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A28    U.S. NewS
                  Dialuna 1 november 2021
                           In Rittenhouse case, Americans see what they want to see

            (AP)  —  From  the  mo-
            ment  Kyle  Rittenhouse  Though Rittenhouse and all                                                                 Ryan  Busse,  a  former  fire-
            shot  three  people  on  the  three men he shot are white,                                                          arms industry executive who
            streets of Kenosha during  many  people  saw  racism  at                                                            is now a senior adviser at the
            protests  over  the  police  the  heart  of  Kenosha  —  an                                                         gun-safety  organization  Gif-
            shooting  of  a  Black  man,  armed white teen, welcomed                                                            fords, which was founded by
            he’s personified America’s  by police to a city where ac-                                                           former  U.S.  Rep.  Gabrielle
            polarization.                tivists  were  rallying  against                                                       Giffords, who was shot in an
                                         a white officer’s shooting of                                                          assassination attempt in 2011,
            The  17-year-old  from  Illi-  a Black man, and allowed to                                                          said he’s worried that Ritten-
            nois who carried an AR-style  walk past a police line imme-                                                         house will become “some he-
            rifle and idolized police was  diately  after  shooting  three                                                      roic martyr.”
            cheered  by  those  who  de-  people.
            spised the Black Lives Matter                                                                                       “I’m worried about empow-
            movement  and  the  some-    That  division  is  likely  to  be                                                     ering  more  actors  like  him
            times  destructive  protests  on  display  at  Rittenhouse’s                                                        who  think  it’s  glamorous  to
            that followed George Floyd’s  trial,  which  opens  Monday   Rittenhouse  acting  in  self-                         go  kill  somebody  with  a  ri-
            death.  He  was  championed  with  jury  selection.  Ritten-  defense?  Plentiful  video  ex-  Rittenhouse’s   defenders,   fle,” Busse said.
            by  pro-gun  conservatives  house, now 18, faces several   ists of the events in question,  including  his  family,  have
            who  said  he  was  exercis-  charges,  including  homicide   and legal experts see a strong  leaned into some of the sym-  Rittenhouse  made  the  20-
            ing  his  Second  Amendment  —  and  could  see  a  life  sen-  case for that. The judge over-  bolism.  A  website  devoted   mile (32-kilometer) trip from
            rights  and  defending  cities  tence if convicted.       seeing the trial, Bruce Schro-  to his defense — and raising   his home in Antioch, Illinois,
            from  “antifa,”  an  umbrella                             eder, has said forcefully that it  money  for  it  —  greets  visi-  north to Kenosha as the city
            term for leftist militants.  “It’s  another  battle  in  what   “is not going to be a political  tors  with  a  quote  attributed   was  in  the  throes  of  several
                                         has  become  the  central  sto-  trial.”                  to James Monroe: “The right   nights of chaotic demonstra-
            Others saw him as the most  ry  of  our  time  —-  the  cul-                           of self-defense never ceases.”   tions after an officer shot Ja-
            worrisome  example  yet  of  ture wars,” John Baick, who   But the case has been exactly  The  site  blasts  “Big  Tech,  a   cob Blake in the back follow-
            vigilante citizens taking to the  teaches  modern  American   that,  almost  from  the  mo-  corrupt  media,  and  dishon-  ing  a  domestic  disturbance.
            streets with guns, often with  history at Western New Eng-  ment the shootings happened  est  politicians”  out  to  “ruin   At least one call had gone out
            the  tacit  support  of  police  land  University  in  Spring-  — driven by powerful inter-  the life of Kyle Rittenhouse.”   on  social  media  for  armed
            —  a  “chaos  tourist,”  in  the  field, Massachusetts, said.  est groups, extremists, politi-  The site briefly sold branded   citizens  to  respond,  though
            words of the lead prosecutor,                             cians  and  others  using  it  to  “Free Kyle” merchandise be-  Rittenhouse’s  attorneys  say
            who came to Kenosha look-    In many ways, the key ques-  push their own agendas.      fore vendors backed away.    that wasn’t what brought Rit-
            ing for trouble.             tion  at  trial  is  simple:  Was                                                      tenhouse to the city.

                         Potential jurors see racism behind Ahmaud Arbery’s slaying

            (AP) — People questioned  The  comments  could  signal
            during    jury    selection  trouble for defense attorneys,
            about  the  killing  of  Ah-  who  have  often  argued  for
            maud Arbery have said he  the dismissal of potential ju-
            was  “racially  profiled”  by  rors who see Arbery as a vic-
            the white men who chased  tim  of  racial  prejudice.  Sev-
            and shot him, singled out  eral  of  them,  including  No.
            “due to his color” and tar-  199  and  No.  72,  have  been
            geted  for  being  “a  Black  deemed  qualified  by  Supe-
            person  who  was  thought  rior  Court  Judge  Timothy
            to  have  been  stealing  Walmsley  to  remain  in  the
            things.”                     pool from which a final jury
                                         will be chosen.
            The  statements  came  in  re-
            sponse  to  blunt  questions  “It  could  be  devastating  for
            about  race  from  prosecutors  the  defense,”  said  Michael
            and  defense  attorneys  who  Schiavone, a Savannah crimi-
            are  trying  to  seat  an  impar-  nal  defense  attorney  who
            tial  jury  for  the  trial  over  isn’t involved in the case. “I
            Arbery’s death in the coastal  would be very skeptical that
            Georgia  city  of  Brunswick.  they could be fair after they
            The  inquiries  elicited  some  told me their opinion.”
            pointed responses.
                                         Under Georgia law, potential
            “The  whole  case  is  about  jurors  are  not  automatically
            racism,” one woman, identi-  disqualified  for  showing  up
            fied  only  as  potential  juror  with  preconceived  opinions
            No.  199,  said  Thursday  in  about a case, as long as they   borhood on Feb. 23, 2020. A  recorded by security cameras  from local police.
            the  courtroom.  She  said  the  pledge  to  set  those  opinions   neighbor,  William  “Roddie”  inside  a  home  under  con-
            three men charged with mur-  aside and remain fair and im-  Bryan,  joined  the  chase  and  struction.  They  say  Travis  “If I’m honest, if it was com-
            der  “hunted  him  down  and  partial while hearing the trial   recorded  cellphone  video  of  McMichael fired his shotgun  pletely  reversed,  and  if  the
            killed him like an animal.”  evidence.  Walmsley  has  re-  Travis  McMichael  shooting  in self-defense when Arbery  three  men  were  Black  and
                                         peatedly cited that standard.  Arbery  three  times  with  a  attacked him with his fists.  the  victim  were  white,  they
            Another  prospective  juror,                              shotgun.                                                  would  be  arrested  immedi-
            No.  72,  told  the  attorneys:  Greg  McMichael  and  his                             No  one  was  arrested  or  ately,”  another  potential  ju-
            “If it was a white guy running  adult son, Travis McMichael,   Defense  attorneys  say  the  charged  in  the  killing  for  ror,  No.  571,  told  attorneys
            through  the  neighborhood,  armed  themselves  and  pur-  McMichaels  and  Bryan  had  more than two months, until  during  questioning  Wednes-
            I don’t think he would have  sued Arbery in a pickup truck   reason to suspect Arbery was  the  video  leaked  online  and  day.  The  judge  also  found
            been targeted as a suspect.”  after spotting the 25-year-old   committing  crimes  in  the  the  Georgia  Bureau  of  In-  her qualified to remain in the
                                         man running in their neigh-  neighborhood  after  he  was  vestigation took over the case  jury pool.
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