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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 19 March 2024

             Caribbean’s Only Certified Carbon-neutral Hotel Switching Off for

             “The Hour that Can Change the World”

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba  ture loss and limit climate change
            is powering down as Aruba’s lead-   and  is  also  the  last  one  who  can
            ing  advocate  for  this  year’s  Earth  act before it's too late.
            Hour.  Being  held  March  23,  2024,
            the resort is joining the global com-  Resort’s Earth Hour events
            munity from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. that  Bucuti & Tara is leading the way in
            day by turning off lights and turning  Aruba with Earth Hour 2024 plans.
            up  attention  on  the  critical  need  Guests are invited to observe Earth
            for  working  together  in  combat-  Hour  at  the  resort  through  this
            ing climate change. Guests at the  year’s selection of experiences:
            Caribbean’s first and only certified
            carbon-neutral hotel will also have  •   Stargazing  Experience.  Guests
            the opportunity to observe what is      are invited to settle along Bucu-
            being  called  “The  Hour  that  Can    ti & Tara’s wide stretch of Eagle
            Change the World” through a va-         Beach, a front row seat to the
            riety of dedicated Earth Hour-resort    galaxy,  to  stargaze  through
            experiences.                            powerful  telescopes  staffed
                                                    by members of the Space and
            Largest  participation  expected  in    Nature  Aruba  Foundation.  En-
            movement’s history                      dorsed  by  UNESCO  and  the        nary team are creating a sen-       they can watch the planet-in-
            Earth  Hour  began  in  2007,  and  is   International   Astronomical       sory  culinary  experience  that    spired movie, Kiss the Ground,
            known for the “lights off” moment       Union  (IAU),  the  nonprofit  will   honors  the  planet.  They’ll  pre-  being  shown  by  a  solar-pow-
            –  a  symbolic  event  to  show  col-   help  couples  discover  Mother     pare  using  the  least  energy     ered projector.
            lective support for the planet. This    Nature’s  light  show,  which  is   and gas possible. The menu will
            annual event is a reminder to the       forecasted to be vivid the eve-     consist of fresh, chilled or room  “Bucuti  &  Tara  Beach  Resort  wel-
            global community that every hour        ning  of  Earth  Hour  on  March    temperature  ingredients  with  comes  participating  in  Earth  Hour
            counts.  Supporters  span  across       23,  2024.  (The  evening’s  fore-  some  items  cooked  on  a  grill.  each year and we encourage our
            more  than  190  countries  and  ter-   cast images are located in the      As  many  sustainable  ingredi-  island community to join us in repre-
            ritories, joining together in unity for   Dropbox  folder  below  in  the   ents  as  possible  will  be  locally  senting Aruba in this worldwide ini-
            everyone’s one shared home. The         Images section.)                    sourced.  This  special  dinner  is  tiative,” shares Owner/CEO Ewald
            Earth Hour organization shares that                                         available  for  reservations  only  Biemans.  “It  costs  nothing  to  join
            this  is  the  first  generation  to  have  •   Mindful Dinner. Executive Chef   at  oceanfront  Elements  Res-  in this global movement that can
            the solutions needed to reverse na-     Alexander  Powell  and  his  culi-  taurant.                        help from costing us everything.”

                                                                                    •   Grounding    Meditation.   This      Learn more by visiting
                                                                                        special  grounding  mindfulness
                                                                                        meditation  session  will  be  led
                                                                                        by Aruba’s revered meditation
                                                                                        and  yoga  instructor,    Shanti.
                                                                                        Her  own  philosophy,  “we  are
                                                                                        Enlightened beings by nature,”
                                                                                        will  come  to  fruition  for  guests
                                                                                        experiencing this special Earth
                                                                                        Hour  meditation  where  this
                                                                                        mindfulness  practice  will  be
                                                                                        centered around the Earth.

                                                                                    •   Movie  Night  Under  the  Stars.
                                                                                        Couples can nestle in on pad-
                                                                                        ded sun loungers at the resort’s
                                                                                        outdoor  movie  venue  where
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