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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
White House cybersecurity strategy stresses software safety
Associated Press
ambitious and wide-rang-
ing White House cyberse-
curity plan released Thurs-
day calls for bolstering pro-
tections on critical sectors
and making software com-
panies legally liable when
their products don’t meet
basic standards. The strat-
egy document promises to
use “all instruments of na-
tional power” to pre-empt
The Democratic adminis-
tration also said it would
work to “impose robust and
clear limits” on private sec-
tor data collection, includ-
ing of geolocation and
health information.
“We still have a long way to
go before every American
feels confident that cyber-
space is safe for them,”
acting national cyber di-
rector Kemba Walden said
during an online forum President Joe Biden speaks during a meeting about cybersecurity, in the East Room of the White House, Aug. 25, 2021, in Washington.
on Thursday. “We expect Associated Press
school districts to go toe-to-
toe with transnational crimi- East Coast fuel shortage, routinely breached. In the al. Its boldest initiatives — It just lacks a lot of spe-
nal organizations largely by and other damaging at- past few weeks, the FBI, U.S. including stricter rules on cifics,” said Valeriano, a
themselves. This isn’t just un- tacks made cybersecurity Marshals Service and Dish breach reporting and soft- distinguished senior fel-
fair. It’s ineffective.” a national priority. Russia’s Network were among the ware liability — are apt to low at the Marine Corp.
The strategy largely codi- invasion of Ukraine com- intrusion victims. meet resistance from busi- University. “They produce
fies work already underway pounded those concerns. “The defense is hardly win- ness and Republicans in a document that speaks
during the last two years The 35-page document ning. Every few weeks Congress. very much to regulation
following a spate of high- lays the groundwork for someone gets hacked terri- Brandon Valeriano, former at a time when the United
profile ransomware attacks better countering rising bly,” said Edward Amoroso, senior adviser to the fed- States is very much against
on critical infrastructure. A threats to government CEO of the cybersecurity eral government’s Cyber- regulation.”
2021 attack on a major fuel agencies, private industry, firm TAG Cyber. space Solarium Commis-
pipeline caused panic at schools, hospitals and other He called the White House sion, agreed. Continued on Page 2
the pump, resulting in an vital infrastructure that are strategy largely aspiration- “There’s a lot to like here.