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                                                                                         world news Diamars 16 November 2021

                                UK raises terror threat level after Liverpool taxi blast

            (AP) — British authorities  lence,” he said.              understood, given all the cir-
            raised the country’s threat                               cumstances,  it  has  been  de-
            level to its second-highest  A male passenger in a taxi was  clared  a  terrorist  incident,”
            rung on Monday, after po-    killed and the driver injured  he said at a press briefing.
            lice  said  a  blast  in  a  taxi  when a blast ripped through
            outside  a  Liverpool  hos-  the  vehicle  as  it  pulled  up  He  said  the  passenger  had
            pital  that  killed  one  man  outside the hospital on Sun-  been picked up by the cab a
            and  injured  another  was  day  morning.  Russ  Jackson,  10-minute  drive  away  and
            caused  by  a  homemade  the  head  of  Counterterror-    asked to be taken to the hos-
            bomb.                        ism  Policing  in  northwest  pital, where the explosion oc-
                                         England,  said  the  explosion  curred. The driver, named by
            Investigators  said  they  were  was  caused  by  “the  ignition  local  media  as  David  Perry,
            treating the explosion in Liv-  of  an  explosive  device”  that  managed to escape from the
            erpool as a terrorist incident,  was brought into the vehicle  car.  He  was  treated  in  the
            but that the motive was un-  by the passenger.            hospital and released.
                                         Three men in their 20s were  Police  said  officers  had
            The  Joint  Terrorism  Analy-  arrested elsewhere in the city  searched two addresses in the  Nick Aldworth, a former se-  The Joint Terrorism Analysis
            sis  Centre  raised  the  U.K.  under  the  Terrorism  Act  on  city  linked  to  the  passenger  nior terrorism investigator in  Centre  sets  the  threat  level
            threat  level  from  substantial  Sunday,  and  a  fourth  was  and found “significant items”  Britain, said the taxi appeared  based  on  intelligence  about
            — meaning an attack is like-  detained on Monday. All are  at one of them,             to have sustained “a lot of fire  international  terrorism  at
            ly — to severe, meaning it is  believed  to  be  “associates”                          damage with very little blast  home and overseas.
            highly  likely,  following  the  of the dead passenger, police  Liverpool Mayor Joanne An-  damage.”
            U.K.’s  second  fatal  incident  said.                    derson  said  the  taxi  driver                           Britain  has  experienced  at-
            in  a  month.  Conservative                               locked the doors of his cab so  He said “whatever was in that  tacks  by  both  Islamic  and
            lawmaker  David  Amess  was  Suspicions  about  a  motive  the passenger couldn’t leave.  vehicle was either a low yield  far-right  extremists  over  the
            stabbed to death in October  for  the  explosion  have  been  Police  did  not  confirm  that  or  didn’t  work  properly,  or  years, including a May 2017
            in what police said was an act  aroused by the timing — just  account.                 possibly  an  incendiary.  So  I  suicide bombing at an Ariana
            of terrorism.                before  11  a.m.  on  Remem-                              think it’s very much open to  Grande concert in Manches-
                                         brance  Sunday,  the  moment  “The taxi driver, in his heroic  debate at the moment about  ter that killed 22 people.
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-  people  across  Britain  hold  efforts, has managed to divert  what has happened.”
            son  condemned  the  “sick-  services in memory of those  what could have been an ab-                               Amess  was  stabbed  to  death
            ening  attack”  at  Liverpool  killed in wars.            solutely awful disaster at the  Britain’s  official  terrorism  Oct.  15  while  meeting  with
            Women’s  Hospital  and  told                              hospital,” Anderson told the  threat level was lowered from  constituents,  in  what  police
            reporters  that  the  British  Jackson said investigators had  BBC.                    “severe”  to  “substantial”  in  said  was  an  act  of  terrorism
            people “will never be cowed  not found a link to remem-                                February.  It  has  been  at  se-  by a supporter of the Islam-
            by terrorism.”               brance events, “but it is a line  The prime minister also said  vere  most  of  the  time  since  ic  State  group.  The  slaying
                                         of inquiry we are pursuing.”  the  driver  appeared  to  have  2014, briefly rising to “criti-  came five years after Labour
            “We  will  never  give  in  to                            behaved  “with  incredible  cal”  amid  a  spate  of  violent  Party  lawmaker  Jo  Cox  was
            those who seek to divide us  “Although  the  motivation  presence  of  mind  and  brav-  attacks in 2017.           shot and stabbed to death by
            with  senseless  acts  of  vio-  for this incident is yet to be  ery.”                                              a far-right extremist.

