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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 28 Juli 2021

                            Man pleads guilty to 4 Asian spa killings, sentenced to life

            (AP)  —  A  man  accused  and killed four people, three  anything  derogatory  about
            of  killing  eight  people,  of  them  women  and  two  any  racial  or  ethnic  group,
            most  of  them  women  of  of  Asian  descent,  at  Youngs  Wallace said.
            Asian descent, at Atlanta-   Asian  Massage  in  Cherokee
            area  massage  businesses  County,  according  to  police  The  American  Psychiatric
            pleaded  guilty  to  murder  accounts. A fifth person was  Association  does  not  recog-
            Tuesday in four of the kill-  wounded.  Long  then  drove  nize sex addiction in its main
            ings and was handed four  to Atlanta, where he shot and  reference  guide  for  mental
            sentences  of  life  without  killed  three  women  at  Gold  disorders.  While  some  peo-
            parole.                      Spa  before  going  across  the  ple  struggle  to  control  their
                                         street  to  Aromatherapy  Spa  sexual  behaviors,  it’s  often
            Robert Aaron Long, 22, still  and  fatally  shooting  another  linked  to  other  recognized
            faces the death penalty in the  woman, police said. All of the  disorders  or  moral  views
            four other deaths, which are  Atlanta victims were of Asian  about  sexuality,  said  David
            being  prosecuted  in  a  dif-  descent.                  Ley, clinical psychologist and
            ferent  county.  The  string  of                          author of “The Myth of Sex
            shootings  at  three  different  In  Atlanta,  Long  could  be  Addiction.”
            businesses  in  March  ignit-  sentenced  to  death  if  con-
            ed  outrage  and  fueled  fear  victed  in  the  four  deaths.  Wallace   said   prosecutors  family,  and  he  feels  for  the
            among  Asian  Americans,  There,  he  also  faces  charges  planned  to  seek  the  death  relatives of those who died.  Long said he had planned to
            who  were  already  facing  in-  of aggravated assault and do-  penalty  if  Long  didn’t  plead                    kill himself that day and went
            creased  hostility  at  the  time  mestic  terrorism  in  addition  guilty.  All  relatives  of  the  The  prosecutor  said  the  de-  to  the  massage  businesses
            linked  to  the  coronavirus  to  murder,  and  prosecutors  victims  they’ve  been  able  to  fendant  signed  a  plea  agree-  thinking  that  paying  for
            pandemic. Many were partic-  have  said  they  will  seek  to  contact  supported  the  plea  ment admitting to all charges  sex  —  which  he  considered
            ularly upset when authorities  have the deaths classified as a  deal  in  the  interest  of  swift  in  Cherokee  County,  where  wrong — would push him to
            suggested Long’s crimes were  hate crime.                 justice, she added.          he  was  accused  of  malice  do it. But at some point while
            not racially motivated but in-                                                         murder,  felony  murder,  at-  sitting in his car outside the
            stead born of a sex addiction,  Wallace explained that Cher-  Reached  by  phone,  Michael  tempt to commit murder and  first spa, he decided to kill the
            which is not recognized as an  okee  County  prosecutors  Webb, the ex-husband of vic-  aggravated  assault.  Chero-  people inside.
            official disorder.           came  to  a  different  conclu-  tim Xiaojie “Emily” Tan, said  kee  County  Superior  Court
                                         sion.  When  Long  walked  the  family  was  “very  satis-  Chief  Judge  Ellen  McE-  After he was apprehended in
            In  comments  sure  to  fur-  through the first spa “shoot-  fied” with the plea.      lyea accepted the agreement,  south Georgia, Long told de-
            ther frustrate those who be-  ing anyone and everyone he                               handing  him  four  sentences  tectives of his struggles with
            lieve  Long  targeted  Asian  saw,” Wallace said he told in-  Bonnie Michels, whose hus-  of life without parole plus an  pornography and sex. He be-
            women,  a  prosecutor  reiter-  vestigators he was motivated  band  of  24  years,  Paul,  was  additional 35 years.  lieved he was an addict, and
            ated  Tuesday  that  Cherokee  by a “sex addiction” and his  the  first  person  killed,  told                      felt  tremendous  guilt  and
            County investigators saw no  desire  to  eliminate  sources  the  judge  about  the  hole  in  Those killed at the Cherokee  shame when he viewed porn
            evidence of racial bias. That’s  of  temptation  at  businesses  her life left by his death.  County  spa  were:  Tan,  49;  or  engaged  in  sexual  acts  at
            at  odds  with  the  hate  crime  where he engaged in sex acts.                        Michels,  54;  Daoyou  Feng,  massage  businesses,  Wallace
            enhancement that Long, who  Investigators    interviewed  Elcias  Rocendo  Hernandez  44; and Delaina Yaun, 33. The  said.
            is white, faces just miles away  people  who’d  known  him  Ortiz,  who  was  shot  in  the  Atlanta victims were: Suncha  Long said he was driven by a
            in the four Atlanta deaths.  for  years,  including  three  face, also addressed the court,  Kim, 69; Soon Chung Park,  desire to “punish” the people
                                         of  Asian  descent,  who  said  speaking in Spanish. He said  74;  Hyun  Jung  Grant,  51;  who worked there.
            On  March  16,  Long  shot  they’d  never  heard  him  say  it has been very hard for his  and Yong Ae Yue, 63.

