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Thursday 23 January 2020
A box of masks imported from Japan sits inside a Yifeng Phar-
macy in Wuhan, China, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020.
Associated Press
Science Says: What to
know about the viral
outbreak in China This Dec. 18, 2019 photo shows generic acetaminophen capsules in Santa Ana, Calif.
Associated Press
By The Associated Press ited or worked at the Hua- California considers declaring
Health authorities are nan Seafood Wholesale
break of respiratory illness has since been closed for common pain killer carcinogen
closely watching an out-
Market in Wuhan, which
caused by a new virus that an investigation. Chinese
originated in China. Gov- health officials say they be- By ADAM BEAM been difficult to examine law.
ernments are stepping up lieve the illness first spread SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) because it is hard to isolate A panel of scientists ap-
surveillance of airline pas- from animals to people. — A fight is coming to Cali- it from other variables that pointed by the governor
sengers from central China They now say it can spread fornia over whether to list could contribute to can- can add chemicals to this
and taking other steps to between people. one of the world’s most cer, such as smoking. list. In 2011, the panel voted
try to control the outbreak. HOW WIDESPREAD IS IT? common over-the-counter A state law known as Prop- to make acetaminophen
Here's what you should China has identified more drugs as a carcinogen, osition 65 says California a “high priority” for con-
know about the illness: than 500 cases and 17 echoing recent high-profile must warn people of any sideration because it be-
WHAT IS THE NEW VIRUS? deaths, most of the illnesses battles over things like al- chemical known to cause lieved there was relevant
Scientists have identified and all of the deaths in Hu- cohol and coffee. cancer or reproductive evidence to consider, ac-
it as a new coronavirus. bei province. Cases have The drug is acetamino- toxicity. The state’s list has cording to Sam Delson,
The name comes from also been confirmed in phen, known outside the grown to about 900 chemi- spokesman for the Califor-
the Latin word for crowns Thailand, South Korea, Ja- U.S. as paracetamol and cals, including toxic pesti- nia Office of Environmental
or halos, which corona- pan, the U.S. and Taiwan. used to treat pain and fe- cides and flame retardants, Health Hazard Assessment.
viruses resemble under a The outbreak coincides vers. It is the basis for more and is more extensive than The review process has
microscope. The coronavi- with China's busiest travel than 600 prescription and any in the U.S. Some critics been slow, but the panel is
rus family has many types season as people visit their over-the-counter medica- say California regulators scheduled to have a pub-
that affect people. Some families or go abroad for tions for adults and chil- have been overzealous, lic hearing on the listing
cause the common cold the Lunar New Year holi- dren, found in well-known requiring warning labels this spring after the public
while others originating in day. That travel rush is ex- brands like Tylenol, Exce- for countless products that comment period closes on
bats, camels and other pected to spread the dis- drin, Sudafed, Robitussin confuse instead of inform Jan. 27.
animals have evolved into ease more widely. and Theraflu. consumers when the risk of “It’s a difficult issue be-
more severe illnesses such WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? Acetaminophen has been cancer is disputed. cause it’s a very com-
as SARS — severe acute Common symptoms in- available in the U.S. without Supporters of Prop 65 say monly used drug. But that
respiratory syndrome — or clude a runny nose, head- a prescription since 1955. it protects not only Califor- doesn’t make any differ-
MERS — Middle East respi- ache, cough and fever. Concerns about its poten- nians but consumers na- ence. That’s not what our
ratory syndrome. Shortness of breath, chills tial link to cancer come tionwide by compelling mandate is,” said Thomas
WHERE DID IT COME FROM? and body aches are asso- from its relationship to an- manufacturers to make Mack, chairman of the
The first cases appeared ciated with more danger- other drug: phenacetin. products safer. Carcinogen Identification
last month in Wuhan, a city ous kinds of coronavirus, That drug, once a common Evidence for acetamino- Committee and a profes-
in central China's Hubei according to the U.S. Cen- treatment for headaches phen’s link to cancer has sor of preventive medicine
province. Many of the first ters for Disease Control and and other ailments, was been weak enough that at the University of Southern
people infected had vis- Prevention. q banned by the FDA in 1983 the International Agency California.
because it caused cancer. for Research on Cancer Adding a chemical to the
State regulators have re- declined to list it as a pos- list can have broad reper-
viewed 133 studies about sible carcinogen following cussions. After the state
acetaminophen, all of reviews in 1990 and 1999. listed glyphosate — widely
which were published in The U.S. Food and Drug known as the weed killer
peer-reviewed journals. Administration has warned Roundup — as a carcino-
Some studies reported an state officials that label- gen in 2017, a jury ordered
increased risk of some types ing acetaminophen as the company that makes
of cancers, while others did cancer-causing would be Roundup to pay a Cali-
not. Overall, the review “false and misleading” and fornia couple with cancer
noted acetaminophen has also illegal under federal more than $2 billion. q