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A26    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 28 Juli 2021

                          NY law has long let officials use campaign funds for defense

            (AP)  —  Some  legisla-                                                                that’s  where  I  think  a  tax-  sonal  things  unrelated  to  a
            tors  want  to  change  New                                                            payer is right to take umbrage  campaign or public office.
            York’s  campaign  finance                                                              that they shouldn’t be paying
            rules  after  Gov.  Andrew                                                             for those legal fees.”       “You can’t pay a lawyer for a
            Cuomo  used  $285,000  in                                                                                           house closing. That’s a good
            political donations to pay                                                             Former  President  Donald  example  of  what  you  can’t
            lawyers  representing  him                                                             Trump’s  campaign  and  the  do,”  said  Jerry  Goldfeder,  a
            in  sexual  harassment  and                                                            Republican  National  Com-   longtime New York election
            misconduct       investiga-                                                            mittee  spent  unprecedented  lawyer  who  worked  in  the
            tions.                                                                                 millions  of  dollars  on  legal  state  attorney  general’s  of-
                                                                                                   fees  related  to  a  long  list  of  fice when Cuomo was attor-
            New  York  politicians  have                                                           investigations, including for-  ney  general.  He  declined  to
            used  millions  of  dollars  in                                                        mer  special  counsel  Robert  comment on the specifics of
            campaign  funds  in  recent                                                            Mueller’s  probe  of  Russian  Cuomo’s spending.
            years to pay lawyers defend-                                                           election meddling.
            ing  them  against  allegations                                                                                     Years  ago,  Cuomo  used
            of wrongdoing, according to                                                            Trump’s  campaign  also  paid  $400,000  in  campaign  funds
            tallies kept by the New York  expenses  related  to  alleged  denied  wrongdoing  and  has   the  legal  fees  of  associates  for lawyers representing him
            Public   Interest   Research  misconduct have failed to ad-  not  been  charged  with  any   caught up in lawsuits and in-  in  a  federal  investigation  of
            Group.  The  list  includes  vance since 2013.            crimes.                      vestigations, as did the RNC,  his shutdown of a state anti-
            former  Assembly  Speaker                                                              which also picked up the tab  corruption commission. That
            Sheldon  Silver,  former  state  Many taxpayers recoil at one  The  idea  that  political  can-  for several of Trump’s second  inquiry  was  closed  without
            Senate  leader  Dean  Skelos,  alternative,  which  is  to  have  didates should be allowed to   impeachment  lawyers.  Sev-  anyone being charged.
            former state Senate leader Jo-  the  government  pick  up  the  use  campaign  money  to  pay   eral  legal  defense  funds,  in-
            seph Bruno and former New  legal bills of officeholders be-  for a legal defense is ground-  cluding one called the Patriot  On the federal level, the Fed-
            York  Attorney  General  Eric  ing investigated.          ed in the reality that elected   Legal  Expense  Fund  were  eral  Elections  Commission
            Schneiderman.                                             officials  do  occasionally  face   also established allowing do-  allows  candidates  to  pay  le-
                                         “Using  campaign  funds  in-  spurious  lawsuits  and  po-  nors  to  foot  former  Trump  gal  expenses  with  campaign
            That  kind  of  campaign  stead  of  taxpayer  dollars  for  litically  motivated  investiga-  aides’ legal bills.  funds,  but  not  in  matters
            spending  is  allowed  under  this  purpose  has  been  well  tions.                                                where the expense wouldn’t
            certain  conditions  but  many  established  for  decades,”                            Former  President  Bill  Clin-  exist  if  the  person  wasn’t  a
            still find it distasteful.   Cuomo  spokesperson  Rich  But  state  Sen.  Brad  Hoyl-  ton,  a  Democrat,  chiefly  re-  candidate or officeholder.
                                         Azzopardi said in a statement  man,  a  Manhattan  Demo-  lied on a legal defense fund,
            “It’s completely bizarre and it  defending  the  use  of  cam-  crat  who  is  sponsoring  one   set  up  separately  from  his  Sometimes what counts as a
            makes no sense because cam-  paign cash for legal bills.  bill  calling  for  changes,  said   campaign but still funded by  prohibited  personal  use  can
            paign contributions are sup-                              politicians  facing  serious  al-  political  supporters,  to  pay  be ambiguous.
            posed  to  be  for  campaigns,  New York’s attorney general  legations  related  to  personal   legal  bills  related  to  investi-
            not  for  other  things,”  said  is  investigating  allegations  misconduct should pay legal   gations into his conduct with  “Frankly,  I  think  in  the  case
            John  Kaehny,  executive  di-  that  Cuomo  sexually  ha-  costs out-of-pocket.        women and alleged perjury.   of Cuomo, clearly if it’s alle-
            rector of the ethics watchdog  rassed  several  state  employ-                                                      gations of sexual harassment,
            group Reinvent Albany. “De-  ees. An Assembly committee  “I think it’s a bait-and-switch   Some  say  such  funds  pro-  it  would  seem  to  me  that
            fending yourself in a criminal  is investigating whether there  when  you  solicit  campaign   mote  transparency,  though  the  New  York  law  is  a  little
            matter is not the same as run-  are  grounds  for  impeach-  support  and  then  use  it  for   others  say  they  are  just  an-  too  expansive,”  former  FEC
            ning a campaign and it’s fairly  ment.  Federal  authorities  your defense in a large inves-  other way for donors to buy  Commissioner  Ann  Ravel
            obvious.”                    are  examining  whether  the  tigation or a trial,” Hoylman   influence.               said in an interview. “Because
                                         administration  manipulated  said,  adding  that  he  doesn’t                          that is a purely personal act,
            So  far,  sentiments  like  that  data about COVID-19 deaths  think the state should be pay-  New York does limit what le-  despite  the  fact  that  he  was
            haven’t  led  to  changes.  Pro-  of nursing home patients.  ing  Cuomo’s  legal  bills,  ei-  gal expenses a campaign can  able to engage in it because of
            posals to ban campaign com-                               ther. “When it involves mal-  cover. Political contributions  his position.”
            mittees  from  covering  legal  Cuomo,  a  Democrat,  has  feasance and serious charges,   can’t be used for purely per-

