.
rant was “turned upside down” in a “When hundreds of people are run- lost to the pandemic, canceling last
USS Constitution honors 1st female chief petty officer
(AP) — The U.S.S. Con- cannons in honor of the chief petty officer in the Four of the warship’s female It earned its nickname during
stitution named one of its first woman to serve as a Navy. crew members gave a presen- the War of 1812 when Brit-
tation on the significance of ish cannonballs were seen
The 24-pound long gun was Walsh’s service. bouncing off its wooden hull.
named Perfectus after Loretta
Perfectus Walsh during a cer- “To talk about Loretta Per- Early sailors frequently
emony in Boston on Sunday fectus Walsh’s life holds great named the guns on their
marking Women's History meaning for me and every- ships.
Month, the Navy said in a one around us,” Seaman Ka-
statement. trina Mastrolia said. “It gives And although there are no re-
me hope and determination cords for the original names
Walsh was sworn in as the to face the boundaries that I of the U.S.S. Constitution's
Navy’s first chief petty offi- have in my life today.” guns, some have been given
cer on March 21, 1917. names based on records from
The U.S.S Constitution, also her sister ships. These in-
“Loretta Perfectus Walsh has known as Old Ironsides, is clude Brother Jonathan, True
made it possible for all wom- the world’s oldest commis- Blue, Yankee Protection,
en to serve in the military,” sioned warship afloat, and Putnam, Raging Eagle, Viper,
Command Senior Chief An- played a crucial role in the General Warren, Mad An-
gela Collins said. “I get to be Barbary Wars and the War of thony, America, Washington,
here because of the women 1812, actively defending sea Liberty for Ever, Defiance,
who have gone before me, lanes from 1797 until 1855. and Liberty or Death.
and I get the honor to serve The ship was undefeated in
with amazing women every battle and destroyed or cap- The U.S.S. Constitution’s
single day.” tured 33 enemy vessels. modern cannons are replicas
dating to 1920.