                        Old bugaboo complicates US-Russia search for new arms deal

            (AP)  —  In  their  search  through, but it likely will lead  er  the  world’s  two  biggest  sians  have  said  U.S.  missile  The  Russians  have  long  in-
            for  a  new  approach  to  to additional talks.           nuclear  powers  can  avoid  a  defenses  compelled  them  sisted there can be no strate-
            arms  control,  Moscow                                    new  arms  race.  At  stake  are  to  seek  new  weapons  that  gic stability without limits on
            and Washington are likely  Russia’s  point  man  on  arms  what President Joe Biden has  could  evade  those  defenses,  defensive as well as offensive
            to  soon  encounter  an  old  control  negotiations,  Ser-  called  “new  and  dangerous  and  they  recently  offered  to  weapons.  Ryabkov,  the  dep-
            bugaboo: Russia’s demand  gei  Ryabkov,  told  reporters  and  sophisticated  weapons  include these in future arms  uty foreign minister, has left
            that the U.S. stop resisting  in  Moscow  on  Tuesday  that  that are coming on the scene  control  negotiations.  That  no  doubt  that  Moscow  will
            limits  on  its  missile  de-  the  Russian  delegation  had  now that reduce the times of  gesture is seen by some as an  insist that missile defense be
            fenses, which the Russians  submitted proposals in writ-  response, that raise the pros-  opening  for  Washington  to  part of a future arms control
            view as a long-term threat  ing,  although  he  offered  no  pects of accidental war.”  drop its opposition to nego-  arrangement.
            and the Americans see as a  details.  He  said  the  purpose                           tiating  limits  on  missile  de-
            deterrent to war.            of  Wednesday’s  session  will  Biden  appeared  to  be  re-  fenses.                  “Addressing the issue of mis-
                                         be to “analyze in detail where  ferring  to  emerging  tech-                           sile defense has no alternative
            It is likely to arise when U.S.  we have differences, and try  nologies  such  as  hypersonic  When  they  met  in  Geneva  for  us,”  he  told  an  interna-
            and  Russian  officials  open  a  to  find  directions  for  joint  weapons,  artificial  intelli-  on June 16, Biden and Rus-  tional  conference  June  22.
            “strategic  stability”  dialogue  work where there is a certain  gence  and  space  weapons,  sian  President  Vladimir  Pu-  He said Russia cannot accept
            Wednesday in Geneva — talks  opportunity,”  according  to  a  which are being pursued not  tin agreed to begin mapping a  U.S. assurances that its mis-
            meant to lay the groundwork  Tass news agency report.     just by the United States and  new road to arms control by  sile defenses are meant only
            for  future  arms  control  and                           Russia but also China, whose  reopening  the  “strategic  sta-  to  shoot  down  rockets  fired
            to reduce the risk of nuclear  The  missile  defense  dispute  rapid military advances have  bility” talks that had faltered  by North Korea or potential-
            war. The talks are an area of  has shot down past efforts to  complicated the international  in  the  final  months  of  the  ly by Iran.
            modest promise in a relation-  broaden  the  scope  of  arms  arms control picture.    Trump  administration.  The
            ship  otherwise  marred  by  control  negotiations  to  in-                            idea is to explore possibilities  “Sooner  or  later,”  Ryabkov
            disputes over ransomware at-  clude  more  than  the  tradi-  Biden  may  also  have  had  in  for  negotiating  arms  deals  said,  the  U.S.  will  increase
            tacks, Russian military inter-  tional category of “strategic,”  mind Russia’s pursuit of ex-  to succeed the New START  its  defensive  capabilities  to
            vention in Ukraine and other  or  long-range,  nuclear  mis-  otic nuclear weapons, includ-  treaty,  which  covers  only  the point where they will un-
            issues.                      siles. Now it is among several  ing  a  nuclear-powered  and  long-range   nuclear-armed  dermine the viability of Rus-
                                         disagreements  —  magnified  nuclear-armed cruise missile,  weapons and is set to expire  sian missiles. Therein lies the
            The Geneva session is not ex-  by mutual distrust — that are  as well as a nuclear-powered  in 2026.                Russian concern about insta-
            pected to yield a major break-  likely  to  determine  wheth-  underwater drone. The Rus-                           bility.
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