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A30    world news
                  Dialuna 1 november 2021

                        Brazil experiments with body cams to reduce deaths by police

            (AP)  —  For  years,  Car-                                                                                          Vargas Foundation, said other
            los Minc, a Rio de Janeiro                                                                                          reforms  have  helped  reduce
            state lawmaker, pushed to                                                                                           police killings, including rig-
            make body cameras man-                                                                                              orous internal investigations,
            datory in all law enforce-                                                                                          use of tasers rather than guns
            ment  agencies.  And  for                                                                                           and  punishment  of  violent
            years,  his  proposal  lan-                                                                                         officers.
            guished  in  Rio’s  legisla-
            ture.                                                                                                               “In Sao Paulo, police began a
                                                                                                                                complex  process,  on  several
            Then came the city’s deadli-                                                                                        fronts, seeking to reduce le-
            est police operation. On May                                                                                        thality in raids. For example,
            6,  hundreds  of  police  with                                                                                      every time a policeman kills
            armored  vehicles  stormed                                                                                          a person, that operation is re-
            the  working-class  Jacarez-                                                                                        viewed and the commanders
            inho neighborhood at dawn,                                                                                          have to respond in a council,”
            ostensibly to capture suspect-                                                                                      Alcadipani said.
            ed  criminals.  Instead,  they
            left behind 28 corpses, all of                                                                                      A  change  in  mentality  must
            them local residents.                                                                                               also occur, experts say.

            Even  in  a  city  used  to  vio-                                                                                   In  Brazil,  “there  is  this  idea
            lent  policing,  the  episode                                                                                       that  public  safety  is  a  con-
            was stunning. Minc says the                                                                                         frontation, a war, not a social
            bloodshed  helped  muster                                                                                           right for everyone,” said Fe-
            support  to  pass  the  bill  just  dential election, when victo-
            days later.                  rious  candidate  Jair  Bolson-
                                         aro pledged to give cops carte
            The state has accepted tender  blanche to use lethal force.
            for  22,000  cameras,  though
            it’s  not  yet  clear  when  of-  The  governors-elect  of  Rio
            ficers in Rio will start to use  de  Janeiro  and  Sao  Paulo
            them.                        made  similar  overtures;  the
                                         former  famously  said  police
            But  Brazil’s  most  populous  will shoot criminals “in their
            state,  Sao  Paulo,  has  already  little heads.”
            begun  experimenting  with
            body cams. Early, limited data  Still,  the  adoption  of  body
            has  offered  some  hints  that  cameras is “an indication that
            they  might  reduce  violence  there  is  a  greater  openness
            by police, despite mixed find-  to talk about the problem of
            ings  in  other  countries  that  police  violence,”  said  David
            have used them.              Marques,  a  project  coordi-
                                         nator at the Forum of Public   by June.                   Sao  Paulo’s  experiment  has
            Minc,  though,  is  convinced:  Safety.                                                drawn  expressions  of  inter-  lippe Angeli, a public security
            “If  the  law  for  cameras  on                           Col. Robson Cabanas, a mili-  est from other forces in Latin   expert at the Sao Paulo-based
            uniforms  had  already  come  In June, 3,000 Sao Paulo state   tary police officer who coor-  America’s  largest  nation,  in-  prevention group Sou da Paz.
            into effect, we wouldn’t have  police  officers  began  using   dinates the program, said the  cluding  those  from  Rio  and
            had  the  Jacarezinho  massa-  body cameras in 18 of its 120   goal isn’t only to reduce po-  Brasilia.             Angeli  noted  that  the  em-
            cre,” he told The Associated  battalions.  Melina  Risso,  a   lice  brutality  or  burnish  the                    blem  of  an  elite  Rio  police
            Press.                       program director at the Rio-  force’s  image;  he  also  hopes  But as in the U.S., the pro-  force  is  a  skull  with  an  em-
                                         based  security  think  tank   the cameras will produce evi-  gram has caused some unease   bedded  dagger  and  crossed
            For years, Brazilian state au-  Igarape  Institute,  said  some   dence.               among rank-and-file officers,   pistols. The armored vehicles
            thorities  have  considered  of the battalions chosen have                             many  of  whom  are  worried   employed for raids are called
            making  law  officers  wear  long histories of violence.  “Think  of  domestic  vio-   about the effect of non-stop   “big skulls.”
            body  cameras,  sometimes                                 lence,  a  crime  that  is  hard  recordings.
            trying  small-scale  initiatives,  Internal police data obtained   to  prove.  Policemen  at  the                   Silvia Ramos, coordinator of
            and they are closely watching  by The Associated Press show   scene will see the child cry-  A  Sao  Paulo  officer  with  20   the Network of Security Ob-
            the  recent  broad  implemen-  those  18  battalions  were  in-  ing, the house turned upside  years experience told the AP   servatories,  expressed  doubt
            tation in Sao Paulo.         volved in 10 deaths over the   down,  sometimes  they  will  that  some  police  held  back   the  cameras  will  reduce  po-
                                         following four months, down   still  see  an  angry  husband.  from  approaching  suspects,   lice  killings.  Her  network
            Brazil as a whole has a long  from 73 in the same period of   All of that could go to court  fearing  videos  could  make   is  comprised  of  watchdog
            history  of  police  violence.  2020.  The  biggest  drop  was   as  evidence,”  Cabanas  said  them look bad. He spoke on   groups  in  seven  states,  in-
            Last  year,  more  than  6,400  in  an  elite  squad  that  con-  at  police  headquarters.  “A  condition  of  anonymity  be-  cluding Sao Paulo and Rio.
            people  died  at  the  hands  of  ducts  raids  on  suspects.  Its   drunk person accusing an of-  cause he was not authorized
            police  officers  on  and  off  officers were involved in four   ficer of being violent will be  to speak to journalists.  “In Jacarezinho,” Ramos said,
            duty, according to the Brazil-  deaths from June to Septem-  checked  against  the  images.                         “police  removed  the  bodies
            ian  Forum  of  Public  Safety,  ber, down from 23 in 2020.  And we will discipline those  Studies in the U.S., Denmark   from  the  places  where  they
            an independent organization                               who make mistakes.”          and  other  countries  have   died, the authorities gave full
            that tracks national crime sta-  The  brief  timeframe  makes                          produced mixed findings on   support  to  the  raid  and  or-
            tistics.  That’s  more  than  17  it  hard  to  draw  conclusions,   In  a  recent  body  cam  video  whether they reduce officers’   dered a (five)-year seal on the
            per  day,  and  the  most  since  particularly since overall po-  Sao  Paulo  police  posted  to  use  of  force.  Public  security   investigations.
            the group started monitoring  lice-involved  deaths  fell  in   their  official  YouTube  ac-  experts  in  Brazil  have  also
            in 2013.                     the  state,  though  much  less   count,  a  man  arrested  after  expressed  skepticism  that   “The  cameras,  by  magic,
                                         sharply.                     a  nighttime  chase  admits  he  technology alone can remedy   wouldn’t  have  produced  a
            But  many  Brazilians  are                                robbed  someone  and  fired  police violence.             change  in  the  officers’  atti-
            more worried about crime it-  The  program  aims  to  ramp   several  shots  toward  pursu-  Rafael Alcadipani, a public se-  tudes.”
            self: Law and order played a  up to 10,000 cameras for Sao   ing officers.             curity specialist at the Getulio
            central role in the last presi-  Paulo’s  80,000-strong  force
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