Page 14 - AB
P. 14
local Friday 3 March 2023
Origin of Papiamento- Aruba’s native language
ORANJESTAD — Papia- offending someone, pre- from primary education to
mento, Creole language of cisely as they say today in higher education. Howev-
ABC (Aruba, Bonaire and both ABC and Cape Verde er, it has always been tried
Curacao) is from the Cape islands. The obscene words to deceive us, in colonial
Verdean Creole family kept the original, had no time, that we were descen-
(Cape Verdean language) lexical influence either from dants of Viriato (Iberian
and was taken to the Ca- Castilian or Dutch. Also the hero in the fight against the
ribbean in the 9th century PapiCristang of Malacca, Romans) and the pastors of
by the Cape Verdeans the Patuá of Macau, and the Hermini Mountains, but
of that time (linings and several creoles from the not much speaking of our
slaves), experts in cane east (from Daman, Sri Lan- black-African ancestry.
culture and sugar produc- ka, Myanmar, Philippines,
tion, and who were hired Indonesia) and Africa We Cape Verdeans un-
by Jewish entrepreneurs (Casamança, Guinea Bis- derstand each other very
who went to invest in this sau, Sierra Leone and Nige- well with these Antillans
business in the Caribbean. ria, these last two releases and Easterns, whose lan-
Cape Verdeans taught to the English), all originat- guage is from the same
this pre-industrial revolu- ed in the Creole of Cabo Creole family of Cape
tion technology (planting Verde (Cape Verdean Verde (Cape Verdean lan-
cane and producing sugar, language), which was the guage), speaking their Cre-
which they had learned French language spoken ole and we ours. Therefore,
from Madeirans) to slaves in Portuguese feitories on Papiamento, PapiCristang,
from other African regions, the coast of Africa (from PatuáMacaense and the
and did so in their lan- Senegal to Sierra Leone), creoles, said of Portuguese
guage, Cape Verde Creole and which was taken east origin, Daman, India, Sri
(Cape Verdean language) by the thousands of cable Lanka, Myanmar, some lo-
, hence the language im- - Verdeans (linings and cations in the Philippines
planted in Aruba, Bonaire slaves, already Christian- and some places in Indone-
and Curacao. ized and speaking Creole) sia, are creoles of the lan-
who served as sailors and guage family Cape Verde
Unlike many interesting “slaves of arms′′ in Portu- Creole (Cape Verdean
stories, wanting to link Pa- guese caravels, demand- language) and indirectly
piamento directly to Portu- ing the east. I don't know the Galaico-Duriense or
guese, Galician or Castilian why the official history of Galaico-Portuguese, a
(see Papiamento, on Wiki- Portugal usually omits this language that the people
pedia - Portuguese version fact, which is in the chron- spoke in Portugal in the 6th
and Spanish version, where fact, this is not true. Papia- Verde Creole family (Cape icles of the quinrentist and 7th century.
the Portuguese and Span- mento is not direct from Verdean language). You chroniclers, but which we
ish, each claim the direct Portuguese, Galician or can see this bestwhen it's never saw in the history Anonymous
origin of Papiamento), in Castilian, it is from the Cape saying obscene words and of Portugal that we study Source: Dushi Aruba
11-year-old Fabio Alexander fights for his dream of playing soccer for Real Madrid
(Oranjestad)—Fabio Al- Last year, Alexander was “I’m very happy that I re-
exander Montilla is an a part of the Real Madrid ceived an invitation. It’s
11-year-old boy with a love Foundation Clinic that took going to be a once in a
for soccer. He currently place in Aruba. Through lifetime experience that I
plays for the local club this, coupled with his talent, will never forget. I’m very
RCA and Team Dreyer, with dedication, discipline and excited to play in Madrid
whom he recently to Co- love for soccer, Alexander and even meet some of
lombia with to play in the received an invitation to the professional players, if
Future Soccer Cup Tourna- travel to Madrid and realize I’m lucky,” Alexander ex-
ment (FSC). In March, Fabio the dream that a lot of kids, pressed.
Alexander had the once adults and soccer fanat-
in a lifetime opportunity to ics have: playing soccer in To make this dream a real-
play in Madrid, Spain, in Madrid for the foundation ity, Alexander’s parents has
the Real Madrid Founda- of one of the biggest soc- to cover the travel costs
tion World Challenge Tour- cer club in the world, Real to Madrid. Bon Dia Aruba
nament 2023. Madrid. talked with Alexander’s
mother, Claudia Meriño, food, transport and a few The tournament will take
who explained more about tours, plus uniform and en- place from March 31st to
the costs. try for the tournament for April 8th. If anyone is inter-
the plus one. However, est in contributing in Alex-
“It’s a big sum, but we are even with all these things ander’s dream, Claudia is
working hard to make his covered, it’s still very ex- available through phone
dream come true. It’s not pensive and we still have call at 7307325. “Any help
cheap, we have to play to pay for Alexander and or contribution, no matter
for everything. They are of- his plus one’s flight,” Meriño how big or small, will be
fering a package that in- explained. greatly appreciated,” Mer-
cludes accommodation, iño finalized. q