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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 6 September 2021

                            U.S. trims deficit at Solheim Cup even as Korda struggles

            (AP) — The United States                                                                                            Maybe,  but  Korda  hardly
            rallied  at  the  Solheim                                                                                           looked  like  herself  Sunday
            Cup  on  Sunday  morning,                                                                                           morning  and  will  sit  out  a
            winning three of the four                                                                                           session  for  the  first  time  in
            alternate-shot matches to                                                                                           her brief Solheim Cup career
            cut  into  the  sizable  lead                                                                                       in the afternoon.
            defending  champion  Eu-
            rope built on Day One.                                                                                              With  Korda  struggling,  her
                                                                                                                                teammates  picked  up  the
            Lexi Thompson’s curling 30-                                                                                         slack. Ernst and Kang turned
            foot birdie putt on the par-4                                                                                       a one-hole deficit into a one-
            17th  closed  out  a  2-and-1                                                                                       hole  lead  after  wins  on  the
            victory for herself and team-                                                                                       13th  and  14th  and  held  on
            mate  Brittany  Altomare.  It                                                                                       the rest of the way. It was the
            also  highlighted  a  stirring                                                                                      only  match  of  the  morning
            rally for the Americans as the                                                                                      that  reached  the  18th  green
            U.S. pulled with 6 1/2-5 1/2                                                                                        a day after seven of the eight
            heading  into  the  afternoon                                                                                       matches made it to the final
            four-ball session.                                                                                                  hole.

            Austin  Ernst  and  Danielle                                                                                        It looked like the 18th would
            Kang edged Georgia Hall and                                                                                         be required for Altomare and
            Madelene Sagstrom 1 up, and                                                                                         Thompson  before  Thomp-
            Jennifer Kupcho and Lizette                                                                                         son  —  who  had  struggled
            Salas  surged  past  Matilda                                                                                        to  make  anything  of  signifi-
            Castren and Anna Nordqvist  together  once  more  in  the  the  par-4  ninth  only  make  players  wait  at  least  10  sec-  cance on the slick Inverness
            on the back nine for a 3-and-  afternoon  four-ball  matches.  it halfway to the hole before  onds before marking or grab-  greens  —  dropped  in  her
            1 win.                       Korda,  meanwhile,  will  be  hitting reverse.            bing a ball that appears on the  birdie putt to seal the match
                                         given a much-needed break.                                verge of going in.           against  Charley  Hull  and
            At one point, the Europeans                               The lone bright spot for Kor-                             Emily Pedersen.
            led in all four matches. Only  The  23-year-old,  who  won  da came on an eagle putt on  The  violation  meant  Korda
            the  team  of  Leona  Maguire  gold  at  the  Tokyo  Olympics  the par-5 13th from basically  and Ewing won the hole and  Salas  and  Kupcho  were  2
            and Mel Reid hung on. The  last month, made a series of  the same spot that led to a bit  turned out to be the margin  down  after  seven  holes  but
            two drilled world No. 1 Nel-  uncharacteristic   mistakes.  of controversy on Day One.  in  what  became  a  1-up  vic-  captured  four  straight  wins
            ly  Korda  and  Ally  Ewing  5  She  bladed  a  pitch  from  a  Korda’s  putt  from  the  back  tory.  Korda  called  the  situ-  on Nos. 14-17, the last com-
            and 4 as Maguire, a Solheim  fairway bunker on the par-4  right  of  the  green  during  ation  “awkward,”  but  U.S.  ing on a birdie putt by Salas
            Cup rookie, improved to 3-0  fourth out of bounds, chun-  Saturday’s  four-ball  session  captain  Pat  Hurst  stressed  it  that revived the U.S.’s hopes
            on the weekend.              ked an approach shot on the  hung  on  the  lip.  Sagstrom  wouldn’t  be  an  issue  going  of  reclaiming  the  Cup  they
                                         par-4 seventh and had an up-  walked over and picked it up,  forward.                  lost  at  Gleneagles  two  years
            Maguire  and  Reid  will  play  hill chip  from the fringe  on  a violation of a rule that lets                     ago.

                          Saka feels the England love with scoring return to Wembley

            (AP) — The cheers of the  sages of support at the train-  and it made me really want to  first  half  against  the  foot-  tional  goal  from  a  penalty
            Wembley  crowd  made  ing ground.                         give my all.”                balling  minnows  from  the  after Mason Mount was bun-
            clear the affection for Bu-                                                            Pyrenees.                    dled over.
            kayo Saka the moment the  It  was  returning  to  Wemb-   That  was  clear  to  England
            England  lineup  was  an-    ley  that  allowed  Saka  to  see  manager Gareth Southgate.  Lingard doubled his tally for  After Lingard scored his sec-
            nounced.                     the  warmth  from  true  Eng-                             the  evening  by  scoring  the  ond, it was Saka who had the
                                         land fans after that abhorrent  “I  hope  closure,  if  it  was  third  for  the  hosts,  finish-  final  say.  He  left  Southgate
            There were even louder roars  abuse that social media com-  needed,”  he  said.  “You  can  ing from the edge of the box  beaming  as  he  nodded  in
            to  come  when  the  birthday  panies were slow to remove.  see  how  popular  he  is  with  with Andorra goalkeeper Jo-  from  Trent  Alexander-Ar-
            boy headed in the final goal                              the rest of the team.”       sep Gomes only able to get a  nold’s cross in the 85th min-
            in  a  4-0  World  Cup  quali-  “I’m  really  happy  with  the                         hand to his low shot.        ute.
            fying  win  over  Andorra  on  reception everyone gave me,”  Saka’s  impact  was  apparent
            Sunday.                      Saka  said.  “It  really  showed  early on with a cross setting  England’s second in the 72nd  It  set  off  the  most  thunder-
                                         how proud they are of me. I  up  Jesse  Lingard  to  score  minute  saw  captain  Harry  ous  celebrations  of  the  eve-
            “It  really  made  a  difference  think that meant a lot for me  England’s  only  goal  of  the  Kane  net  his  40th  interna-  ning from fans.
            for me,” the 20-year-old Saka
            said.  “I  could  hear  so  many                                                                                    “It  makes  me  believe  they
            fans cheering my name.”                                                                                             support  me  through  thick
                                                                                                                                and thin,” Saka said.
            How different from 56 days
            earlier  when  England  last                                                                                        England has a six-point lead
            played  at  Wembley.  When                                                                                          in  Group  I  over  Albania,
            Saka  missed  England’s  last                                                                                       which  beat  Hungary  1-0  on
            penalty  in  the  European                                                                                          Sunday.  Third-placed  Po-
            Championship  final  shoot-                                                                                         land was to play later Sunday
            out  loss  to  Italy.  When  the                                                                                    against San Marino, which is
            youngster was targeted with a                                                                                       last  with  zero  points,  before
            torrent of racist abuse on so-                                                                                      hosting England on Wednes-
            cial  media,  leading  to  police                                                                                   day.  Only  the  top  team  au-
            investigations and arrests.                                                                                         tomatically  qualifies  for  the
            Saka was showered with love                                                                                         tournament in Qatar in No-
            when  he  arrived  back  from                                                                                       vember 2022 with the group
            his summer break to Arsenal                                                                                         runners-up  having  to  go
            to find a wall covered in mes-                                                                                      through playoffs.
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