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A28    U.S. NEWS
                  Dialuna 9 november 2020

                           Stacey Abrams credited for boosting Democrats in Georgia

            (AP)  —  Stacey  Abrams                                                                                             funded previously.
            spent  years  working  to
            convince  political  power                                                                                          “Change  doesn’t  happen
            players  that  Georgia  is  a                                                                                       overnight,” Carr said. “We’re
            genuine two-party battle-                                                                                           prepared to dig down deeper
            ground,  a  Deep  South                                                                                             and invest further in the po-
            state where the left could                                                                                          litical  possibilities  of  Black
            compete  if  it  organized                                                                                          women’s    leadership.”   In
            Black  voters,  other  spo-                                                                                         one  sign  of  Abrams'  grow-
            radic  voters  and  stopped                                                                                         ing stature, she's becoming a
            apologizing    for   being                                                                                          frequent target of Republican
            Democrats.                                                                                                          attacks.
            She was right.                                                                                                      As  GOP  Sen.  Kelly  Loeffler
                                                                                                                                and U.S. Rep. Doug Collins
            President-elect  Joe  Biden  is                                                                                     battled  for  a  Senate  runoff
            on track to become the first                                                                                        spot, each attacked the other
            Democratic presidential can-                                                                                        for previous associations with
            didate  to  carry  the  state  in                                                                                   Abrams. And when Republi-
            nearly  three  decades.  The                                                                                        cans gathered Friday at state
            state's two U.S. Senate seats                                                                                       GOP headquarters to falsely
            are  heading  to  a  runoff  af-                                                                                    insist Democrats were steal-
            ter  Democratic  candidates                                                                                         ing  the  election  from  Presi-
            mounted strong challenges to                                                                                        dent Donald Trump, Abrams'
            Republican incumbents, and                                                                                          name was invoked.
            the  outcome  is  likely  to  de-
            termine which party controls  experience explosive popula-  Brian  Kemp  in  2022.  She  didates  with  centrist  identi-  “We’re going to fight,” roared
            the chamber.                 tion growth.                 ended  her  2018  campaign  ties.  Jason  Carter,  grandson  Vernon  Jones,  a  Black  state
                                                                      without  explicitly  conceding  of onetime governor and for-  lawmaker  who  backed  the
            Abrams,  the  onetime  can-  Abrams  said  she's  seen  this  defeat  to  Kemp.  She  alleged  mer President Jimmy Carter,  president's re-election. “We’ll
            didate  for  Georgia  governor  moment  coming  over  many  systemic  voter  suppression  challenged  a  Republican  in-  take  on  Antifa,  Black  Lives
            who has become perhaps the  election cycles.              by state elections officials, in-  cumbent governor. Michelle  Matter,  Fair  Fight,  Stacey
            nation's leading voice on vot-  “Georgia has had the poten-  cluding Kemp, who was then  Nunn,  daughter  of  former  Abrams  and  all  of  them.”
            ing  rights,  is  being  credited  tial for years,” she said in an  Georgia’s  secretary  of  state  Sen. Sam Nunn, was nomi-  Trump himself was an accel-
            for paving those inroads. She  interview  shortly  before  the  overseeing his contest against  nated for an open Senate seat.  erating  variable  in  Georgia’s
            raised  millions  of  dollars  to  election.  “It  didn’t  just  start  Abrams.        It was a play for white voters  shift,  pushing  some  white
            organize  and  register  hun-  this  cycle.  This  has  been                           who’d drifted to Republicans  suburbanites  toward  Demo-
            dreds of thousands of voters  work that’s been ongoing for  Kemp steadfastly denied any  in the decades since the elder  crats.
