Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20211101
P. 29
SERVICIO Dialuna 1 november 2021
G-20 make mild pledges on climate neutrality, coal financing
(AP) — Leaders of the change ahead of the U.N. ence. “If it is an ambition of
world’s biggest economies climate conference. the European Union, it is the
agreed Sunday to stop right of other countries also
funding coal-fired power Russian leader Vladimir Pu- to have ambitions....No one
plants in poor countries tin and Chinese President has proven to us or anybody
and made a vague com- Xi Jinping are not expected else that 2050 is something
mitment to seek carbon to attend the conference in everyone must subscribe to.”
neutrality “by or around Glasgow, although they are
mid-century” as they sending senior officials to the Italy’s Draghi said the dec-
wrapped up a Rome sum- international COP26 talks. laration went further on cli-
mit before the much larg- mate than any G-20 state-
er United Nations climate “The disappointment relates ment before it. He noted
conference in Glasgow, to the fact that Russia...and that it referred to keeping the
Scotland. China basically didn’t show 1.5-degree global warming
up in terms of any commit- target within reach, some-
While Italian Prime Minis- ment to achieve climate neu- ments to deal with climate thing that science shows will
ter Mario Draghi and French The G-20 countries represent trality or net-zero emissions, change. And there’s a reason be hard to accomplish unless
President Emmanuel Ma- more than three-quarters of meaning a balance between why people should be disap- the world dramatically cuts
cron described the Group of the world’s greenhouse gas greenhouse gases added to pointed,” Biden said, adding: emissions from fossil fuels.
20 summit as a success, the emissions, and Britain had and removed from the atmo- “I found it disappointing my-
outcome disappointed cli- hoped for a “G-20 bounce” sphere, by 2050. self.” “We changed the goalposts,”
mate activists, the chief of the going into the Glasgow Draghi told reporters.
U.N. and Britain’s leader. COP26 meeting. Environ- The United States and the Biden comments came in re-
The U.K. is hosting the two- mentalists and scientists have European Union have set sponse to a reporter’s ques- Canadian Premier Justin
week Glasgow conference described the U.N. confer- 2050 as their own deadline tion about the modest pledg- Trudeau said that G-20 lead-
and had looked for more am- ence as the world’s “last best for reaching net-zero emis- es made during the G-20 ers were able to get together
bitious targets to come out of hope” for nailing down com- sions, while China, Russia summit. was in itself a success given
Rome. mitments to limit the global and Saudi Arabia are aiming the coronavirus pandemic.
rise in temperature to 1.5 for 2060. The leaders of those “We made commitments
British Prime Minister Boris degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees three countries didn’t come here from across the board “The fact that we have well
Johnson called the G-20′s Fahrenheit) above the pre- to Rome for the summit. in terms of what we’re going laid out the table and know
commitments mere “drops industrial average. to bring to (COP26),” the where the sharp edges are,
in a rapidly warming ocean.” In the end, the G-20 leaders president said. “As that old and know what work we
U.N. Secretary-General An- The summit laid bare the arrived at a compromise to trade saying goes, the proof we’re going to have to do
tonio Guterres agreed the divisions that still exist be- achieve climate neutrality “by of the pudding will be in the at COP… is a very positive
outcome was not enough. tween Western countries that or around mid-century,” not eating.” step,” Trudeau said.
polluted the planet the most a set year.
“While I welcome the historically but are now see- Earlier in the day, Russian The future of coal, a key
#G20′s recommitment ing emissions decline and Before leaving Rome, U.S. Foreign Minister Sergey Lav- source of greenhouse gas
to global solutions, I leave the emerging economies led President Joe Biden called rov pushed back at the West’s emissions, also proved one of
Rome with my hopes unful- by China whose emissions it “disappointing’ that G-20 target date. the most difficult issues on
filled — but at least they are are rising as their economies members Russia and China which to find consensus for
not buried,” Guterres tweet- grow. ’basically didn’t show up” “Why do you believe 2050 the G-20.
ed. “Onwards to #COP26 in with commitments to ad- is some magic figure?” Lav-
Glasgow.” Britain pushed for a commit- dress the scourge of climate rov asked at a news confer-
UN chief to Sudan army: Reverse coup, take heed of protests
(AP) — The U.N. secre- remained under house arrest before he was to have handed
tary general urged Sudan’s in the capital Khartoum. some power to a civilian.
generals on Sunday to re-
verse their takeover of the “We discussed options for He also claimed that the tran-
country, a day after tens of mediation and the way for- sition to democracy would
thousands of people took ward for Sudan. I will con- continue, saying he would
to the streets in the larg- tinue these efforts with other install a new technocrat gov-
est pro-democracy protest Sudanese stakeholders,” he ernment soon, with the aim
since last week’s coup. said. of holding elections in July
Antonio Guterres said the Guterres expressed concern
generals should “take heed” about violence against pro- But the pro-democracy
of Saturday’s protests. “Time testers on Saturday, calling movement in Sudan fears the
to go back to the legitimate for perpetrators to be held military has no intention of
constitutional arrange- accountable. easing its grip, and will ap-
ments,” he said in a tweet. point politicians it can con-
At least three people were trol.
He was referring to a power- shot dead when security forc-
sharing deal that established es opened fire on protesters Meanwhile, the U.N. mis-
joint military-civilian rule in Omdurman, a city adjacent sion for Sudan is working to
following the ouster of long- to the capital of Khartoum. A rose to 12, according to the called for dissolving the tran- facilitate dialogue between
time autocrat Omar al-Bashir doctors’ union also said more Sudan Doctors’ Committee sitional government. the military and civilian lead-
and his Islamist government than 110 people were injured and activists. More than 280 Gen. Abdel-Fattah Buhran, ers.
in April 2019. by live rounds, tear gas and others were injured over the who led the coup, has claimed
beatings in Omdurman and past week. that the takeover was neces- A Sudanese military official
The U.N. envoy for Sudan, elsewhere in the country. sary to prevent a civil war, cit- said that a U.N.-supported
Volker Perthes, said mean- The coup came after weeks ing what he said were grow- national committee began
while that he met Sunday With Saturday’s deaths, the of growing tensions between ing divisions among political separate meetings last week
with Abdalla Hamdok, the overall number of people the military and civilians, and groups. However, the take- with Hamdok and Burhan to
deposed prime minister who killed since Monday’s coup the generals had repeatedly over came less than a month find common ground.