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world news Diamars 23 maart 2021
Myanmar frees detained BBC journalist as protests continue
(AP) — The BBC said power, many citizens from
Monday that a journal- On Monday, lawmakers from teachers to doctors, traders
ist from its Burmese-lan- the Association of Southeast and railway workers have
guage service was released Asian Nations urged regional joined a civil disobedience
by authorities in Myan- leaders to meet and devise movement that uses wide-
mar but gave no details, a “strong and decisive re- spread boycotts, strikes and
as protesters in the South- sponse” to increased violence other actions in an attempt
east Asian nation con- against protesters by Myan- to force a return to a civilian
tinued their broad civil mar’s military. The lawmak- government.
disobedience movement ers urged the 10-nation bloc
against last month’s mili- to send a delegation along- The junta has responded
tary coup. side the U.N. special envoy with an increasingly brutal
to Myanmar to help negoti- crackdown and sought to
The journalist, Aung Thura, ate a “democratic and human limit information reaching
was detained on March 19 rights-based solution." the outside world. Security
by men who appeared to be forces have opened fire on
plainclothes security agents ASEAN has a policy of non- crowds and killed hundreds,
while reporting outside a interference in each other’s internet access has been se- Democracy party. Yangon and various parts of
court in the capital of Nay- affairs, but some regional verely restricted, private the country, while others
pyitaw. leaders have rebuked the vio- newspapers have been barred Protesters have called for for- drove in convoys and honked
lence and urged restraint in from publishing, and protest- eign intervention to aid them their vehicles in protest.
Arrests of media workers Myanmar. ers, journalists and politicians under the doctrine of Re-
have been part of the junta’s have been arrested in large sponsibility to Protect — also The Assistance Association
intensifying efforts to choke “The Myanmar army is kill- numbers. known as R2P — devised for Political Prisoners has
off information about re- ing people every day. State- to deal with matters such as verified 250 deaths nation-
sistance to the Feb. 1 coup. ments are welcome, but are Protesters on Monday sent genocide, war crimes, ethnic wide but says the actual total,
Some 40 journalists have useless against the military’s hundreds of red balloons into cleansing and crimes against including cases where veri-
been arrested since the coup, bullets,” said Charles San- the air in Myanmar’s big- humanity. Attached to the fication has been difficult, is
half of whom are still in de- tiago, a Malaysian lawmaker gest city, Yangon, in support balloons were papers with probably much higher. It said
tention — including Thein who heads the ASEAN Par- of civilian leader Aung San R2P written on them. 2,665 people have also been
Zaw of The Associated Press liamentarians for Human Suu Kyi, who was ousted in arrested or charged since
— according to the Myan- Rights group. the coup and detained. Many Angry citizens also marched the coup, with 2,290 still de-
mar-based Assistance Asso- also wore red shirts, the color and chanted slogans in early tained or sought for arrest.
ciation for Political Prisoners. Since the military seized of her National League for morning demonstrations in
Terrorism conviction of German rapper's wife upheld by court
Islamic State extremist group in women from Germany to move to
Syria and likely died in an air- The Hamburg-born woman of Tuni- the territory that had been captured
strike, authorities said Monday. sian heritage, whose last name wasn’t by the Islamic State.
provided in line with German pri-
In a decision from March 9, the vacy laws, followed her first husband In addition to weapons training, she
Federal Court of Justice upheld the to Syria in 2015 and lived in the Is- raised her children according to Is-
conviction of the woman, Omaima lamic State stronghold of Raqqa with lamic State ideology and subjected
A., for membership in a terrorist or- their three children, according to the them to danger by keeping them
ganization as well as charges of fail- court. in an area targeted by airstrikes, the
ing to properly care for her children, court said. The U.S. government desig-
weapons offenses and aiding in the After her husband was killed dur- nated him a “global terrorist”
enslavement of a Yazidi girl. ing fighting in 2015, she married his She also took a 13-year-old Yazidi and the Pentagon initially
friend, German rapper Denis Cus- girl as her “slave” and used her to do said in 2015 that Cuspert
In its decision, the Karlsruhe-based pert, who went by the stage name housework. was killed in an airstrike, but
court said it had found no legal er- Deso Dogg before giving up per- withdrew the claim the fol-
rors were made by the Hamburg state forming and joining IS himself. Her second husband, Cuspert, who lowing year.
(AP) — A top federal appeals court in its October conviction of the toured in the U.S. in 2006, lent his
court has upheld the terrorism woman, who was 36 at the time. She The court found she used social me- voice to record anthems for the mili- In 2018, the Islamic State
conviction of the wife of a Ger- was given a three-and-a-half-year dia and email to promote life in the tants to use in recruiting videos they group announced the Cus-
man-born rapper who joined the prison sentence. “caliphate'” and encouraged other circulated online. pert had been killed in an air-
strike in Syria, and the Ger-
Indian troops kill 4 suspected militants in Kashmir man court said he was now
“most likely dead.”
(AP) — Authorities in Indian- refusing to surrender, and that a rifle it a legitimate freedom struggle. six homes in the area were also de- By the time Cuspert's death
controlled Kashmir on Monday and four pistols were recovered from stroyed during the counterinsurgen- was announced, Omaima A.
said four suspected rebels were the scene. Last week, police and local residents cy operation. had long returned to Ger-
killed by government forces dur- said two militants were killed amid many, arriving back in Sep-
ing an overnight raid on a vil- Residents said troops burnt a civil- several days of counterinsurgency Rebels in Indian-controlled Kashmir tember 2016 days before giv-
lage in which a soldier was also ian home where the four rebels were operations by Indian troops in the have been fighting against Indian rule ing birth to a fourth child, a
wounded. holed up, a common tactic employed Shopian area. since 1989. Tens of thousands of ci- daughter.
by Indian troops in Kashmir. vilians, rebels and government forces
Scores of counterinsurgency police, The operations sparked anti-India have been killed in the conflict. She was arrested as part of
army and paramilitary forces raided a The highly militarized Himalayan protests by local villagers, who threw Germany's efforts to pros-
village on the outskirts of the south- region is divided between India and stones at government forces in an In 2019, New Delhi stripped the re- ecute of both men and wom-
ern Shopian town late Sunday, fol- Pakistan, and claimed by both in its attempt to help the trapped rebels gion’s semi-autonomous status and en who have returned after
lowing a tip about the presence of entirety. New Delhi describes the escape the security cordon. At least imposed a slew of administrative fighting with the Islamic
militants there, said Inspector-Gen- Kashmir militancy as Pakistan-spon- five civilians were injured during the changes through new laws. State group or other extrem-
eral Vijay Kumar. He said the mili- sored terrorism. Pakistan denies the clashes, some when shotgun pellets ist groups in the Middle East.
tants were killed in a gunfight after charge, and most Kashmiris consider fired by troops hit their eyes. Around