            and used her high profile to  nearly a decade, and I’m just  wrongdoing, but the dispute  Carter and elder Nunn were  In 2018, even as Abrams lost,
            keep the party focused on the  proud to see it come to frui-  resulted in a sharper focus on  Georgia's  dominant  political  Democrat Lucy McBath won
            state.                       tion  and  for  it  to  finally  re-  the state’s election system and  figures.  It  failed  miserably,  an Atlanta-area congressional
                                         ceive the level of investment  intensified Democrats’ atten-  with Republicans winning by  seat once held by Republican
            “There’s a lot of work that’s  it deserves.”              tion  on  voter  registration,  the same wide margins they'd  Newt  Gingrich,  the  former
            gone into this, but Stacey re-                            education  and  turnout.  Af-  secured  previously  to  take  House Speaker. McBath was
            ally is the architect of what’s  That  success  is  fueling  ter her loss, Abrams formed  complete  control  of  Geor-  re-elected  Tuesday.  Demo-
            been  built  in  Georgia,”  said  speculation  about  her  fu-  Fair Fight to raise money to  gia's state and federal offices.  crat   Carolyn   Bourdeaux
            Dubose  Porter,  the  former  ture  prospects.  Some  of  her  organize  voters.  The  2018  Amid the fallout, Abrams as-  flipped the neighboring sub-
            Georgia  Democratic  Party  cheerleaders  envision  her  as  campaign  marked  a  notable  serted  herself.  Democrats,  urban  congressional  district
            chairman  and  an  Abrams  Democratic  National  Com-     shift  in  Georgia  Democrats’  she said, wouldn’t close a gap  Tuesday after a narrow defeat
            mentor. This week’s election  mittee  chairwoman  or  tak-  overall  approach.  In  2014,  measured in the hundreds of  two years ago.
            is the culmination of a politi-  ing  a  prominent  post  in  the  when  Porter  first  insisted  to  thousands  by  changing  the
            cal shift decades in the mak-  Biden administration. Those  the  national  party  that  his  minds of white perennial vot-  Notably,  whatever  damage
            ing.  The  GOP’s  advantage  close  to  Abrams  suggest  her  state  should  be  financed  as  ers. They’d do it by reshaping  Trump  did  to  the  Republi-
            has slowly eroded as Atlanta  likeliest  next  move  is  a  re-  an  emerging  battleground,  the electorate, by exciting the  can  brand  in  the  suburbs,
            and its surrounding suburbs  match with Republican Gov.  Democrats  nominated  can-    expanding  universe  of  po-  he maximized GOP turnout
                                                                                                   tentially  Democratic  voters:  beyond  urban  footprints.  It
                                                                                                   the  youngest  native  white  remains  to  be  seen  whether
                                                                                                   Georgians;  whites  from  be-  that non-metro spike for Re-
                                                                                                   yond  Georgia;  Black  voters  publicans or the shift of sub-
                                                                                                   who cast ballots sporadically;  urban whites toward Demo-
                                                                                                   Black voters moving to Geor-  crats can last beyond Trump.
                                                                                                   gia from other regions; and a  But  Democrats  like  Atlanta
                                                                                                   growing  Latino  and  Asian-  resident  Celeste  Hackett,  a
                                                                                                   American population.         Black,  44-year-old  Ohio  na-
                                                                                                                                tive, see the rest of their co-
                                                                                                   “Stacey  had  the  vision  for  alition  as  a  new,  hardening
                                                                                                   getting to new voters, regis-  baseline.
                                                                                                   tering them, talking to them
                                                                                                   --  and  then  giving  them  a  “We’ve  been  coming  on  for
                                                                                                   reason  to  vote,”  Porter  said.  10  years  now,”  Hackett  said
                                                                                                   Glynda  Carr,  the  president  Saturday, as she joined hun-
                                                                                                   and CEO of Higher Heights,  dreds  of  others  celebrating
                                                                                                   an  organization  focused  on  Biden’s  victory  in  Atlanta's
                                                                                                   electing  Black  women,  said  Freedom Park, near the Cart-
                                                                                                   Democratic success in Geor-  er Presidential Library. “Stac-
                                                                                                   gia  is  the  result  of  work  led  ey was the signal that it could
                                                                                                   by  Black  women  organiz-   happen.  Well,  it’s  happened.
                                                                                                   ers  whose  efforts  have  been  And  we’re  going  to  make  it
                                                                                                   impactful but largely under-  happen again in January.”
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