Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201109
P. 30

A30    world news
                  Dialuna 9 november 2020

                              First plane with Israeli tourists lands in UAE after deal

                                                                                                                                month. The airline described
                                                                                                                                Sunday's  flight  as  a  "com-
                                                                                                                                mercial charter flight" for the
                                                                                                                                incoming  tourists,  without
                                                                                                                                It  comes  as  Israel  and  the
                                                                                                                                UAE, which had maintained
                                                                                                                                covert  contacts  for  years,
                                                                                                                                brought their diplomatic re-
                                                                                                                                lationship out into the open.
                                                                                                                                It signed a normalization deal
                                                                                                                                with Israel alongside Bahrain
                                                                                                                                at a White House ceremony
                                                                                                                                in  September,  making  the
                                                                                                                                them  the  third  and  fourth
                                                                                                                                Arab  nations  to  currently
                                                                                                                                have peace with Israel.

                                                                                                                                But  while  Egypt  and  Jordan
                                                                                                                                earlier  signed  peace  deals,
                                                                                                                                the  UAE  has  said  it  antici-
                                                                                                                                pates having a “warm” peace
                                                                                                                                with  Israel.  The  Emirates
                                                                                                                                also hopes the deal with aid
                                                                                                                                its  efforts  to  purchase  ad-
                                                                                                                                vanced F-35 fighter jets from
            (AP)  —  The  first  flight  in  Tel  Aviv  earlier  Sunday  flight  said  it  was  not  their  are  here  today  to  normalize  the U.S. The deals also unite
            carrying Israeli tourists to  morning to pick up the pas-  first time to the UAE, but all  the normalization in reality.”  three  nations  that  remain
            the United Arab Emirates  sengers.                        said they were excited to be                              suspicious of Iran.
            landed Sunday in the city-                                in  Dubai.  The  tourists  were  The arrival of tourists comes
            state  of  Dubai,  the  latest  The flight flew across Saudi  joined by a number of busi-  as  Dubai  in  particular  tries  However, the agreements did
            sign of the normalization  Arabia and then over the wa-   nessmen  eager  for  opportu-  to  revive  its  vital  tourism  not address the decades-long
            deal reached between the  ters  of  the  Persian  Gulf  to  nities in the Emirates.    industry  amid  the  ongoing  conflict  between  Israel  and
            two nations.                 reach  the  UAE,  a  federation  “There  is  no  doubt  that  the  coronavirus  pandemic.  The  the  Palestinians,  who  view
                                         of  seven  sheikhdoms  also  normalization between Israel  UAE  and  Israel  have  agreed  the pacts as a stab in the back
            FlyDubai flight No. FZ8194  home to Abu Dhabi.            and the UAE will bring good  to launch regular commercial  from  their  fellow  Arabs  and
            landed at Dubai International  The flight, put together by an  things and benefit to the Ar-  flights  between  their  coun-  a betrayal of their cause for a
            Airport  just  after  5:40  p.m.,  Israeli  company  called  Gaya  abs inside Israel. There is no  tries soon, while other recent  Palestinian  state.  The  agree-
            bringing  the  tourists  to  the  Tours,  saw  Jewish  Israelis  doubt about that," said Hus-  flights  have  carried  business  ments, which were seen as a
            skyscraper-studded  city  after  and a number of Arab Israelis  sein Suleiman, the head of an  and  governmental  delega-  foreign policy win for Presi-
            a nearly three-hour trip. The  on board. Many of the Jew-  Arab  businessmen's  delega-  tions.                     dent Donald Trump ahead of
            low-cost carrier had sent one  ish Israelis wore kippah head  tion on board the flight. "We                         the Nov. 3 election, now face
            of  its  Boeing  737s  to  Ben-  coverings.               are supportive of this deal and  FlyDubai  plans  to  begin  its  the incoming administration
            Gurion International Airport  Many  of  the  people  on  the  of the normalization, and we  flights  to  Tel  Aviv  later  this  of President-elect Joe Biden.

                                   Berlin bids farewell to Tegel airport after 60 years

            (AP) — Berlin bid farewell                                                             which was able to break the  ers,  however,  for  its  conve-
            Sunday  to  the  German                                                                Soviet blockade by 1949 — a  nient  location  near  the  cen-
            capital’s   central   Tegel                                                            key moment in the Cold War  ter  of  the  city,  and  compact
            airport,  beloved  by  some                                                            that demonstrated the West-  layout that meant passengers
            and  reviled  by  others,  as                                                          ern  Allies’  resolve  to  stand  could disembark a flight, pick
            it shifts all air traffic to a                                                         beside West Germany.         up their luggage and be in a
            new  hub  on  the  outskirts                                                                                        taxi within a few dozen me-
            of the city.                                                                           The  first  commercial  flights  ters.  The  city  government
                                                                                                   began  in  1960,  when  Air  planned  to  close  it  in  2011,
            On Saturday, airlines moved                                                            France started regular service  but the delays in the opening
            their  last  planes  stationed                                                         to Tegel.                    of BER meant that it had to
            at  Tegel  to  the  new  Berlin                                                        Tegel’s facilities had become  be kept open.
            Brandenburg  Airport  Willy                                                            taxed,  however,  by  the  in-  A majority of Berliners voted
            Brandt, which finally opened                                                           creased traffic to Berlin after  in a non-binding referendum
            at  the  end  of  October  nine                                                        German  reunification  when  in  2017  to  keep  Tegel  open,
            years  late  and  far  above  its                                                      the city again became the cap-  but  the  city  said  the  result
            original budget.                                                                       ital. Area residents frequently  couldn’t be implemented for
                                                                                                   complained of noise, and its  legal and financial reasons.
            The  final  scheduled  flight  The  oldest,  the  American  Tegel, a site used for airships  runways were also unable to
            took  off  Sunday  afternoon  sector’s  Tempelhof  Airport,  in the early 1900s and later an  handle the largest jumbo jets  The  city  plans  now  to  turn
            from Tegel, an Air France jet  was  closed  in  2008  and  its  air force training area during  typically  used  for  long-haul  the  facility  into  a  research
            to Paris, a tribute to the first  main  area  is  now  parkland.  the Nazi era, was constructed  flights,  meaning  that  Ber-  and industrial park for urban
            commercial  flight  from  the  Britain’s  Gatow  airport  was  rapidly in 1948 as a response  lin  travelers  would  usually  technology in the future. As
            airport  flown  by  the  airline  shuttered  in  1994,  and  the  to  the  Soviet  blockade  of  have to transfer in Frankfurt  a precaution in case there are
            60 years ago.                Soviet  Schoenefeld  Airport,  West Berlin, when the West-  or  other  hubs  before  flying  any more kinks to be worked
            During  the  Cold  War  when  located  in  the  surrounding  ern  Allies  had  to  supply  the  to North America or farther  out at the new airport, how-
            Berlin  was  divided  into  state of Brandenburg in what  city entirely by air.        afield.                      ever, Tegel will remain opera-
            French,  American,  British  was  communist  East  Ger-                                                             tional as a backup for another
            and Soviet sectors, each had  many, was expanded into the  It  became  a  critical  hub  for  It was much beloved by busi-  half-year but no more flights
            its own airport.             new so-called BER.           the  Berlin  Airlift  operation,  ness travelers and many oth-  are planned.
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