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u.s. news Diahuebs 22 OctOber 2020
Trump rape accuser arrives to court for oral arguments
(AP) — A woman who later in a written opinion.
says President Donald
Trump raped her in the The hearing was put in jeop-
1990s arrived at a court- ardy when Justice Depart-
house Wednesday to hear ment lawyer Stephen R. Ter-
lawyers argue whether rell sent a letter to the judge
Trump can substitute the to say the attorney who was
United States for himself planning to make the govern-
as the defendant in her ment's arguments had been
defamation lawsuit. But blocked from entering the
the government asked for courthouse on the grounds
a postponement, saying that he traveled from Virgin-
its lawyer can't enter the ia. Terrell said the state had
courthouse after travel- been added to jurisdictions
ing from Virginia, a state from which the state of New
requiring a quarantine in York bans travel.
New York.
Carroll sued last year, saying
If the hearing occurs, E. Jean defamatory attacks by Trump
Carroll’s lawyers will argue include assertions that Car-
that Trump cannot claim he roll had falsely accused other
was acting in an official ca- men of rape, that she lied
pacity when he made state- about him to advance a secret
ments denying the encounter political conspiracy and sell
with Carroll in a luxury de- books and that he had nev-
partment store dressing room er met her — even though “by his boyish good looks,” bodysuit. Once there, Trump during the 2016 presidential
in midtown Manhattan. they’d been photographed according to her lawsuit. closed the door, pushed her campaign in part because her
together. Her lawyers noted against a wall, bumped her mother, a respected Repub-
Justice Department attorneys Trump also had said: “She’s When Trump asked for her head twice against a wall and lican official in Indiana, was
say Trump had to respond not my type.” help to get a gift for “a girl,” pulled down her tights before dying at the time and she
in June 2019 to accusations Carroll “was surprised but raping her, the lawsuit said. didn't want to add to her pain.
Carroll made against him in Carroll was a 52-year-old thrilled that Trump would
a book because the claims re- media figure hosting an ad- want her advice” and the The Associated Press does She said the emergence of
lated to his fitness for office. vice show when she says the search eventually led to the not identify people who say the #MeToo movement in
The arguments are taking encounter with Trump oc- store's lingerie section, the they have been sexually as- late 2017 prompted her to go
place in Manhattan federal curred sometime between lawsuit said. saulted unless they come for- public with her own story as
court before Judge Lewis A. the fall of 1995 and spring of ward publicly. she advised other women in
Kaplan. Unlike most pro- 1996. The lawsuit said they ended her advice column to be brave
ceedings these days, the law- They recognized one another up together in a dressing room Carroll said in a lawsuit origi- and to seek justice when they
yers will be in a courtroom. from each other's media ex- after teasing each other to try nally filed in Manhattan state asked her how to respond to
Kaplan is expected to rule posure and Carroll was struck on a see-through lilac gray court that she remained silent sexual assault and abuse.
US surgeon general to be in court on Hawaii virus citation
(AP) — The U.S. surgeon gally entered a public park against Jerome Adams, who were looking at the view and were closed. Honolulu May-
general is set to be ar- that was closed because of was on Oahu in August help- taking pictures at Kualoa Re- or Kirk Caldwell had closed
raigned Wednesday in a the coronavirus. ing with surge testing amid gional Park on the island’s them at the time to try to
virtual court hearing in a spike in coronavirus cases, northeastern coast. The ru- prevent crowding that could
Hawaii on charges he ille- The criminal complaint says he and two other men ral park offers a view of the spread the virus.
famed Mokolii island, also
known as Chinaman’s Hat Violating any of the mayor’s
for its cone shape. emergency orders is punish-
able as a misdemeanor, with
Adams' attorney, Michael fines of up to $5,000, up to a
Green, appeared for the sur- year in jail or both.
geon general Wednesday and
said his client understands A few days after the cita-
the charge and will plead not tion, Adams appeared with
guilty. Caldwell at a news confer-
ence announcing a partner-
Because the charge is a “full ship between the city and
misdemeanor” the judge said federal government for surge
the not guilty plea could not testing.
be entered until Adams de-
cided if he would waive his “I’m proud of every single
right to a jury trial. Green one of you who has sacri-
said Adams would not waive ficed over the past several
that right. months,” Adams said at the
The judge set an arraign- time. “And to the people who
ment date of Nov. 2 in circuit are lapsing a little bit, I want
court. you to understand that a little
bit of fun right now can re-
Adams told a police officer sult in shutdowns further on
who cited him that he was down the road. It’s important
visiting Hawaii to work with that we all do the right things
Gov. David Ige on COV- right now, even if we don’t
ID-19 and didn’t know parks feel we are personally at risk.”