                           EU to add airlines to Belarus sanctions as tensions mount

            (AP)  —  The  European  guards and police. At least 11  deputy foreign minister, said  The  27-country  EU  has  al-  EU  headquarters  said  the
            Union ratcheted up pres-     migrants have died in recent  during  a  discussion  orga-  ready  imposed  four  sets  of  bloc will now be able to tar-
            sure on Belarus by agree-    weeks.                       nized  by  the  German  Mar-  sanctions on Belarus authori-  get  individuals  and  entities
            ing  Monday  to  slap  sanc-                              shall Fund of the U.S.       ties  and  senior  officials  over  organizing or contributing to
            tions  on  airlines  accused  Polish authorities said Mon-                             the disputed election last year  activities by the Lukashenko
            of  helping  Belarus  Presi-  day  that  Belarusian  services  “The  situation  is  unprec-  that returned Lukashenko to  regime  that  “facilitate  illegal
            dent  Alexander  Lukash-     had led a large group of mi-  edented  and  unpredictable,”  office  and  his  government’s  crossing”  of  the  EU’s  exter-
            enko  wage  a  “hybrid  at-  grants  to  a  border  crossing  Przydacz said.           brutal crackdown on peaceful  nal borders. A list of those to
            tack” against the bloc us-   with Poland and made them                                 protesters that followed. Op-  be hit by the asset freezes and
            ing  migrants,  as  tensions  believe they would be trans-  Belarus’  borders  with  Po-  position leaders and Western  travel bans is expected to be
            mounted  on  the  Polish  ported  by  bus  to  Germany.  land,  Lithuania  and  Latvia  nations  have  described  the  finalized shortly.
            and Lithuanian borders.      Polish police broadcast mes-  are  also  the  eastern  borders  vote as a sham.
                                         sages across the border telling  of both the EU and NATO.                              The  EU  believes  Lukash-
            Up  to  4,000  migrants  are  the migrants that “they have  The  EU  says  Lukashenko’s  The  EU  is  preparing  a  fifth  enko  began  luring  migrants
            stuck in makeshift camps in  been deceived.”              authoritarian  regime  has  for  lot  of  sanctions  on  Belarus.  to Belarus as a retaliatory to
            freezing  weather  in  Belarus                            months  invited  migrants  to  On  Monday  the  bloc’s  for-  destabilize  the  bloc,  which
            while  Poland  has  reinforced  “The  Belarusian  side  is  de-  Minsk, many of them Iraqis  eign  ministers  extended  the  has been deeply divided over
            its  border  with  15,000  sol-  liberately escalating the situ-  and Syrians, with the prom-  scope  of  those  measures  to  how  to  manage  migration
            diers,  in  addition  to  border  ation,”  Marcin  Przydacz,  a  ise of helping them across the  add airlines, travel agents and  since well over 1 million peo-
                                                                      border.                      others accused of helping to  ple entered the bloc in 2015.
                                                                                                   bring migrants to Minsk, the
                                                                      Meanwhile,  Lithuanian  offi-  Belarusian capital.        Germany  allowed  in  hun-
                                                                      cials said they were seeing a                             dreds of thousands of people
                                                                      rising number of attempts by  “Today’s decision reflects the  that year, but doesn’t want to
                                                                      migrants  to  cross  its  border  determination  by  the  Euro-  encourage more now.
                                                                      from Belarus.                pean  Union  to  stand  up  to
                                                                                                   the  instrumentalization  of  German  Foreign  Minister
                                                                      “They  try  entering  from  migrants  for  political  pur-  Heiko  Maas  was  asked  in
                                                                      many  other  places  which  poses.  We  are  pushing  back  Brussels if he would support
                                                                      previously  were  not  used,”  on  this  inhuman  and  illegal  Germany  taking  in  people
                                                                      Lithuanian  Interior  Minister  practice,”  EU  foreign  policy  now on the Belarusian side of
                                                                      Agne Bilotaite told reporters.  chief Josep Borrell said.  the border if the flow of mi-
                                                                                                                                grants to Belarus is stopped.
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