                          Democratic donor convicted of offering drugs for sex; 2 died

            (AP)  —  A  federal  jury                                                              apartment  and  pressured  Prosecutors say he exploited
            on  Tuesday  convicted  a                                                              law enforcement to act after  vulnerable  men  —  most  of
            wealthy  California  po-                                                               Gemmel Moore, 26, died on  them  Black  —  by  paying
            litical  donor  on  charges                                                            Buck’s floor in 2017.        them to come to his home to
            he injected gay men with                                                               Even after Timothy Dean, 55,  use drugs and engage in sex
            methamphetamine  in  ex-                                                               died 18 months later, it took  play to satisfy a fetish. Many
            change  for  sex,  leading                                                             another nine months and the  were  destitute  drug  users
            to  two  deaths  and  other                                                            near-death  of  another  over-  who often worked as prosti-
            overdoses.                                                                             dose victim before Buck was  tutes to support their habit.
                                                                                                   arrested in September 2019.
            Ed Buck was found guilty of                                                                                         The defense contends all the
            all nine felony counts in fed-                                                         Family  members  and  activ-  men  were  at  Buck’s  apart-
            eral court, which could lead                                                           ists had pushed for Buck’s ar-  ment  under  their  own  will
            to a life sentence. The verdict                                                        rest since Moore died. They  and that Moore and Dean did
            came exactly four years after                                                          said  Buck  escaped  criminal  not  die  from  methamphet-
            one of the victims was found                                                           charges  for  years  because  of  amine.
            dead of an overdose in Buck’s  the O.J. Simpson case — did  said  neither  fatal  overdose  wealth, political ties and race.
            West Hollywood apartment.    not immediately return a re-  victim  died  from  meth  and                            “I know this has been an ar-
                                         quest for comment.           that many of the alleged vic-  Buck is a wealthy white man  duous,  lengthy  and  difficult
            The  jury  deliberated  for  Prosecutors  said  Buck  paid  tims were drug addicts.    who was active in gay causes  process,” U.S. District Judge
            more  than  four  hours  af-  men  and  provided  drugs                                and animal rights issues. He  Christine A. Snyder told ju-
            ter  a  two-week  trial.  Buck’s  in  return  for  sex  acts.  The  His  2019  arrest  marked  has given more than $500,000  rors after she read the verdict,
            defense  attorneys  —  one  of  66-year-old  had  pleaded  not  a  turning  point  for  activ-  to mostly Democratic politi-  according to the Los Angeles
            whom  was  a  prosecutor  in  guilty.  His  defense  lawyers  ists  who  rallied  outside  his  cians and causes since 2000.  Times.
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