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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 3 March 2023

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at the Aruba Beach Club

            EAGLE  BEACH  -    Recently,  ald  &  Roberta  Diamond-   for 38 years consecutively!
            Aruba  Tourism  Authority  stein  from  Pennsylvania,  This symbolic honorary title
            representative Ms. Kimber-   United  States  who  have  is  presented  on  behalf  of
            ley  Richardson  had  the  been  honored  as  Emerald  the  Minister  of  Tourism  as
            great pleasure in honoring  Ambassadors.                  a token of appreciation to
            many  loyal  Aruba  visitors                              the  guests  who  visit  Aruba
            with  their  distinctive  cer-  The  greatest  award  we  between the 10-20-35 and
            tificates.  These  certificates  provide is the Emerald Am-  more  consecutive  year
            are  a  way  to  say  “Masha  bassador certificate, which  mark.
            Danki”   for   continuously  is granted to travelers who
            choosing  Aruba  as  a  fa-  have visited Aruba continu-  The  top  reasons  for  return-  Aruba’s delicious variety of  Beach Club bestowed the
            vorite vacation destination.  ously for 35 years or more.  ing  to  Aruba  provided  by   foods                     honor  certifications  to  the
            The  titles  are  as  following:  The  ceremony  was  signifi-  the Diamondstein’s were:  Aruba’s safety            honorees,  presented  them
            10+  years  “Distinguished  cant  to  us  because  it  was  Aruba’s  year-round  sunny                              with gifts, and also thanked
            Visitor”,  20+  years  “Good-  a once-in-a-lifetime oppor-  weather                    Ms.  Kimberley  Richardson  them  for  choosing  Aruba
            will  Ambassador”  and  36+  tunity  to  celebrate  guests                             representing  the  Aruba  as  their  favorite  vacation
            years  “Emerald  Ambassa-    who  had  been  coming  to  Aruba’s nice sandy beach-     Tourism   Authority,   and  destination  and  as  their
            dor”.                        Aruba  for  more  than  35  es and picturesque sunsets    members  of  the  Aruba  home-away-from-home.q
                                         years.  The  Diamondstein’s  Aruba’s  warm  &  friendly
            The honorees are Mr. Ron-    have  been  visiting  Aruba  people

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

            visitors at the Casa Del Mar Beach Resort

            EAGLE BEACH  -  Recently, Aruba Tourism
            Authority  representative  Ms.  Kimberley
            Richardson had the great pleasure in hon-
            oring  many  loyal  Aruba  visitors  with  their
            distinctive  certificates.  These  certificates
            are a way to say “Masha Danki” for con-
            tinuously choosing Aruba as a favorite va-
            cation destination. The titles are as follow-  celebrate  guests  who  had  been  coming
            ing: 10+ years “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+  to Aruba for more than 35 years. The Car-
            years  “Goodwill  Ambassador”  and  36+  letta’s have been visiting Aruba for over 37
            years “Emerald Ambassador”.                years consecutively!
                                                       The top reason for returning to Aruba pro-
            The  honorees  are  Mr.  Ronald  &  Mrs.  Sue  vided by the Carletta’s is:
            Carletta  from  New  Jersey,  United  States  Aruba’s year-round sunny weather
            who have been honored as Emerald Am-       Aruba’s  nice  sandy  beaches  and  pictur-
            bassadors.                                 esque sunsets
            This symbolic honorary title is presented on  Aruba’s people
            behalf  of  the  Minister  of  Tourism  as  a  to-  Aruba’s delicious variety of foods
            ken of appreciation to the guests who visit  Aruba’s safety
            Aruba  between  the  10-20-35  and  more  Ms. Kimberley Richardson representing the
            consecutive year mark.                     Aruba Tourism Authority, and members of
            The greatest award we provide is the Em-   the Casa Del Mar Beach Resort bestowed
            erald  Ambassador  certificate,  which  is  the  honor  certifications  to  the  honor-
            granted to travelers who have visited Aru-  ees,  presented  them  with  gifts,  and  also
            ba continuously for 35 years or more. The  thanked them for choosing Aruba as their
            ceremony  was  significant  to  us  because  favorite vacation destination and as their
            it  was  a  once-in-a-lifetime  opportunity to  home-away-from-home.q
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