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A28 u.s. news
Diamars 23 maart 2021
Trump endorses challenger against Georgia elections chief
ment Monday. as Trump conservatives' ideal
challenger. But those close
The former president has to Collins, one of Trump’s
made clear his intentions most high-profile House de-
to target Raffensperger and fenders during impeachment
Kemp, also a Republican, for proceedings, say he is more
their parts in ratifying Biden’s likely to make another bid for
victory. the Senate after his unsuc-
cessful campaign last year in
“I’ll be here in a year in a half a special election ultimately
campaigning against your won by Sen. Raphael War-
governor and your crazy sec- nock, a Democrat.
retary of state,” Trump said
at a Georgia rally on Jan. 4, Collins was Trump’s choice
the eve of two Senate runoffs in 2019 for a Senate vacancy,
that Democrats swept to win opened by Republican John-
control of the chamber. ny Isakson’s retirement. But
Kemp opted for Kelly Loef-
Both Kemp and Raffensperg- fler. Collins finished third
er have said they were simply in a jungle primary behind
following the state’s election Warnock and Loeffler last
law and fulfilling their re- November before Warnock
quired duties. prevailed in a runoff.
(AP) — Former President his most direct attempt at The developments Monday Hice has not cut as high a
Donald Trump on Mon- retribution against those he Raffensperger declined com- drew immediate plaudits profile since his election in
day endorsed a conserva- blames for his loss and reaf- ment through a spokesper- from the right. 2014 as Collins did, but the
tive Georgia congressman firms his continued influence son. 60-year-old has been a loyal
in his bid to unseat the Re- over the Republican Party. “The establishment still Trump lieutenant. He was
publican secretary of state Hice didn’t mention Trump doesn’t get how popular part of a group of Republi-
who refused to help over- “Jody has been a steadfast in his announcement but has Trump is with the base, but can officials in Georgia who
turn the November elec- fighter for conservative Geor- said previously that he ex- they will,” said Debbie Dool- relentlessly pushed Trump’s
tion results. gia values and is a staunch ally pected the former president’s ey, an early tea party orga- false claims of voter fraud last
of the America First agenda," support. Trump has said nizer and Trump ally who is fall. He endorsed a lawsuit
Rep. Jody Hice, a tea party Trump said in a statement separately that he also wants close to Hice. “We’ve known filed by Texas against Georgia
favorite and Trump acolyte, that repeated the unsupport- to help defeat Georgia Gov. Raffensperger was dead, and and other battleground states
is the first major challenger ed allegations of fraud. “Un- Brian Kemp, another Repub- Jody can excite the base and seeking to overturn Biden’s
to Brad Raffensperger since like the current Georgia Sec- lican, in 2022. raise money. This is a serious victory in the U.S. Supreme
the secretary of state certified retary of State, Jody leads out challenge.” Court -- a suit the high court
President Joe Biden’s narrow front with integrity. I have “Every Georgian, in fact ev- rejected -- and he objected
victory in Georgia and dis- 100% confidence in Jody to ery American, has the right No heavyweight primary to the certification of Elec-
puted Trump’s false allega- fight for Free, Fair, and Se- to be outraged by the actions opponent has emerged yet toral College votes even after
tions of fraud. cure Elections in Georgia, in and, simultaneously, the in- against Kemp. Some Geor- a pro-Trump mob violently
line with our beloved U.S. action of our Secretary of gia Republicans are looking stormed the U.S. Capitol.
Trump’s endorsement marks Constitution.” State,” Hice said in a state- to former Rep. Doug Collins
Court could reimpose Boston Marathon bomber's death sentence
(AP) — The Supreme The Justice Department had of Watertown, where he was destruction and the killing
Court said Monday it will Biden has pledged to seek an moved quickly to appeal, ask- hiding in a boat parked in a of a Massachusetts Institute
consider reinstating the end to the federal death pen- ing the justices to hear and backyard. of Technology police officer
death sentence for Bos- alty, but he has said nothing decide the case by the end during the Tsarnaev brothers’
ton Marathon bomber about how he plans to do so. of the court’s current term, Tsarnaev, now 27, was con- getaway attempt. The appeals
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, pre- in early summer. Then-At- victed of all 30 charges against court upheld all but a few of
senting President Joe In just over two months in torney General William Barr him, including conspiracy his convictions.
Biden with an early test of office, the new administra- said last year, “We will do and use of a weapon of mass
his opposition to capital tion has reversed its prede- whatever’s necessary.”
punishment. cessor's position in several
high court cases. But the Jus- Tsarnaev’s lawyers acknowl-
The justices agreed to hear tice Department has not no- edged at the beginning of
an appeal filed by the Trump tified the court of any change his trial that he and his older
administration, which car- in its position in Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev,
ried out executions of 13 case. set off the two bombs at the
federal inmates in its final six marathon finish line on April
months in office, including Even if the court were to re- 15, 2013. But they argued that
three in the last week of Pres- instate the death sentence, Dzhokar Tsarnaev is less cul-
ident Donald Trump's term. nothing would force Biden to pable than his brother, who
schedule an execution date. they said was the mastermind
The case won't be heard until behind the attack.
the fall, and it's unclear how In late July, the federal ap-
the new administration will peals court in Boston threw Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died
approach Tsarnaev's case. The out Tsarnaev’s sentence be- following a gunfight with po-
initial prosecution and deci- cause, it said, the judge at his lice and being run over by his
sion to seek a death sentence trial did not do enough to brother as he fled. Police cap-
was made by the Obama ad- ensure the jury would not be tured a bloodied and wound-
ministration, in which Biden biased against him. ed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hours
served as vice president. later in the Boston suburb