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A28    u.s. news
                Diamars 16 November 2021

                          Democrats push for paid family leave ahead of critical votes

            (AP)  —  Longtime  advocates  of  paid  family  and  medical  leave  are  while she and President Joe Biden support the provision, “it looks like it won’t
            scrambling to make sure that the long-sought Democratic priority re-    be a component of this package.”
            mains in a massive social and environmental spending bill after House
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  revived  it.  But  the  outcome  will  likely  come  The paid leave proposal would bring the United States more in line with the
            down to the support of one man.                                         rest of the world’s wealthiest countries, all of which offer some sort of paid
                                                                                    time off. It would give new parents, caregivers and those recovering from ma-
            The one Senate Democrat who opposes including paid leave in the spending  jor illness four weeks of leave — down from the 12 weeks Biden originally
            package is West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a moderate who has used his lever-  proposed. It would temporarily pay workers a portion of their wages, with the
            age in the evenly divided chamber to whittle away some of his party’s most  lowest-income earners earning the highest percentage of their pay.
            ambitious and costly policy proposals.
                                                                                    Manchin hasn’t outright opposed the proposed program. But he has made
            Through cable TV ads, personal conversations on the Senate floor — even  clear that he thinks it shouldn’t be part of the larger bill, citing concerns about
            a banner at a West Virginia University football game — Democrats and ad-  its almost $200 billion cost and worries about the long-term solvency of Social
            vocates are pleading with Manchin to support the paid leave proposal in the  Security. The program’s advocates argue that it would actually increase partici-
            broader $1.85 trillion legislation. The effort is expected to intensify over the  pants’ return to work and help boost the economy.
            coming days and weeks as the House prepares to pass the massive bill and send
            it to the Senate.                                                       Khrista Messinger, a recovering opioid addict in West Virginia who used paid
                                                                                    leave to get help when she suffered a relapse during the pandemic, has been
            “For the sake of West Virginia’s workers, the businesses that employ them,  emailing Manchin and traveled to Washington to lobby him.
            and an economic recovery that works for everyone, Sen. Joe Manchin must
            prioritize passing paid family and medical leave now,” says one radio ad play-  Messinger, who works for the city of Charleston, said in an interview that she
            ing in the state.                                                       probably would not be alive today if her job hadn’t afforded her the paid time
                                                                                    off to get better last year. In one email to Manchin, she noted that more than
            There are no signs yet that the efforts have worked on Manchin, and many  1,200 West Virginians died of overdoses in 2020. She asked him to remember
            Democrats  are  openly  pessimistic  about  the  paid  leave  proposal’s  fate.  On  that number “as you are making excuses for long term sustainability of this
            Sunday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that  bill.”

                                                                                    Dawn Huckelbridge of Paid Leave for All, a group that is helping organize ad-
                                                                                    vocacy efforts in Manchin’s home state, says supporters are doing “everything
                                                                                    we can” to make sure the Senate bill keeps the policy if the House passes it.
                                                                                    After a decadeslong push, “this can’t be the year that we fail at this,” Huckel-
                                                                                    bridge says.

                                                                                    House Democrats, backed by Biden, took the paid leave language out of the
                                                                                    spending package in late October after Manchin’s opposition became clear.
                                                                                    But Pelosi put it back in the bill on Nov. 3, the day after Democrats faced
                                                                                    losses in elections in Virginia and other states. Her move was a nod to Demo-
                                                                                    cratic concerns that the party risked alienating voters by not following through
                                                                                    with their bold campaign promises.

                                                                                    Pelosi said her message to Manchin is that “with all the respect in the world
                                                                                    for the point of view he represents,” she disagrees with him.

                                                                                    Paid leave “fits very comfortably with child care, health care, home care” and
                                                                                    other priorities included in the bill, “and it has the full support of our caucus,”
                                                                                    she said.

                                                                                    After its revival, Manchin insisted that “I’m all for paid leave” but suggested
                                                                                    it should be done outside of the current spending bill, in separate bipartisan
                                                                                    Fellow Democrats have pushed Manchin for weeks to try to get him on board,
                                                                                    especially Sens. Patty Murray of Washington and Kirsten Gillibrand of New
                                                                                    York. Gillibrand said in October that in multiple conversations the West Vir-
                                                                                    ginian had asked “good questions” but was “not focused on specifics” of the

                                                                                    Murray was more blunt, telling reporters that “we are not going to allow one
                                                                                    man to tell all of the women in this country that they can’t have paid leave.”

                                                                                    Advocates hope that the paid leave proposal is stronger now that it died and
                                                                                    was brought back to life by Pelosi.

                                                                                    “This is the one proposal that could touch every household in America,” says
                                                                                    Vicki Shabo of New America, a left-leaning think tank. “The fact that it was
                                                                                    taken out and put back in just demonstrates that there is a real hunger and a
                                                                                    need for paid leave.”

                                                                                    In West Virginia, supporters hope to gain Manchin’s attention and the atten-
                                                                                    tion of his constituents, who live in one of the country’s poorest states.

                                                                                    The banner at the Oct. 30 Mountaineers football game read “Paid Leave for
                                                                                    All.” It’s unclear whether Manchin, a former quarterback for the team, saw it.

                                                                                    “@WVUfootball was an underdog today but got the come from behind vic-
                                                                                    tory in the 4th quarter,” tweeted the group Paid Leave Works for West Virginia,
                                                                                    a coalition of small businesses and non-profits in the state that is pushing for
                                                                                    the policy. “@paidleaveWV is going to leave it all on the field too.”
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